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CKCU Literary News: All playlists

Date Host Highlight On Demand
9:30 AM  Jan. 29th, 2025 Hans G. Ruprecht Entretien en profondeur (40 min.) avec Alain RAIMBAULT, poète, auteur de nouvelles, de romans et de livres pour jeunes. D'origine française, il réside au Québec.
9:30 AM  Jan. 22nd, 2025 Hans G. Ruprecht Feature interview with celebrated poet and internationally acclaimed author of many books of fiction, Cyril DABYDEEN, based in Ottawa.
9:30 AM  Jan. 15th, 2025 Hans G. Ruprecht & Clayton McKee Author, translator, and https:/​/​​|Central European literary life web master Michael STEIN, who is fiction editor for the Prague-based lit journal B O D Y talking on his writing and publishing activities with radio director Clayton McKee.
9:30 AM  Jan. 8th, 2025 Hans G. Ruprecht Marlyse L.K. Assonken-Sobtafo, who holds a master's in Nutrition and Integrative health from the Maryland University of Integrative Health, in conversation about her book 'Eat TROPICAL to Heal' (Bloomington, Balboa Press, 2024).
9:30 AM  Jan. 1st, 2025 Friederike KNABE & Hans G. RUPRECHT Special New Year's broadcast /​ Pour la libération immédiate de BOUALEM SANSAL, écrivain algérien et citoyen français, arrêté á Alger en novembre 2024 et toujours retenu en captivité.
9:30 AM  Dec. 25th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Christmas Day Special: Poetry and Classical music
9:30 AM  Dec. 18th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht & Monique Naccache L'Honorable Jacques SAADA, homme politique canadien ayant occupé de hautes fonctions politiques, y compris le portefeuille du Ministre de la Francophonie, est interviewé par Monique Naccache sur son autobiographie 'Du jasmin à l'érable' (Balzac, 2023).
9:30 AM  Dec. 11th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Petrer Edwards & Kevin Loring in conversation about their book LYTTON Climate change, Colonialism and Life before fire (Random House Canada, 2024).
9:30 AM  Dec. 4th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Launching SURINORTE - Antología de la Poesía en Español en Canadá, edited by Luciano Díaz and Jorge Etcheverry (La cita trunca /​ Verbum Veritas 2024).
9:30 AM  Nov. 27th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Dr. Klemens KLEMMER - celebrating the great poet and literary critic Ludwig Tiek on his 250th year of birth.
9:30 AM  Nov. 20th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Acclaimed journalist and award-winning author Carol Off talking about her new book AT A LOSS FOR WORDS Conversation in an Age of Rage (Random House Canada 2024) with journalist Adrian Harewood at the Ottawa International Writers Festival, Fall 2024.
9:30 AM  Nov. 13th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Co-authors Peter Edwards and Kevin Loring about their book LYTTON /​ Climate Change, Colonialism and Life Before The Fire (Penguin Random House Canada, 2024); moderated by Paul Wells.
9:30 AM  Nov. 6th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Fawn Parker in conversation at PERFECT BOOKS in Ottawa about her new novel "Hi, It's Me" (McClelland & Stewart 2024).
9:30 AM  Oct. 23rd, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht The 2024 FUNDING DRIVE SPECIAL broadcast
9:30 AM  Oct. 16th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Ingrid McCarthy in conversation about her carreer as community organizer, a stage director and author of many books, including her new novel called "Anna's Shadow" (2024).
9:30 AM  Oct. 9th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht PERFECT BOOKS 30th Anniversary - SPECIAL broadcast: Interviews and conversations recorded in the bookstore on 258A Elgin Street in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada).
9:30 AM  Oct. 2nd, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Ramón Sepúlveda in conversation about the FERIA IBEROAMERICANA DEL LIBRO EN CANADÁ : Canadian Ibero-American Book fair ♦️ Literay events and sales on OCT 5, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Archives Canada, 395 Wellington Street.
9:30 AM  Sep. 25th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Entretien en profondeur avec l'écrivain algérien Afif MOUATS, Dr en littérature française et professeur au collège sur ses recherches et la vie littéraire en Algérie.
9:30 AM  Sep. 18th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht & Bettina Johl, guest editor Schooling and Ethics of Education in the era of the ENLIGHTENMENT in Mark Brandenburg: The Reckahn Project /​ Ethik in Erziehung und Bildung im Licht der AUFKLÄRUNG: Das Reckahner Schulprojekt in der Mark Brandenburg.
9:30 AM  Sep. 11th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Prof. Michael E. Mann with Science journalist Sarah Everts about his book "Our Fragile Moment: How Lessons from Earth's Past Can Help Us Survive the Climate Crisis" (Public Affairs, 2023), part 2.
9:30 AM  Sep. 4th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Prof. Michael E. Mann with Science journalist Sarah Everts about his book "Our Fragile Moment: How Lessons from Earth's Past Can Help Us Survive the Climate Crisis' (Public Affairs, 2023) at the Ottawa International Writers Festival, part 1.
9:30 AM  Aug. 28th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht & Sylvan Hecht Summer program (replay # 5): Sylvan Hecht at the Festival d'Avignon reporting for CKCU-FM93.1
9:30 AM  Aug. 21st, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Summer program (replay # 4) Noticias literarias de Latininoamérica /​ Latin American literary news.
9:30 AM  Aug. 14th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Summer program (replay # 3) Drew Hayden Taylor in conversation about his novel 'Cold' (McClelland & Stewart 2024)
9:30 AM  Aug. 7th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Summer program (replay # 2) Entrevue: Amadou Ba, historien d'origine sénégalaise.
9:30 AM  Jul. 31st, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Summer program (replay # 1): New science books, including by indigenous scientists at the Ottawa International Writers Festival, Spring Edition, 2024.
9:30 AM  Jul. 24th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Award winning author ALEXANDER BOLDIZAR about his new novel THE MAN WHO SAW SECONDS (2024), "explores the nature of time, the brain as a prediction machine, and the tension between the individual and the systems we create."
9:30 AM  Jul. 17th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Tiziano CRUZ, artiste interdisciplinaire autochtone argentin interviewé sur ses spectacles »Soliloquio« et »Wayqeycuna« par Sylvan HECHT, correspondant de CKCU-FM93.1 | Literary News, au Festival d‘Avignon 2024; interprète: Pascale Fougère.
9:30 AM  Jul. 10th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Tamara Cubas (Montevideo), conceptrice, metteuse en scène et scénographe du rituel-spectacle "Sea of Silence" avec Sylvan Hecht, correspondant de CKCU-FM 93.1 en France, au Festival d'Avignon, interprété de l'espagnol par Pascale Fougère.
9:30 AM  Jul. 3rd, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Co-authors Peter Edwards and Kevin Loring about their book LYTTON /​ Climate Change, Colonialism and Life Before The Fire (Penguin Random House Canada, 2024); moderated by Paul Wells.
9:30 AM  Jun. 26th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friderieke Knabe In Praise of Indigenous Knowledge: Friederike Knabe in conversation about new books by Dr. Jennifer Grenz and Dr. Joshua Whitehead
9:30 AM  Jun. 19th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Monique Naccache: Entrevue de SARAH MOSTREL sur son livre 'FEMMES INSPIRANTES' (Éditions Non Nobis, 2023).
9:30 AM  Jun. 12th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Franz KAFKA (Jul 3, 1883 - Jun 3, 1924) Centennial, special broadcast with Dr. Klemens Klemmer.
9:30 AM  Jun. 5th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Prof. Michael E. Mann in conversation at the Ottawa International Writers Festival, Spring Edition 2024, about his new book 'Our Fragile Moment. How Lessons from the Earth's Past Can Help Us Survive the Climate Crisis' - part 2.
9:30 AM  May. 29th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Prof. Michael E. Mann in conversation (part 1) with Sarah Everts about his book "Our Fragile Moment: How Lessons from Earth's Past Can Help Us Survive the Climate Crisis' (Public Affairs, 2023) at the Ottawa International Writers Festival, 2024.
9:30 AM  May. 22nd, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Entretien du dr. Amadou Ba, historien et chercheur d'origine sénégalaise sur ses publications récentes.
9:30 AM  May. 15th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Blue Metropolis – Encounters between Quebec and Wales: "Aviary" which is a short-story evoking memories of places in Berlin (Germany) by Llŷr Gwyn Lewis - as a tribute to Nobel Prize laureate Alice Munro, who died May 13, 2024 aged 92.
9:30 AM  May. 8th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Gwynne DYER in conversation with Prof. Jennifer Baker (UofO) about his new book 'Intervention Earth /​ Life-saving Ideas from World's Climate Engeneers' (Random House Canada, 2024) at the 48th OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL WRITERS FESTIVAL- Spring Edition 2024.
9:30 AM  May. 1st, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht The OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL FOOD & BOOK EXPO 2024 - a look back.
9:30 AM  Apr. 24th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Literay News: Latin America
9:30 AM  Apr. 17th, 2024 Dr.Hans G. Ruprecht & Dr. Klemens Klemmer Immanuel Kant's birth tercentenary, on 22 April, 2024.
9:30 AM  Apr. 10th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Dr. Sabine DOERING, Prof. of modern German literature at the University of Oldenburg, Germany, presenting her new book FRIEDRICH HÖLDERLIN /​ Biographie seiner Jugend (Wallstein, 2022) at the Hölderlin Haus in Lauffen a/​Neckar (Baden-Württemberg).
9:30 AM  Apr. 3rd, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Raymond Samuels, coordinator of the OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL FOOD & BOOK EXPO 2024 in conversation.
9:30 AM  Mar. 20th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe The Leipzig Book Fair 2024
9:30 AM  Mar. 13th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Play-wright, novelist and non-fiction writer Drew Hayden Taylor in conversation at Perfect Books in Ottawa about his new novel "Cold" (2024).
9:30 AM  Mar. 6th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht ENTREVUE de Michèle LAFRAMBOISE, auteure de science fichtion, de nouvelles, d'écofiction, de bandes dessinées et de romans jeunesse est lauréate du prix Aurora (2005), du prix Solaris (2006) et du prix Trillium jeunesse (2023).
9:30 AM  Feb. 28th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Au Salon du livre de l'Outaouais 2024: Entrevues de Mac Loris Mugisha, Didier Leclair (né Didier Kabagema) et d'André Blondel Tonleu Mendou.
