CKCU Literary News
Tuesday September 9th, 2014 with Hans G. Ruprecht
Feature interview with MILENA ODA.
A feature interview with MILENA ODA http://www.milenaoda.com/index-eng.php who is a writer, poet, playwright established in Berlin and in Prague. She is frequently working in NewYork City as a film maker and in theatre. She is the founder in Los Angeles (USA) of the international publishing house Bohemian Paradise Press>. http://www.bohemianparadisepress.com .—
The award winning writer of fiction, poetry, short stories, essays and plays in German, Czech, and recently also in English, is the author of several books, including the novel 'Nennen Sie mich Diener' 'Please call me Servant', and 'Nennen sie mich Ausländer' ¡Llámenme extranjero! (Edition Bilingual, 2013)>
She taught creative writing at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin/ Academy of Arts - Arte Postale, and at the Autorenschule Schöneburg Berlin.
She is currently working on the international theatre cooperation in the USA, Germany, Czech Republic and Egypt. —
In the past, MILENA ODA worked as a journalist for the Radio station "WDR3", the newspapers "der Freitag", "Junge Welt", "Landeszeitung ", "Literární noviny" and other media. Her work and writings, in German, Czech, and English, has been featured in "Entdeckungen 2" (Berlin), "Top-22 Anthology" (Krems, Austria), "Ostragehege" (Dresden, Germany), "Labyrint Revue" (Prague, Czech Rep.), "Lauter Niemand" (Berlin), "Volltext" (Vienna, Austria), "Umlaut"(Cologne, Germany), "Lose Blätter" (Berlin), "Ort der Augen - ODA"(Saxony-Anhalt, Germany), "Větrné Mlýny "(Czech Rep.).
This very European author is also known as a video-artist, performer and translator.
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