9:30 AM  Feb. 21st, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Rendez-vous au Salon du livre de l'Outaouais 2024, au Bar à mots, le 22 février, de 16H à 17H. Please join us there for tea tomorrow, at Bar à mots, FEB 22, 2024, 16-17 p.m.
9:30 AM  Feb. 14th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Two Canadian writers of African descent in context: International perspectives on Black History Month 2024.
9:30 AM  Feb. 7th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Luise von Flotow on translating fiction.
9:30 AM  Jan. 31st, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht & Dr. Klemens Klemmer "Ludwig Tieck im Jubiläumsjahr seines 250. Geburtstags mit Schlaglichtern auf die Geschichte der Deutschen Romantik" - ein Radioessay (1:27:00 lang) von CKCU-FM Literary News Deutschlandkorrespondent Dr. Klemens KLEMMER.
9:30 AM  Jan. 24th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Irish 19th c. literature in the US - Patrick R. O'Malley, "The Irish and the Imagination of Race: White Supremacy Across the Atlantic in the Nineteenth Century" (U Virginia Press, 2023); in cooperation with New Books Network.
9:30 AM  Jan. 17th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Polish poet, novelist, essayist and scholar, ANNA FRAJLICH- ZAJAC in conversation.
9:30 AM  Jan. 10th, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Sabine Aussenac sur ROSE AUSLÄNDER, "UNE GRANDE VOIX JUIVE DE LA BUCOVINE'' - entrevue.
9:30 AM  Jan. 3rd, 2024 Hans G. Ruprecht Poetic New Year's greetings with Sabine Aussenac - écrivain, poète, journaliste porteuse de projet (Toulouse, France).
9:30 AM  Dec. 20th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht - Seasonal Music & Poetry -
9:30 AM  Dec. 13th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Interview de fond (40 min.) de l'essayiste PHLIPPE BERNIER ARCAND, lauréat du Prix littéraire du Gouverneur géneral du Canada, catégorie essai, pour 'Faux Rebelles /​ Les Dérives du "politiquement incorrect" (Editions Poètes de brousse, Montréal, 2022).
9:30 AM  Dec. 6th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Advent in a small German town.
9:30 AM  Nov. 29th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht New 'climate fiction' in light of the issues debated at COP28 Dubai, UAE.
9:30 AM  Nov. 22nd, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Latin American Literary News - fall edition 2023
9:30 AM  Nov. 15th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU SPECIAL Funding Drive BROADCAST
9:30 AM  Nov. 8th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU-FM 93.1 | Literary News Annual Funding Drive special broadcast # 1
9:30 AM  Nov. 1st, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Award winning authors Jenny ERPENBECK and David BERGEN at the Ottawa international Writers Festival - Fall 2023 Edition.
9:30 AM  Oct. 25th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Great EUROPEAN Literary Awards 2023
9:30 AM  Oct. 18th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Présentation du roman LA COLOMBE (Éd. David, 2023) par Ian Thomas Shaw, auteur et traducteur, à la Librairie du soleil ( Ottawa ).
9:30 AM  Oct. 11th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht JON OLAV FOSSE, Nobel Prize in Literature 2023
9:30 AM  Oct. 4th, 2023 Hans G. RUPRECHY Roy Mac GREGOR in conversation at PERFECT BOOKS in Ottawa about his new book.
9:30 AM  Sep. 27th, 2023 Hans G. RUPRECHT Rebroadcast
9:30 AM  Sep. 20th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU-Literary News - summer 2o23
9:30 AM  Sep. 6th, 2023 Hans G. RUPRECHT Summer program SEP 6, 2023
9:30 AM  Aug. 30th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Summer program AUG 30, 2023.
9:30 AM  Aug. 23rd, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Summer program - AUG 23, 2023
9:30 AM  Aug. 16th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Summer program selection - AUG 16, 2023.
9:30 AM  Aug. 16th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Summer program selection - AUG 16, 2023, 9:30 AM ET and ON DEMAND.
9:30 AM  Aug. 9th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Summer program 2023.
9:30 AM  Aug. 2nd, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Summer program - AUG 2, 2023
9:30 AM  Jul. 26th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht SUMMER PROGRAM 2023
9:30 AM  Jul. 19th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht
9:30 AM  Jul. 12th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Summer program 2023
9:30 AM  Jul. 5th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Summer program 2023
9:30 AM  Jun. 28th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Luise von Flotow in conversation at PERFECT BOOKS in Ottawa about her translation from the German into English of DIE WELT IM RÜCKEN by Thomas MELLE (Rowohlt - Berlin Verlag, 2016), published as THE WORLD AT MY BACK by Biblioasis (Windsor, ON 2023).
9:30 AM  Jun. 21st, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht. June 21 - NATIONAL INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY /​ La Journée nationale des peuples authochtones. - Special broadcast.
9:30 AM  Jun. 14th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht and Azza Dridi. Relaunching a new program segment devoted to literary works and achievements by writers of Maghrebian countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya).
9:30 AM  Jun. 7th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Broadcasting from Strathcona Park, Ottawa, with Senior correspondent Friederike KNABE in conversation on CKCU-FM 93.1 |Literary News.
9:30 AM  May. 31st, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Échos du Café-Rencontre de l'AAA0, Gatineau (Québec).
9:30 AM  May. 24th, 2023 Alberto Quero & Hans G. Ruprecht Literary news from Latin American countries - Spring edition, 2023.
9:30 AM  May. 17th, 2023 Adrian Harewood / H.G. Ruprecht Kai Thomas in conversation at PERFECT BOOKS (Ottawa) about his novel 'IN THE UPPER COUNTRY', published by VIKING /​ Penguin Random House Canada, Limited, 2023.
9:30 AM  May. 10th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht John VAILLANT presenting his book 'FIRE WEATHER - The Making Of A Beast (Penguin Random House, 2023) at the Ottawa International Writers Festival - Spring edition, 2023.
9:30 AM  May. 3rd, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU-Literary News Senior correspondent Friederike Knabe in conversation about the Leipzig Book Fair 2023, and the Ottawa International Writers Festival.
9:30 AM  Apr. 26th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Café-Rencontre du mois d'avril 2023 de l'Association des auteurs et auteures de l'Outaouais, Gatineau (Québec).
9:30 AM  Apr. 19th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Joining the international environmental movement on "Mother Earth Day" APR 22. Pour la Journée internationale de la terre 2023.
9:30 AM  Apr. 12th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Pour tout savoir -- ou presque, in EN /​ en FR -- sur l'événement littéraire incontournable du printemps 2023 à Paris: Une émission spéciale /​ a SPECIAL BROADCAST. Thanks for listening to CKCU-FM93.1 | Literary News http:/​/​​BSrsc
9:30 AM  Apr. 5th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Indigenous languages in Canada and literature.
9:30 AM  Mar. 29th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht. Nous sommes des millions... à travers le monde.
9:30 AM  Mar. 22nd, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Échos du Café-Rencontre, en mars 2023, de l'Association des auteurs et auteures de l'Outaouais à Gatineau, Québec - 2e émission de radio.
9:30 AM  Mar. 15th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Échos du Café-Rencontre, en mars 2023, de l'Association des auteurs et auteures de l'Outaouais à Gatineau, Québec.
9:30 AM  Mar. 8th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht. Migrants Shaping Europe, Past and Present: Multilingual Literatures, Arts, and Cultures (Manchester UP, 2022), edited by Prof. Helen Solterer (Duke U) and Prof. Vincent Joos (Florida State U.).
9:30 AM  Mar. 1st, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht. & Friederike Knabe. 4th Special broadcast for Black History Month 2023 including recent historical perspectives on works by Sheila MURRAY, George Elliott CLARKE, Ian WILLIAMS, and about Claude McKAY.
9:30 AM  Feb. 22nd, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht. UKRAINE still at war. February 24th, 2022-2023. A tribute to the heroic struggle of its people through Ukrainian music and poetry.
9:30 AM  Feb. 15th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht. Awardwinning Canadian authores of African and Carbbean descent presented by Senior CKCU-FM93.1 | Literary News correspondent Friederike KNABE.
9:30 AM  Feb. 8th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU-Literay News Senior correspondent Friederike KNABE in conversation about the winners of this year's Writers' Trust McClelland & Stewart Journey Prize.
9:30 AM  Feb. 1st, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht Sending off Black History Month 2023 -- le Mois de l’histoire des Noirs au Canada.
9:30 AM  Jan. 25th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht For International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27, 2023: Friederike Knabe and Dorothy Lotmann-Kessler in conversation (EN) about Ursula KRECHEL's award winning novel «State Justice» (Landgericht, 2012, Vienna: Jung und Jung Verlag 2012).
9:30 AM  Jan. 18th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht & Dr. Klemens Klemmer Ein Radioessay von Dr. Klemens Klemmer zum 200. Todesjahr von Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann (1776 -1822), er war Kammergerichtsrat, Schriftsteller, Musikkritiker, Komponist und Maler.
9:30 AM  Jan. 11th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht ♦️Entrevue en profondeur de Lise GAUVIN, poète, nouvelliste et romancière; critique littéraire et professeure émérite (Université de Montréal), sur son roman ET TOI, COMMENT VAS-TU ? (Leméac Éditeur, 2021) et sur sa conception de la francophonie. -
9:30 AM  Jan. 4th, 2023 Hans G. Ruprecht. A special broadcast as an expression of solidarity with Ukrainian writers, poets, translators, artists and journalists in times of war.
9:30 AM  Dec. 28th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht A special broadcast extending our heartfelt sympathies to numerous people in Canada and the United States, who lost some of their neighbors, friends and loved ones due to the recent 'historic' Winter Storm.
9:30 AM  Dec. 21st, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Esteban Bedoya, escritor, arquitecto y diplomático paraguayo, entrevistado por Silvia Alfaro, directora de la Feria Iberoamericana del Libro en Canadá (FILibro Canadá 2022) en Arts Court Ottawa, 29 de octubre 2022.
9:30 AM  Dec. 14th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU-FM93.1 | Literary News Senior correspondent Friederike Knabe about the prestigious Governor General's Awards for Literature 2022, a repeat.
9:30 AM  Dec. 7th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht La presencia judía y la historia del antisemitismo en Argentina: Dr. Emmanuel N. Kahan, profesor de Historia social argentina (Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Buenos Aires) explica una problemática central de su campo de investigaciones.
9:30 AM  Nov. 30th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht. Historical and cultural perspectives upon the current protest movement in Iran. Mehdi in conversation...
9:30 AM  Nov. 23rd, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht and Friederike Knabe, Senior CKCU_LitNews corespondent, in cversation about: the Governor General Awards for Literature 2022 /​ Les lauréats des Prix littéraires 2022 du Gouverneur du Canada.
9:30 AM  Nov. 16th, 2022 French novelist Sarah Oling and host Hans G. Ruprecht in conversation. Sarah OLING, interview. Sur son nouvel roman 'Au nom des Oiseaux. Préface de Gérard Netter' (Donjon Editions, 2022) ISBN 97-10-96413-62-2
9:30 AM  Nov. 9th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU-FM 93.1 | Literary News 2nd SPECIAL FUNDING DRIVE BROADCAST with Senior correspondent Friederike Knabe.
9:30 AM  Nov. 2nd, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht First 2022 VERY SPECIAL‼️ Annual Funding Drive broadcast. PLEASE join us with your donations at https:/​/​​en/​charities/​CKCU/​ 🙏🏻 Thank you so much for listening to CKCU-FM 93.1| Literary News. Merci beaucoup de votre fidelité d'écoute.
9:30 AM  Oct. 26th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Novelist and poet Bettina Johl talking about German children's literature with her pupils at Theodor-Heuss-Schule, Gemeinschaftsschule (elementary community school) Brackenheim, Baden-Württemberg (Germany).
9:30 AM  Oct. 19th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Internationnally acclaimed Austrian authors Peter GRUBER and Bodo HELL in conversation about their many years' experience as shepherds of cattle and mountain goats in the Eastern Alps (Dachstein Mountains), where they're used to work during the summer.
9:30 AM  Oct. 12th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht The Nobel Prize in Literature 2022, as awarded on October 6th to French author Annie Ernaux.
9:30 AM  Oct. 5th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht British activist and poet Philip BURTON originally interviewed on Trafika EUROPE Radio about his new collection of poetry, 'Gaia Warnings' (Palewell :Press, 2021) – an authorized rebroadcast.
9:30 AM  Sep. 28th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Prof. Dr. Jessica C.E. GIENOW-HECHT (Freie Universität Berlin) in conversation about 'Cultural Diplomacy', 'Nation Branding', and 'The Liberal Script'.
9:30 AM  Sep. 21st, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht South African novelist Damon GALGUT in conversation (English) with Anne-Dore Krohn at ilb 22, the INTERNATIONALES LITERATURFESTIVAL BERLIN, Sep. 2022, about his novel 'The Promise' https:/​/​​wiki/​The_Promise_(Galgut_novel)
9:30 AM  Sep. 14th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht & Kate Tsurkan Polish-born writer Agnieszka Dale, now based in London, talks about her experience as a transplant to the UK and to English language.
9:30 AM  Sep. 7th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Literary news from Latin America.
9:30 AM  Aug. 3rd, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Literary news from Europe, the Commonwealth and Canada, with Friederike Knabe, Senior correspondent.
9:30 AM  Jul. 27th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Feature interview (in French, detailed introductory remarks in English) with award-winning poet, writer, literary translator, and journalist Maggy DE COSTER who is based in France.
9:30 AM  Jul. 20th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Encore presentation:🔻A feature interview with Oksana MAKSYMCHUK, the award-winning Ukrainian American literary translator, scholar and poet. -
9:30 AM  Jul. 13th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Founding director of 'Augenblick !' Theatre Ottawa, Jörg Esleben, and actors Klaus Kostenbauer and Rubin Friedman in conversation (EN) about Johann Nestroy's (1801-1862) play DER TALISMAN, and mid-19th-century Vienna.-
9:30 AM  Jul. 6th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht African perspectives on decolonization: Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o
9:30 AM  Jun. 29th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Before kicking off the summer program 2022 for July and August: An extended literary newscast about the latest from Europe, Canada, and the Commonwealth. With Senior correspondent Friederike KNABE, bringing to focus the highlights of the past season.
9:30 AM  Jun. 22nd, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the MONTREAL REVIEW OF BOOKS: Editor Malcolm Fraser in conversation.
9:30 AM  Jun. 15th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Founding director of 'Augenblick !' Theatre Ottawa, Jörg Esleben, and actors Klaus Kostenbauer and Rubin Friedman in conversation (EN) about Johann Nestroy's (1801-1862) play DER TALISMAN, and mid-19th-century Vienna.-
9:30 AM  Jun. 8th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Entrevue en profondeur de Lise GAUVIN, poète, nouvelliste et romancière; critique littéraire et professeure émérite (Université de Montréal), sur son roman ET TOI, COMMENT VAS-TU ? (Leméac Éditeur, 2021) et la francophonie.
9:30 AM  Jun. 1st, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe The Dublin Literary Award 2022 and the International Booker Prize 2022 in critical perspective.
9:30 AM  May. 25th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Novalis at 250. Celebrating the life and works of Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg (2 May 1772-25 March 1801), who is one of the foremost figures of Early German Romanticism (Jenaer Romantik).
9:30 AM  May. 18th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht & Trafika Europe Radio A conversation with Veera TYHTILÄ, who is an internationally acclaimed playwright, screenwriter, dramaturge, essayist, translator and poet based in Helsinki, Uusimaa (Finland).
9:30 AM  May. 11th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht A feature interview with Oksana MAKSYMCHUK, the award-winning Ukrainian American literary translator, scholar and poet.
9:30 AM  May. 4th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht & Dr. Klemens KLEMMER. Dr. Klemens KLEMMER zum 200. Todestag des Historikers, Theologen, Soldaten und Schrifstellers Friedrich Christian LAUKHARD (1757-1822), ein einzigartiger deutscher Radikalaufklärer, Zeitzeuge der Französischen Revolution, und der Wahrheit verpflichtet.
9:30 AM  Apr. 27th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Le Festival du Livre de Paris 2022 ~ Impressions and perspectives.
9:30 AM  Apr. 20th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Latin American Literary News - Spring 2022
9:30 AM  Apr. 13th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Entretien de fond avec Denis MORIN, poète, romancier, auteur de pièces de théâtre, traducteur et blogueur québécois.
9:30 AM  Apr. 6th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe European and Canadian authors in the news: Karl-Markus Gauß, Tomer Gardi, Anne Weber, Uljana Wolf. Leanne BETASAMOSAKE SIMPSON, Catherine Hernandez, Michelle Good, Omar El Akkad, Esi Edugyan.
9:30 AM  Mar. 30th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Critical perspectives upon the study of Humanities: History and current crisis; in collaboration with New Books Network.
9:30 AM  Mar. 23rd, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht A look back at the Leipzig Book Fair, and forth to the London Book Fair, the Festival du livre de Paris, and much more.
9:30 AM  Mar. 16th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht & author Fiona Sampson, RSL Fellow. Encore ON AIR: Author and TRAFIKA Europe Radio host Fiona Sampson in conversation with esteemed Ukranian writers, poets and translators Maria GALINA and Iya KIVA about literary life before the war and conditions in Ukraine at the present moment.
9:30 AM  Mar. 9th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht & author Fiona Sampson, RSL Fellow. Award-winning author and TRAFIKA Europe Radio host Fiona Sampson in conversation with esteemed Ukranian writers, poets and translators Maria GALINA and Iya KIVA about literary life before the war and conditions in Ukraine at the present moment.
9:30 AM  Mar. 2nd, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861) - celebrated for his 'Kobzar'.
9:30 AM  Feb. 23rd, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Besuch im Museum HÖLDERLINHAUS , Teil 2: Die Schriftstellerin Bettina Johl im Gespräch mit Eva Ehrenfeld, der Leiterin des Museums Hölderlinhaus in Lauffen am Neckar (Germany). - CKCU Literary News - 2022-02-23
9:30 AM  Feb. 16th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o /​ Sylvia Tamale: African perspectives on decolonization.
9:30 AM  Feb. 9th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Besuch im Museum HÖLDERLINHAUS in Lauffen am Neckar, Teil 1: Die Schriftstellerin Bettina Johl im Gespräch mit Eva Ehrenfeld, der Leiterin des Museums Hölderlinhaus in Lauffen a.N.
9:30 AM  Feb. 2nd, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht and Andrew Singer Italian poet Milo De Angelis and his Turkish translater, the poet Erkut Tokman, in conversation with host Andrew Singer of TRAFIKA Europe Radio.
9:30 AM  Jan. 26th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Sabine AUSSENAC, écrivaine, poète, romancière et blogueuse sur son livre 'Rose Ausländer - l'autre grande voix juive de la Bucovine' (Éditions Le Bord de l'eau, 2022), à paraître.
9:30 AM  Jan. 19th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht Feature interview (in French, detailed introductory remarks in English) with award-winning poet, writer, literary translator, and journalist Maggy DE COSTER who is based in France.
9:30 AM  Jan. 12th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Six internationally acclaimed and award-winning writers read in context: Sadiqa de Meijer, Flavia Cosma, Joséphine Bacon, Norma Dunning, Esi Edugyan and Mohamed Mbougar Sarr.
9:30 AM  Jan. 5th, 2022 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero A rebroadcast of Latin American literary news, originally aired in late 2021.
9:30 AM  Dec. 29th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht CANADA - Guest of Honor /​ Invité d‘honneur: Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurt Book Fair /​ Foire du livre de Francfort) 2020/​2021.
9:30 AM  Dec. 22nd, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht EUNIC event in NYC, NOV 22, 2021: European Literature Night 2021 NYC. Panel Discussion - PART 2 “European Regions: Progress in Literary Culture” moderated by Andrew Singer, director of TRAFIKA Europe Radio.
9:30 AM  Dec. 15th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht EUNIC event in NYC, NOV 22, 2021: European Literature Night 2021 NYC : Panel Discussion — “European Regions: Progress in Literary Culture” (7 panelists) moderated by Andrew Singer, director of TRAFIKA Europe Radio. Part 1
9:30 AM  Dec. 8th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Une entrevue de fond avec l'écrivain Étienne KERN, auteur du roman LES ENVOLÉS (Gallimard, 2021), d'Aline SIRBA, correspondante de CKCU-FM | Literary News et chroniqueuse littéraire en France.
9:30 AM  Dec. 1st, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Latin American literary news - fall 2021.
9:30 AM  Nov. 24th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Sarah MOSTREL "Ce qui me lie avec vous, CKCU": Recueils de poésie, nouveaux livres, chansons. Présentation de son 5e album 'Ce qui nous lie' de chansons (12 titres) écrites et composées par elle.
9:30 AM  Nov. 17th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Perspectives on the future of broadcasting LITERARY NEWS |CKCU-FM 93.1
9:30 AM  Nov. 10th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Special broadcast (1) raising funds for CKCU-FM 93.1 radio to preserve 'literary news' programming, and to warrant future explorations regarding joint ventures, media partnerships and new technologies.
9:30 AM  Nov. 3rd, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Poetic perspectives on climate change.
9:30 AM  Oct. 27th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht CANADA - Guest of Honor /​ Invité d‘honneur: Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurt Book Fair) 2020/​2021.
9:30 AM  Oct. 20th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Fall 2021 European and Canadian literary awards UPDATE.
9:30 AM  Oct. 13th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Internationally acclaimed African writers in the news: Abdulrazak Gurnah; Tsitsi Dangarembga; Mohamed Mbougar Sarr.
9:30 AM  Oct. 6th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Sylvia SIROIS, chanteuse et poète, auteure-compositeure-interprète d'origine amérindienne et française, présente son spectacle "Prière à la lune" sur le quai de la Patinoire du ruisseau de la Brasserie à Gatineau (Québec).
9:30 AM  Sep. 29th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Die Romanautorin Bettina Johl über Hermann Hesses Werk und Die Briefe, Bd. 6, 1940-1946 (Suhrkamp Verlag 2021).
9:30 AM  Sep. 22nd, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Feature interview with Dr. Simone SCHRÖDER, Head of Program, International Literature Festival Berlin (Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin) about the festival's 21st edition (ilb 2021), SEPT 08-18.
9:30 AM  Sep. 15th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Marie-Jo GONNY, traductrice littéraire. Entrevue réalisée par Xavier Lord-Giroux, Club de lecture, d'un Océan à l'autre. Regroupement dez éditeurs franco-canadiens (RECF).
9:30 AM  Sep. 8th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht The internally acclaimed, award-winning Swiss novelist, playwright and author of radio dramas Peter STAMM in conversation with TRAFIKA Europe Radio host Andrew Singer about the art of writing fiction today.
9:30 AM  Sep. 1st, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Highlights of the VERSe OTTAWA Festival POETRY IN THE PARK 2021 (1h 01’ 1”).
9:30 AM  Aug. 25th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht For the bicentenary of Charles BAUDELAIRE's birth on April 9,1821, celebrating the great French poet's life who died on August 31, 1867 in Paris.
9:30 AM  Aug. 18th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Indigenous scenes and places of literary creativity and writing in Canada, an encore presentation (2021).
9:30 AM  Aug. 11th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Literary News: Latin America - summer 2021. Dr. Alberto QUERO, the award winng poet, essayist and scholar reporting.
9:30 AM  Aug. 4th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Entrevue de Séverine DANFLOUS, autrice du roman ' S'abandonner '(éd. Marest 2021) et Pierre-Julien Marest, éditeur avec Aline Sirba, correspondante de CKCU | Literary News (France).
9:30 AM  Jul. 28th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Dr. Heimo STREMPFL, the director of the Robert-Musil-Literatur-Museum in Klagenfurt (Austria) in conversation (auf Deutsch) with Literary News correspondent Alejandro Boucabeille.
9:30 AM  Jul. 21st, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Kalaf EPALANGA, the renowned author of fiction and poetry, who is also a musician, in conversation about the AFRICAN BOOK FESTIVAL 2021 in Berlin, which he curated with regard to the festival's cultural events.
9:30 AM  Jul. 14th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Social Constructions of Race in 19th c. American literature: A discussion with Dr. Brigitte FIELDER. This is an abridged version of a podcast aired by courtesy of NEW BOOKS NETWORK (NBN 2021) which is the producer of the original.
9:30 AM  Jul. 7th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe. The diversity of First Nation, Métis and Inuit literature in Canada: Recent publications.
9:30 AM  Jun. 30th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht ' Voices of QUEBEC /​ Les voix du QUÉBEC ' published by the League of Canadian Poets; followed by the Griffin Poetry Prize 2021 laureates.
9:30 AM  Jun. 23rd, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Contemporary poetry
9:30 AM  Jun. 16th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht & Aline Sirba Federico García LORCA (1898-1936), icône de la poésie espagnole moderne et personnage principal du roman 'LUCERO ou la vie fulgurante', d'Aníbal MALVAR, traduit de l'espagnol par Hélène SERRANO (Asphalte, 2021).
9:30 AM  Jun. 9th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Latin American literary news
9:30 AM  Jun. 2nd, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Reportage d'Aline SIRBA, correspondante et chroniqueuse littéraire à Toulouse, consacré à la situation d'une grande librairie en France face à la pandémie.
9:30 AM  May. 26th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Spring 2021: Literary awards and shortlists
9:30 AM  May. 12th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Entrevue de Christiane St-Pierre, auteure dramatique et romancière acadienne, qu'elle a accordée à Xavier Lord-Giroux, directeur animateur du Club de lecture - Lire d'un océan à l'autre (REFC).
9:30 AM  May. 5th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht
9:30 AM  Apr. 28th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Souad LABBIZE, poétesse, romancière et traductrice littéraire.
9:30 AM  Apr. 14th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht&Trafika Europe Radio Dorothee ELMIGER in conversation with Andrew Singer (Trafika Europe Radio) about her novel 'Shift Sleepers' (Seagull Books, 2019).
9:30 AM  Apr. 7th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Entrevue: Hugues ETA Yi-Nkwel, poète et romancier (RC).
9:30 AM  Mar. 31st, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Echos of World Theatre Day 2021 /​ La Journée mondiale du théâtre.
9:30 AM  Mar. 17th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Arthur HOLITSCHER (1861-1941) zum Gedenken; ein Radioessay von Dr. Klemens Klemmer.
9:30 AM  Mar. 10th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Spanish author Aroa Moreno Durán in conversation with her translator Katie Whittemore about her debut novel 'La hija del comunista' (The Communist's Daughter).
9:30 AM  Mar. 3rd, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Award winning poet and novelist Alta IFLAND in conversation about the multicultural self and literary creativity.
9:30 AM  Feb. 24th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2021 /​ international perspectives (Canada, UK., Germany, Africa, Columbia).
9:30 AM  Feb. 17th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Author Reinhard LECHNER talks with CKCU Literay News European correspondent Alejandro Boucabeille about the literature magazine LICHTUNGEN based in Graz (Austria).
9:30 AM  Feb. 10th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Black History Month /​ Mois de l'histoire des Noirs: Ottawa /​ Gatineau.
9:30 AM  Feb. 3rd, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht Theatre makers in Europe meeting challenges due to the closedown of all theatrical venues.
9:30 AM  Jan. 27th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht International Holocaust Remembrance Day: A Canadian Testimony.
9:30 AM  Jan. 20th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht and Xavier Lord-Giroux Coup d'envoi au Club de lecture '' - D'UN OCÉAN À L'AUTRE." /​ Franco-Canadian Publishers Group ( launching a digital media project from COAST TO COAST.
9:30 AM  Jan. 13th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht & Dr. Klemens Klemmer. Celebrating the life and literary work of Gottfried KELLER (1819-1890), the famous German-Swiss poet, painter and author of great prose fiction in the style of 'poetic realism' . 🔸Gottfried KELLER (1819-1890) zum Gedenken.
9:30 AM  Jan. 6th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU | Literary News. The 2021 first, with Senior correspondent Friederike KNABE.
9:30 AM  Jan. 6th, 2021 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU-FM93.1 | Literary News 2021. Broadcasting from home with Senior correspondent Friederike KNABE.
9:30 AM  Dec. 30th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht 2020-21: Is this the winter of our discontent?
9:30 AM  Dec. 16th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Avant de présenter ses idées sur la "transversalité dans les arts" Sarah MOSTREL écrivaine et artiste créatrice prolifique vivant à Paris, s'explique, en entrevue, sur sa créativité et son œuvre polyvalente en pleine évolution durant le 'confinement'.
9:30 AM  Dec. 9th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Commemorating Derek Walcott (1930-2017), Nobel laureate.
9:30 AM  Dec. 2nd, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Major French literary awards 2020 in review.
9:30 AM  Nov. 25th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe A tribute to Paul Celan (1920-1970} on the occasion of his centennial.
9:30 AM  Nov. 18th, 2020 Hans G. RUPRECHT The 2020 BOOK PRIZE as awarded by the PUSHKIN HOUSE (London, UK.).
9:30 AM  Nov. 11th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht and Friederike Knabe Souvankham Thammavongsa, winner of the 2020 Scotiabank Giller Prize.
9:30 AM  Nov. 4th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU-FM93.1 Funding drive 2020 |Special broadcast 2.
9:30 AM  Oct. 28th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU-FM93.1 Literary News - Funding drive SPECIAL BROADCAST. Hashtags: #SupportCKCU by making a donation at​donate or at https:/​/​​pledge/​ #CKCUFM #Journeyto50 #CommunityRadio #ClickNContribute .
9:30 AM  Oct. 21st, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Louise GLÜCK, Nobel Prize in Literature laureate 2020.
9:30 AM  Oct. 7th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Literatursoziologische Betrachtungen von Dr. Klemens KLEMMER anlässlich des 200. Jahrestages der politisch motivierten Ermordung des Dramaturgen und Bühnenschriftstellers, Historikers, Romanschriftstellers und Publizisten AUGUST VON KOTZEBUE (1761-1819)
9:30 AM  Sep. 30th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Catherine Velle, romancière.
9:30 AM  Sep. 23rd, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht The award winning, internationally highly regarded Austrian novelist Vladimir Vertlib in conversation with Alejandro Boucabeille, European CKCU-Literary News correspondent.
9:30 AM  Sep. 9th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Sylvia SIROIS, qui est chanteuse et poète, auteure-compositeure- interprète d'origine amérindienne et française, présente son spectacle "Prière à la lune" sur le quai de la Patinoire du ruisseau de la Brasserie à Gatineau (Québec).
9:30 AM  Sep. 2nd, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Peter Wawerzinek in search of Dylan Thomas.
9:30 AM  Aug. 26th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht A "hobo's" misfortunes never come singly in Canada, nor elsewhere during the 1930s.With an excerpt from the audio drama based on Mary J. OLIVER's novel 'Jim Neat: The Case of a Young Man Down on His Luck' (2019); courtesy of Alternative Stories (UK).
9:30 AM  Aug. 19th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Gilbert TROUTET, entrevue.
9:30 AM  Aug. 12th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU-FM | Literary News correspondent Alejandro BOUCABEILLE in conversation, talking from Innsbruck (Austria).
9:30 AM  Aug. 5th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht & Dr.K.Klemmer The Life and Work of JOHANN WILHELM LUDWIG GLEIM (1719 - 1803), poet, critic, translator. Poems set to music by C.P.E. BACH, J. G. NAUMANN and Ludwig van BEETHOVEN.
9:30 AM  Jul. 29th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht & Dr.K.Klemmer Life and work of JOHANN WILHELM LUDWIG GLEIM (1719-1803), poet, critic, translater.
9:30 AM  Jul. 29th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht & Dr.K.Klemmer The life and work of JOHANN WILHELM LUDWIG GLEIM (1719-1803), poet, critic, translator.
9:30 AM  Jul. 22nd, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Three poets from CORNWALL, UK: Cathy Galvin, Katrina Naomi and Mary J. Oliver.
9:30 AM  Jul. 1st, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Steven Price, poet, novelist and finalist for the 2919 Scotiabank Gillet Award.
9:30 AM  Jun. 24th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht World Music Day /​ La journée internationale de la musique 2020
9:30 AM  Jun. 17th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht & Monique Naccache. Hommage à Albert Memmi, avec Claude Sitbon, sociologue et ami personnel de l’écrivain qui est décédé le 22 mai 2020.
9:30 AM  Jun. 10th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Friedrich Hölderlin (1770-1843).
9:30 AM  Jun. 3rd, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht& Friederike Knabe A look back at BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2020.
9:30 AM  May. 27th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Présentation de l'anthologie 'Poèmes de la cité' sous la direction d’Andrée LACELLE (Ottawa: Éditions David, 2020).
9:30 AM  May. 20th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Writing After #MeToo in Québec
9:30 AM  Mar. 18th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Writing After #METOO
9:30 AM  Mar. 4th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Au Salon du livre de l’Outaouais 2020: Rencontres et conversations.
9:30 AM  Feb. 26th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht and Friederike Knabe. Literature and BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2020 in Canada.
9:30 AM  Feb. 19th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Pierre-Luc BÉLANGER, entrevue.
9:30 AM  Feb. 5th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Ndèye Codou Fall Diop interviewée par Sylvan Hecht (ckculitnews).
9:30 AM  Jan. 29th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Friederike Knabe in conversation about Ursula Krechel’s novel ‘State Justice’ (Landgericht, 2012).
9:30 AM  Jan. 22nd, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Literary life in Norwich (U.K.).
9:30 AM  Jan. 15th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht The literary oeuvre of Jorge ETCHEVERRY ARCAYA in historical perspective, as discussed by him with Gabrielle ETCHEVERRY.
9:30 AM  Jan. 8th, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Au siège du Regroupement des éditeurs franco-canadiens (REFC).
9:30 AM  Jan. 1st, 2020 Hans G. Ruprecht Kicking off the New Year with Walt Whitman and the award winning poet Aimee Nezhukumatathil. (Courtesy of Poetry Foundation: http:/​/​​2Fp4X0F ).
9:30 AM  Dec. 25th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht 🌟Christmas Special💫
9:30 AM  Dec. 18th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Dr. Guy STANLEY (interview)
9:30 AM  Dec. 11th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero. Literary news from Latin America. /​ Noticias literarias de Latinoamérica.
9:30 AM  Dec. 4th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Professor Hartmut Rosa (U. Jena) in conversation about his sociological research activities.
9:30 AM  Dec. 4th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Professor Hartmut Rosa (U. Jena) in conversation about his sociological research activities.
9:30 AM  Nov. 20th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht. The CKCU-FM radio 93.1 Funding Drive Special: Ian Williams is the Scotiabank Giller Prize winner 2019.
9:30 AM  Nov. 13th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Jocy Medina’s book launch.
9:30 AM  Oct. 30th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Mati SHEMOELOF, speaking from Berlin.
9:30 AM  Oct. 23rd, 2019 Friederike Knabe & Hans G. Ruprecht Exciting news about two very prestigious literary awards: the Giller Prize and the Neustadt Prize for Literature.
9:30 AM  Oct. 23rd, 2019 Friederike Knabe & Hans G. Ruprecht Exciting news about the Giller Prize and the Neustadt Prize for Literature. (Picture: Friederike Knabe talking with Ian Williams at the festive event with the Scotiabank Giller Prize finalists (NATIONAL GALLERY OF CANADA. OCT 16, 2019).
9:30 AM  Oct. 2nd, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Rosie Goldsmith’s «RIVETING INTERVIEW» with the Latvian poet, novelist and essayist Nora Ikstena.
9:30 AM  Sep. 25th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Pierre Ouellet, entrevue.
9:30 AM  Sep. 18th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe. Friederike Knabe (Senior correspondent) in conversation about the launch of The Indigenous Theatre at the NAC/​CNA in Ottawa.
9:30 AM  Sep. 11th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Entretien: Frédéric BRISSON, Directeur général du Regroupement des éditeurs franco-canadiens (REFC).
9:30 AM  Sep. 4th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Dr. Cathy A. Martin presenting her book «Strengthening Canadian Indigenous Relationships and Decision-Making Processes».
9:30 AM  Aug. 21st, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe. Friederike Knabe in conversation, focussing on Canada’s Indigenous Peoples Day 2019.
9:30 AM  Aug. 14th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe. Friederike Knabe in conversation about the Spring Edition of the Ottawa International Writers Festival (2019). This is an encore of a show aired May 8, 2019.
9:30 AM  Aug. 7th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero. Latin American literary news presented and commented upon by CKCU Literary News correspondent Dr. Alberto Quero.
9:30 AM  Jul. 31st, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Entrevue: Jean BOISJOLI sur son nouveau roman « Moi, Sam Elle, Janis » à paraître aux Éditions David (Ottawa, 2019).
9:30 AM  Jul. 24th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Henry Beissel in conversation about his epic work CANTOS NORTH.
9:30 AM  Jul. 17th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Funmi Adewole on contemporary African dance.
9:30 AM  Jul. 10th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Literary life in Ottawa. Writers in conversation at PERFECT BOOKS, Ottawa's great independent bookstore “for the passionate reader".
9:30 AM  Jul. 3rd, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht «Das literarische Echo aus deutschsprachigen Ländern» diesmal aus Berlin. Alexa Hennig von Lange im Gespräch über ihr literarisches Schaffen.
9:30 AM  Jun. 26th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht and Yovel Deutel. Un spectacle écrit et mis en scène par Sarah Mostrel. Voix: Sarah Mostrel et Jean-Paul Reynaud, comédien.
9:30 AM  Jun. 19th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe National Indigenous Peoples Day 2019.
9:30 AM  Jun. 5th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Marieluise Fleißer (1901-1974): a tribute by Dr. Klemens Klemmer.
9:30 AM  May. 29th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Mario Pelletier s’entretient avec le poète Claude Beausoleil de la genèse de son oeuvre.
9:30 AM  May. 22nd, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht A visit to PERFECT BOOKS in Ottawa.
9:30 AM  May. 15th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU LITERARY NEWS ♦️Latin America, with award winning writer Alberto Quero, who is the CKCU Literary News correspondent for Latin America.
9:30 AM  May. 8th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Cornelia Funke, the world-famous author of children‘s fiction at the Ottawa International Writers Festival, Spring Edition 2019.
9:30 AM  May. 1st, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Ida ViTALE, the Cervantes Prize Laureate 2019: a tribute presented by the Spanish poet Antonio Rodríguez Jiménez.
9:30 AM  Apr. 24th, 2019 Hans G. Rurecht Interview (encore): Jean Bessière.
9:30 AM  Apr. 17th, 2019 Friederike Knabe & Hans G. Ruprecht. The MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL Prize 2919 short-list.
9:30 AM  Apr. 10th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht José Del Pozo Artigas. An interview in French, followed by the presentation in Spanish at UNAM.Canadá (Gatineau, Qc.) of his novel ‘El viaje interminable’, Editorial Mapalé, 2019.
9:30 AM  Apr. 3rd, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht and Dr. Klemens Klemmer. A literary portrayal of the award-winning novelist Arnold ZWEIG on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his death.
9:30 AM  Mar. 27th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe. Literary ’spring time‘ 2019.
9:30 AM  Mar. 20th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Feature interview with author and journalist Mirna Funk.
9:30 AM  Mar. 13th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Regards sur le corps qui se fait voir.
9:30 AM  Mar. 13th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Regards sur le corps qui se fait voir.
9:30 AM  Mar. 6th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Le Salon du livre de l‘Outaouais 2019.
9:30 AM  Feb. 27th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe. Episode 4 of Black History Month 2019 on CKCU-FM 93.1 | Literary News.
9:30 AM  Feb. 20th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Black History Month 2019, part 3 devoted to the work of Dr. Cecil FOSTER (http:/​/​​)
9:30 AM  Feb. 13th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht In conjunction with Black History Month 2019 a presentation by Funmi Adewole on African thought and dance.
9:30 AM  Feb. 6th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Black History Month, part 1.
9:30 AM  Jan. 30th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht and guests. A tribute in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.
9:30 AM  Jan. 23rd, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Critical perspectives on contemporary literature, here and abroad.
9:30 AM  Jan. 16th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Una »Tarde de Poesía latinoamericana« muy rica.
9:30 AM  Jan. 9th, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht Latin American literary news with Venezuelan writer Alberto QUERO reporting.
9:30 AM  Jan. 2nd, 2019 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe. Looking back at the 2018 literary scene and forward with Nicanor Parra’s ‘Último Brindis’.
9:30 AM  Dec. 26th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht JAZZ y Poetry to overcome the Year-End Blues of 2018.
9:30 AM  Dec. 19th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Christoph W. Bauer, entrevue.
9:30 AM  Dec. 12th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Entrevista con el Dr. Carlos Véjar Pérez-Rubio (UNAM).
9:30 AM  Dec. 5th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht La manif des Franco-Ontariens à Ottawa /​ Franco-Ontarians defending their rights and institutions at an important popular meeting in Ottawa, as recorded on December 1, 2018.
9:30 AM  Nov. 21st, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU Literary News Senior correspondent Friederike Knabe in conversation about Esi EDUGYAN who won the prestigious 2018 Scotiabank Giller Prize for her novel ‘Washington Black’ .
9:30 AM  Nov. 14th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Pour commémorer Victor Segalen (1878 – 1919).
9:30 AM  Nov. 7th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Hans Fallada’s 125th year of birth. A radio essay by Dr. Klemens Klemmer, CKCU-Literary News correspondent in Germany,
9:30 AM  Oct. 24th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht w/ Mario Pelletier Le nouvel roman de Yolande Villemaire.
9:30 AM  Oct. 17th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Poet Henry Beissel in conversation about his ›Cantos North‹.
9:30 AM  Oct. 10th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht México /​ Tlatelolco 1968: A commemorative event at UNAM Canadá (Gatineau, Québec).
9:30 AM  Oct. 3rd, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe. Critical perspectives on current literary events in Canada and Europe.
9:30 AM  Sep. 26th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Literary News from Latin America.
9:30 AM  Sep. 19th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht and Friederike Knabe . Perspectives on the literary fall season 2018 in Canada and abroad, part 2.
9:30 AM  Sep. 12th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe The literary fall season 2018: Part 1.
9:30 AM  Sep. 5th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Le lancement de l’ouvrage ‘Entre le risque et le rêve. Une brève histoire des Éditions David’ par Yvon MALETTE, directeur fondateur des Éditions David.
9:30 AM  Aug. 29th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Shida Bazyar, romancière, s’entretien de son roman ‘Les nuits sont calmes à Théhéran’, traduit de l’allemand (2018).
9:30 AM  Aug. 22nd, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Literary perspectives on the Invasion of Prague (August 20-21, 1968).
9:30 AM  Aug. 15th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht The Art of Writing Fiction.
9:30 AM  Aug. 8th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht “Imagining truths” at the 2018 Spring Edition of the OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL WRITERS FESTIVAL.
9:30 AM  Aug. 1st, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Latin American literary news
9:30 AM  Jul. 25th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht B. Brecht 120
9:30 AM  Jul. 18th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht “Spotlight on European Fiction” at The Ottawa International Writers Festival, 2018.
9:30 AM  Jul. 11th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Lessing’s drama ‘Nathan The Wise’ as presented in Ottawa.
9:30 AM  Jul. 4th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Henry BEISSEL in conversation.
9:30 AM  Jun. 27th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Écoutez ”gens du pays“❗️Cette émission est spécialement pour vous.
9:30 AM  Jun. 20th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht L‘entrevue de l‘écrivaine allemande Shida Bazyar, d‘origine iranienne, à la ’Librairie du soleil‘ (Ottawa).
9:30 AM  Jun. 13th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprech w/ Alberto Quero Literary News with 'rica salsa‘ from Latin America. The spring 2018 edition.
9:30 AM  Jun. 6th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Alberto Quero in conversation (in English and Spanish) about his book of poetry, DEL AZAR Y OTRAS NIMIEDADES (Editorial Mapalé, 2018).
9:30 AM  Jun. 6th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Alberto QUERO in conversation (in English and Spanish) about his new book of poetry, DEL AZAR Y OTRAS NIMIEDADES (2018).
9:30 AM  May. 30th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht et Mario Pelletier. Claude BEAUSOLEIL sur son parcours de poète, son imaginaire et son oeuvre poétique immense.
9:30 AM  May. 23rd, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Jeunes écrivaines francophones de Gatineau /​ Ottawa (Canada).
9:30 AM  May. 16th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Entrevue: Cerisette, comédienne /​ Théâtre-Cinéma (Paris).
9:30 AM  May. 9th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht
9:30 AM  May. 2nd, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Current themes and issues as highlighted at the Ottawa International Writers Festival, 2018 (Spring Edition).
9:30 AM  Apr. 25th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Une nouvelle génération d‘écrivaines francophones. Table ronde.
9:30 AM  Apr. 18th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Literary news from Latin America, presented by Alberto Quero.
9:30 AM  Apr. 11th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Commemorating Adalbert STIFTER.
9:30 AM  Apr. 4th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht w/ Friederike Knabe Literary news from France, Germany and Canada.
9:30 AM  Mar. 28th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht The Ottawa International VERSeFEST 2018: Highlights
9:30 AM  Mar. 21st, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht / Mario Pelletier Entrevue avec Yolande VILLEMAIRE, poète et romancière.
9:30 AM  Mar. 14th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Latin American literary news with Alberto Quero reporting
9:30 AM  Mar. 7th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Entrevue avec Jean Mohsen FAHMY.
9:30 AM  Feb. 28th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Salon du livre de l‘Outaouais 2018.
9:30 AM  Feb. 21st, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Nathan “The Wise” — why?
9:30 AM  Feb. 14th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Celebrating Bertolt Brecht on Valentine’s Day 2018.
9:30 AM  Feb. 7th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe The shortlist for »Canada reads« (2018) — some comments.
9:30 AM  Jan. 31st, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Entrevues: Marie-Claire Blais (M. Pelletier, Montréal); Marie Vialle (S. Hecht, Toulouse)
9:30 AM  Jan. 31st, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Marie-Claire Blais, interviewée par Mario Pelletier.
9:30 AM  Jan. 24th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Celebrating Heinrich Böll, Nobel Prize laureate for literature in 1972, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth, december 21, 1917, Cologne (Germany). Including a tribute in German by Klemens Klemmer, writer and essayist.
9:30 AM  Jan. 17th, 2018 Hans G. Ruprecht Entrevue exclusive avec «Cerisette», comédienne, poète et mime.
9:30 AM  Dec. 27th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht It‘s something to think about, not onlly this time a year...
9:30 AM  Dec. 13th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Alberto Quero at the FESTIVAL INTETNATIONAL DE LA POÉSIE de Trois-Rivières
9:30 AM  Dec. 6th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Franziska Ruprecht, performance poet.
9:30 AM  Nov. 29th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl Theodor Storm’s 200th anniversary (encore).
9:30 AM  Nov. 8th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl The 200th Anniversary of Theodor Storm (14 September 1817 – 4 July 1888).
9:30 AM  Nov. 1st, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Literay News not only from Europe.
9:30 AM  Oct. 25th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe CKCU-FM Funding Drive special broadcast
9:30 AM  Oct. 18th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht and Friederike Knabe. CKCU-Literary News Senior Correspondent Friederike Knabe in conversation about recent literary events in Europe.
9:30 AM  Oct. 11th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht •Nobel Prize in Literature 2017 •Der Deutsche Buchpreis 2017.
9:30 AM  Oct. 4th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht / Alberto Quero Literary News from Latin American countries.
9:30 AM  Sep. 20th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht A tribute to the renewal of post-war German literature by a group of writers (Gruppe 47) founded by H.W. Richter in Sept. 1947.
9:30 AM  Sep. 13th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht and Friederike Knabe. European literature festivals.
9:30 AM  Sep. 6th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Commemorating the 1st edition of 'The Flowers of Evil' (1857) by Charles BAUDELAIRE, and the 150th anniversary of his death (1867).
9:30 AM  Aug. 23rd, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Book launch of Jana BEGOVIC, 'Poisonous Whispers' at the ALPHA Art Gallery in Ottawa.
9:30 AM  Aug. 16th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht & Katia Brien-Simard Michel Normandeau, entrevue
9:30 AM  Aug. 9th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht World Humanities Conference. Challenges and Responsibilities for a Planet in Transition /​ Conférence Mondiale des Humanités. Défis et responsabilités pour une planète en transition.
9:30 AM  Jul. 26th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht In praise of Robert Musil.
9:30 AM  Jul. 12th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht w/ Alberto Quero. Literary News from Latin America /​ Spring 2017.
9:30 AM  Jul. 5th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht PIERRE OUELLET, poète, romancier et auteur d'ouvrages en sciences humaines.
9:30 AM  Jun. 28th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht English-language poetry in Canada today. Four poets in conversation.
9:30 AM  Jun. 14th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht er Katia Brien-Simard Entrevue de Jean BOISJOLI.
9:30 AM  May. 24th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht, reporting Canada's cultural diversity dividend. Panel discussion part 2 .
9:30 AM  May. 17th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht GLOBAL CENTRE FOR PLURALISM The 'Diversity Dividend' Special Report.
9:30 AM  May. 10th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Ottawa International Writers Festival 2017
9:30 AM  May. 3rd, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Christine Palmiéri, artiste multimédia et poète.
9:30 AM  Apr. 26th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Literaturverein 42er Autoren
9:30 AM  Apr. 19th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Azza Dridi, 'Paroles du Maghreb'
9:30 AM  Apr. 12th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Derek Walcott, a tribute.
9:30 AM  Apr. 5th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Sarah MOSTREL interviewée par Jean-Paul A. REYNAUD à Paris.
9:30 AM  Mar. 29th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Ottawa's new poets laureate
9:30 AM  Mar. 22nd, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Zachary Richard /​ VERS FEST Ottawa
9:30 AM  Mar. 15th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Remarkable lives: Hans Eichner. Louise Straus-Ernst.
9:30 AM  Mar. 8th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Latin American literary news: Alberto Quero, reporting.
9:30 AM  Mar. 1st, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht & Katia Brien-Simard Impressions du SLO 2017
9:30 AM  Feb. 22nd, 2017 Friederike Knabe & Hans G. Ruprecht Meike ZIERVOGEL, writer, publisher.
9:30 AM  Feb. 15th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Christian MILAT, poète
9:30 AM  Feb. 15th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Christian Milat, poète
9:30 AM  Feb. 8th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Sie flohen vor den Nazis... nach Montreal.
9:30 AM  Feb. 1st, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Tolérance vs. fanatisme d'après Voltaire.
9:30 AM  Jan. 25th, 2017 Hans G Ruprecht w/ Friederike Knabe Literay News from Europe, Africa and South America.
9:30 AM  Jan. 18th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht Christian Milat, lançant son nouvel recueuil de poèmes.
9:30 AM  Jan. 11th, 2017 Hans G.Ruprecht 42er Autoren im Gespräch
9:30 AM  Jan. 4th, 2017 Hans G. Ruprecht & Azza Dridi Paroles du Maghreb.
9:30 AM  Dec. 28th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Looking back to literary life in 2016.
9:30 AM  Dec. 21st, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Sarah Mostrel, récite des poèmes de son recueil CÉLÉBRATION (2016).
9:30 AM  Dec. 14th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Stanislaw Strasburger, European novelist and essayist.
9:30 AM  Dec. 7th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht GGLA Ceremony 2016 (Rideau Hall)
9:30 AM  Nov. 30th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Chrostopher KLOEBLE /​ Interview
9:30 AM  Nov. 23rd, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Thomas Wörtche über Kriminalliteratur heute.
9:30 AM  Nov. 16th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht FUNDING DRIVE SPECIAL 2
9:30 AM  Nov. 9th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Philippe Bernier Arcand, sociologue, essayiste sur le populisme à caractère politico-électoraliste.
9:30 AM  Nov. 2nd, 2016 Friederike Knabe & Hans G. Ruprecht A Funding Drive SPECIAL to thank you all for your continous support.
9:30 AM  Oct. 26th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht / Don Share OCT 2016 Poetry Magazine podcast.
9:30 AM  Oct. 19th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Katia Brien-Simard. La rentrée littéraire 2016 à Ottawa et à Gattineau.
9:30 AM  Oct. 12th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Latin American literay news.
9:30 AM  Oct. 5th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Entrevue: Pr Jean Bessière, Sorbonne (U Paris III).
9:30 AM  Sep. 28th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friedrike Knabe The Man Booker Prize shortlist for fiction 2016.
9:30 AM  Sep. 21st, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Heimo Strempfl Media partnership with the Robert Musil Literaturmuseum, Klagenfurt (Austria).
9:30 AM  Sep. 14th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Rubin Friedman's book launch.
9:30 AM  Sep. 7th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Verena Stefan's book on Jewish life in Montreal (2011).
9:30 AM  Aug. 31st, 2016 Don Share, Lindsay Garbutt Daniela Danz, "Masada", transl. by Monika Cassel.
9:30 AM  Aug. 24th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero LATIN AMERICAN Literay News: JUL/​AUG 2016.
9:30 AM  Aug. 17th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe 'Women in Translation Month' 2016
9:30 AM  Aug. 10th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Aboriginal myths
9:30 AM  Aug. 3rd, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Sarah Mostrel, L'humanisme éclairé-2
9:30 AM  Jul. 27th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Sarah Mostrel, entrevue (1) sur son essai 'Pour un humanisme éclairé'.
9:30 AM  Jul. 20th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Yves Bonnefoy, an homage.
9:30 AM  Jul. 13th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Christine Palmiéri (entrevue)
9:30 AM  Jul. 6th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Latin American literary news.
9:30 AM  Jun. 29th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Die Kulturbruecke Berlin–Paris.
9:30 AM  Jun. 22nd, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht New perspectives on poetry in Canada.
9:30 AM  Jun. 22nd, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht New perspectives on poetry in Canada.
9:30 AM  Jun. 15th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Débat sur l'essai: recherches /​ écriture
9:30 AM  Jun. 8th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Canadian crime fiction
9:30 AM  Jun. 1st, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl Flucht, Vertreibung, Literatur.
9:30 AM  May. 25th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Pierre Ouellet, entrevue
9:30 AM  May. 18th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Please advance up to 1:01:30
9:30 AM  May. 11th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Poets of Ottawa's Arc Poetry Magazine
9:30 AM  May. 4th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friedrike Knabe A visit to PERFECT BOOKS in Ottawa.
9:30 AM  Apr. 27th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Our SHAKESPEARE 400 Special.
9:30 AM  Apr. 20th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht / Neil Wilson. Ottawa International Writers Festival
9:30 AM  Apr. 13th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Catherine Velle, romancière française.
9:30 AM  Apr. 6th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe African writers in the news.
9:30 AM  Mar. 30th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Latin American Literary News
9:30 AM  Mar. 9th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Novelist Martin VOPENKA in conversation.
9:30 AM  Mar. 2nd, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht La 37e éditon du Salon du livre de l'Outaouais.
9:30 AM  Feb. 24th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl. Teil 1: Flucht und Vertreibung in der Literatur.
9:30 AM  Feb. 17th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht The bed-in at the ALPHA ART GALLERY in Ottawa.
9:30 AM  Feb. 10th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Prises de conscience africaines, antillaises et Afro-American poetry.
9:30 AM  Feb. 3rd, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Black History Month: CANADA in AFRICA.
9:30 AM  Feb. 3rd, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Perspectives on AFRICA and CANADA.
9:30 AM  Jan. 20th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Cristina Perissinotto. 500th year of Thomas More, Utopia.
9:30 AM  Jan. 13th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht Didier Coste (encore).
9:30 AM  Jan. 6th, 2016 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Literary News from Latin America
9:30 AM  Dec. 30th, 2015 Friederike Knabe & Hans G. Ruprecht. Thoughts about literture in 2015.
9:30 AM  Dec. 23rd, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Cristina Perissinotto Celebrating Dante Alighieri 750th anniversary.
9:30 AM  Dec. 16th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl Johannes Bobrowski, das Prosawerk.
9:30 AM  Dec. 9th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Native American myths of 'climate change'.
9:30 AM  Dec. 2nd, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht POETRY MAGAZINE December 2015.
9:30 AM  Nov. 25th, 2015 Hans G. RUPRECHT & Helmut ZOBL Johannes BOBROWSKI (Gedichte).
9:30 AM  Nov. 18th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Didier COSTE, écrivain, poète, traducteur.
9:30 AM  Nov. 11th, 2015 Hans G. RUprecht & Friederike Knabe Remembrance Day 2015
9:30 AM  Nov. 4th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Funding Drive Special broadcast.
9:30 AM  Oct. 28th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Literary events in Latinoamérica.
9:30 AM  Oct. 21st, 2015 Hans G. RUPRECHT Dr. Vincent MOSCO, Political economist
9:30 AM  Oct. 14th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Dr. Vincent Mosco, political economist
9:30 AM  Oct. 7th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht / Klemens Klemmer. Frank Wedekind
9:30 AM  Sep. 30th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Jean-Paul REYNAUD&Jean-Paul GAIDO-DANIEL
9:30 AM  Sep. 23rd, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Canadian foreign policy and Africa, with Yves ENGLER
9:30 AM  Sep. 16th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Stéphane D'Amour, poète.
9:30 AM  Sep. 9th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe The new season's take off.
9:30 AM  Sep. 2nd, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl Lyrik aus der Zeit des 1. WK.
9:30 AM  Aug. 26th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Contemporary American poetry
9:30 AM  Aug. 19th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Hartmut Heyck
9:30 AM  Aug. 12th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Renaud Longchamps, poète et écrivain.
9:30 AM  Aug. 5th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Dr. Cristina Perissinotto talking about literature in the Veneto.
9:30 AM  Jul. 29th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl Hartmut HEYCK.
9:30 AM  Jul. 22nd, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Henri Lopes; Gaston Kelman
9:30 AM  Jul. 15th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Latin American Literary News
9:30 AM  Jul. 8th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Mary F. HAWKINS, on 'gender roles' and communication.
9:30 AM  Jul. 1st, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Friederike KNABE's recent readings in European literatures.
9:30 AM  Jun. 24th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Jacques RANCOURT, écrivain.
9:30 AM  Jun. 17th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Renaud LONGCHAMPS, écrivain; vie et oeuvre; réflexions critiques.
9:30 AM  Jun. 10th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Dr. K. Klemmer, FRANK WEDEKIND zum 151. Geburtsjahr.
9:30 AM  Jun. 3rd, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Olivier Barrot, interviewé à Paris.
9:30 AM  May. 27th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Hartmut Heyck in conversation about Wilhelm JENSEN.
9:30 AM  May. 20th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & POETRY Magazine Editor Don Share Karen Solie reading 'Bitumen'
9:30 AM  May. 13th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht / Helmut Zobl WW I and German poetry.
9:30 AM  Apr. 29th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht
9:30 AM  Apr. 22nd, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Latin American literature in the News.
9:30 AM  Apr. 15th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & POETRY Magazine Editors Don Share and Lindsay Garbutt. American BreakBeat Poetry, now and then.
9:30 AM  Apr. 8th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl Lyrik aus der Zeit des 1.Weltkriegs.
9:30 AM  Apr. 1st, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Literature in 2015: The Spring Season.
9:30 AM  Mar. 25th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Interrogations sur le fanatisme à partir de Voltaire.
9:30 AM  Mar. 18th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & POETRY Magazine Editors. POETRY Magazine, MAR 2015 podcast.
9:30 AM  Mar. 11th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Lucie Renaud. Sean Micheals in conversationt.
9:30 AM  Mar. 4th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Le Salon du livre de l'Outaouais 2015.
9:30 AM  Feb. 25th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht et invités. Pour une critique de la vie culturelle.
9:30 AM  Feb. 18th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Alberto Quero Noticias literarias de Hispanoamérica.
9:30 AM  Feb. 11th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht Guy JEAN, entretien sur son oeuvre poétique.
9:30 AM  Feb. 4th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Lucie Renaud Danny ÉMOND, écrivain
9:30 AM  Jan. 28th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Christine Sallès A tribute to Charlotte DELBO commemorating JAN 27, 1945.
9:30 AM  Jan. 21st, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Klemens Klemmer Alfred ANDERSCH zum 100. Geburtstag.
9:30 AM  Jan. 14th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht "Charlie" and much more
9:30 AM  Jan. 7th, 2015 Hans G. Ruprecht & Lucie Renaud Sean MICHAELS, feature interview.
9:30 AM  Dec. 31st, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht New Year's Eve 2014 .
9:30 AM  Dec. 24th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht with F. Knabe & H. Zobl. Christmas /​ Noël /​ Weihnachten 1914.
9:30 AM  Dec. 17th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Guy SCARPETTA, Robert RICHARD
9:30 AM  Dec. 10th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Cristina PERISSINOTTO, on Italian theater.
9:05 AM  Dec. 10th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Entrevue: CAMILLE LAURENS, 'Encore et jamais.Variations.'(Gallimard,2013)
9:30 AM  Dec. 3rd, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Après Dakar 2014: Antoine HOULOU et Hamidou SALL, poète.
9:05 AM  Dec. 3rd, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Friederike Knabe on SIBYLLE LEWITSCHAROFF (Georg Büchner Prize 2013).
9:30 AM  Nov. 26th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Maxi Blaha, Austrian theater actress
9:05 AM  Nov. 19th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Lucie Renaud Simon Lanctôt, 'Tout foutre en l'air' (Carnets d'un jeune prof).
9:30 AM  Nov. 12th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht und Helmut Zobl Romane über die Wendezeit.
9:30 AM  Nov. 5th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht and Friederike Knabe.
9:30 AM  Oct. 29th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht /. Friederike Knabe. CKCU Funding Drive Special 1
9:30 AM  Oct. 22nd, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Sarah MOSTREL sur la poésie juive, ancienne et moderne.
9:00 AM  Oct. 22nd, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl "1913 — expressionistische Lyrik", Teil 1.
9:30 AM  Oct. 15th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Patrick MODIANO, Nobel laureate (2014).
9:30 AM  Oct. 8th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl W.G. Sebald und Katja Petrowskaja
9:05 AM  Oct. 8th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Lucie Renaud Eza Paventi, scénariste, réalisatrice et romancière (entretien)
9:30 AM  Oct. 1st, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Literature and WWI.
9:05 AM  Sep. 23rd, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Antoine Houlou-Garcia Dr Jean-Michel NZIKOU, entretien.
9:05 AM  Sep. 17th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Entretien avec le poète Tristan Malavoy-Racine, directeur de la nouvelle collection 'Quai no. 5' aux Éditions XYZ, Montréal.
9:05 AM  Sep. 16th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Besuch im Deutschen Literaturinstitut Leipzig.
9:05 AM  Sep. 10th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Sandra Janke (Berlin) über nominierte Autoren und Titel für den Deutschen Buchpreis 2013.
9:05 AM  Sep. 9th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Feature interview with MILENA ODA.
9:05 AM  Aug. 26th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht / Antoine Houlou-Garcia HEMLY BOUM, écrivaine camerounaise.
9:05 AM  Aug. 20th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Tomas Tranströmer (Nobel Prize in Literature, 2011) reading from his books of poetry in Ottawa, as recorded in 1987.
9:05 AM  Aug. 19th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht / Friederike Knabe summer program: looking back at 2014 editions of major international book fairs.
9:05 AM  Aug. 13th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Le centenaire de la naissance de CHARLOTTE DELBO : Christine Sallès s'entretenant avec Violaine Gelly de la vie et de l'oeuvre de l'écrivaine française, auteure de la trilogie 'Auschwitz et après' (Paris, Editions de Minuit).
9:05 AM  Aug. 12th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Antoine Houlou-Garcia HEMLEY BOUM. écrivaine camerounaise
9:05 AM  Aug. 5th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Freud and 'Our Unconscious Mind'
9:05 AM  Jul. 29th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht 100 Jahre — Thomas Mann, 'Der Tod in Venedig'.
9:05 AM  Jul. 22nd, 2014 Hans G, Ruprecht & Antoine Houlou Garcia BONIFACE MONGO-MBOUSSA, critique littéraire congolais
9:05 AM  Jul. 15th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Irish novelist BILL KIRTON, reporting from the St-Clementim Litfest
9:00 AM  Jul. 9th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Marilyn Monroe — un mythe? GILBERT PÉDINIELLI, artiste plasticien interviewé par André Baudin.
9:00 AM  Jul. 8th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Antoine Houlou-Garcia Retour sur 'Négritude' et 'Harlem Renaissance'.
9:05 AM  Jul. 1st, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl Lyrik und 1. Weltkrieg
9:05 AM  Jun. 24th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Celebrating Canadian cultural diversity for a great cause: the Galai School /​ African Project.
9:05 AM  Jun. 17th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Scandinavian crime fiction writers in conversation.
9:05 AM  Jun. 10th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Antoine Houlou-Garcia LÉANDRE SAHIRI, écrivain ivoirien.
9:05 AM  Jun. 3rd, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl Erinnerung, Wahrheit, Fiktion: Im Spiegel der Gegenwartsliteratur.
9:05 AM  May. 27th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht GUY JEAN, écrivain, poète acadien.
9:05 AM  May. 20th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht ANGELIKA BRUHN, Verlagsleiterin
9:05 AM  May. 13th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Antoine Houlou-Garcia Marc Alexandre Oho Bambe, poéte, écrivain.
9:05 AM  May. 6th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Friederike KNABE about the OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL WRITERS FESTIVAL (2014 Spring Edition)
9:05 AM  Apr. 29th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Antoine Houlou-Garcia HAMIDOU SALL, poète et écrivain sénégalais
9:05 AM  Apr. 22nd, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Lucie Renaud Enrevue avec Samuel Archibald
9:05 AM  Apr. 15th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Dr. Susanne Schüssler, Verlagsleiterin, WAGENBACH (Berlin).
9:05 AM  Apr. 8th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Les lauréats du Prix Stéphane Hessel 2014
9:05 AM  Apr. 1st, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Leipzig Book Fair 2014 highlights
9:05 AM  Mar. 25th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl. Das expressionistische Jahrzehnt.
9:05 AM  Mar. 18th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Dr. Robert Richard on Freud /​ CogSciences
9:05 AM  Mar. 11th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Lucie Renaud JUDITH ITZI, 'Les Moitiés d'Alice' (Stanké)
9:00 AM  Mar. 4th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Short listed nominees: Prize/​Leipzig Book Fair 2014.
9:05 AM  Feb. 25th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht CATHERINE VOYER-LÉGER, auteure, directrice du RECF.
9:05 AM  Feb. 18th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Lucie Remaud SIMON LANCTÔT, écrivain québécois
9:05 AM  Feb. 11th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Dr. Klemens Klemmer spricht über GEORG BÜCHNER.
9:05 AM  Feb. 4th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht RUBIN FRIEDMAN on ´Our Family Holocaust Chronicle'
9:05 AM  Jan. 28th, 2014 Helmut Zobl SABINE BERENDSE (Interview)
9:05 AM  Jan. 21st, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht & Lucie Renaud FREDRIC GARY COMEAU, auteur de Vertiges, roman.
9:05 AM  Jan. 14th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht NORMAND ACHIM, poète, créateur graphique et directeur fondateur de TACT.
9:05 AM  Jan. 7th, 2014 Hans G. Ruprecht Dichtung und Musik: "Robert Schumann und Jean Paul."
9:05 AM  Dec. 31st, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht & Friederike Knabe Literature in 2013: a recap.
9:05 AM  Dec. 24th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht Music and poetry on Christmas Eve.
9:05 AM  Dec. 17th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht JEAN PAUL (1763-1825): ein Radio Essay von Dr. Klemens Klemmer.
9:05 AM  Nov. 12th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht w/ Friederike Knabe, CKCU/Literary News Senior Correspondent. Radio CKCU/​LitNews FUNDING DRIVE Special.
9:05 AM  Nov. 5th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl 'Das literarische Echo' FUNDING DRIVE SPECIAL.
9:05 AM  Oct. 29th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht with Friederike Knabe Radio CKCU Funding Drive Special
9:05 AM  Oct. 15th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht Prospect of the 2013 Man Booker Prize Winner Announcement, OCT 15, 2013.
9:00 AM  Oct. 1st, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht "Das literarische Echo aus deutschsprachigen Ländern"—die 100. Sendung, eine Vorschau auf das Herbstprogramm.
9:05 AM  Sep. 3rd, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht 'Ljubljana Tales : 'New Europe Writers (encore)
9:05 AM  Aug. 27th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht 'Verdi contra Wagner' ein feature (Teil 3) von Rüdiger Offergeld (BR München) .
9:05 AM  Aug. 6th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht • FREDERICK GLAYSHER in conversation about his great epic poem THE PARLIAMENT OF POETS (hardcover, 294 pages, published by Earthrise Press, 2012).
9:00 AM  Jul. 30th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht 'Brüder Grimm Jubiläumsjahr 2013'– a special broadcast.
9:05 AM  Jul. 23rd, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht / Lucie Renaud Actualités littéraires de Montréal: un entretien avec MATHIEU BOUTIN, avocat, violoniste et écrivain.
9:00 AM  Jul. 16th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht / Ruediger Offergeld 'Das literarische Echo': Verdi vs. Wagner in F. WERFEL, 'Verdi. Roman der Oper (1924) Teil 2.
9:00 AM  Jun. 25th, 2013 H. Ruprecht & R. Offergeld (Munich) Verdi vs. Wagner in F. Werfels 'Verdi. Roman der Oper'.
9:00 AM  Jun. 18th, 2013 Hans Ruprecht Frederick GLAYSHER, epic poet
9:00 AM  Jun. 11th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht & Lucie Renaud nouvelle poésie québécoise
9:00 AM  Jun. 4th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht Interview: BARBARA FRISCHMUTH
9:00 AM  May. 28th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht Brigitte KERNEL, romancière (Paris)
9:00 AM  May. 21st, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht About the German Book Prize 2012
9:05 AM  May. 14th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht & Lucie Renaud Entrevue: GENEVIÈVE DAMAS, Prix Rossel 2011, Prix des cinq continents de la Francophonie 2012.
9:00 AM  May. 7th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht SARAH BOWER, feature interview
9:05 AM  Apr. 30th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht Actualités littéraires (Paris)
9:00 AM  Apr. 23rd, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht & Helmut Zobl Das literarische Echo
9:00 AM  Apr. 16th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht Les Actualités littéraires (Montréal)
9:00 AM  Apr. 9th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht 'Literatures in Europe Today' (Poland)
9:05 AM  Apr. 2nd, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU Literary News
9:00 AM  Mar. 26th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU Literary News
9:00 AM  Mar. 19th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU Literary News
9:00 AM  Mar. 12th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU Literary News
9:00 AM  Mar. 12th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht Les Actualités littéraires
9:05 AM  Mar. 5th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht Literatures in Europe Today
9:05 AM  Feb. 26th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht IRINA WITTMER, Vortrag im Wappensaal des Landtags (Rheinland-Pfalz).
9:00 AM  Feb. 19th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU Literary News
9:00 AM  Feb. 12th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU Literary News
9:00 AM  Feb. 5th, 2013 Hans G. Ruprecht CKCU Literary News

Earlier playlists (if any) pre-date online listings