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CKCU Literary News
Wednesday June 3rd, 2015 with Hans G. Ruprecht
Olivier Barrot, interviewé à Paris.

OLIVIER BARROT, écrivain, journaliste, producteur et animateur de télévision français s'entretient au micro de CKCU-FM 93.1/ Literary News à Paris, de son "exercice de cartographie littéraire" intitulé MITTELEUROPA (Gallimard, 2015). L'émission a été enregistrée dans l'un des studios de la radio et télévision de l'UNESCO. Si nous le faisons valoir ici c'est pour réitérer nos vifs remerciements pour cette collaboration radiophonique.— OLIVIER BARROT is an award winning writer of fiction, travel books, and essays, including among many others 'Mon Angleterre'. Précis d'anglopathie. Illustrations d'Alain Bouldouyre Édition augmentée. Collection Folio (n° 4524), (Gallimard, 2007); 'L’Ami posthume: Gérard Philipe' (Grasset, 2008); 'Je ne suis pas là,' roman (Table ronde, 2012); 'Le Fils perdu' (collection Blanche, Gallimard, 2012); he co-authored 'La Vie culturelle dans la France occupée' (Gallimard, 2009). • The very topic of this broadcast is Olivier Barrot's new book MITTELEUROPA (Gallimard, 2015), For more information about his thought provoking and in many ways very personal perspectives on cultural life, past and present, in many central European countries which he has widely traveled since the mid-1960s, please go to> In fact, Olivier Barrot's numerous activities as a journalist, who's taking great interest in film and theatre, and in particular as a television producer and host of 'Un livre, un jour' (since 1991, on France 3 and TV5), these well-known activities are being followed, and further distributed on the five continents of "la Francophonie". 'Homme de lettres' of international renown, Olivier Barrot is currently hosting once a month at Maison française in New York (NYU) the prestigious series 'French Literature in the Making' always with the participation, and in the presence of a French writer who is being presented by the host to the American public at large. The series is being aired on radio by France Culture with the additional support of Centre National du Livre and Sofitel.
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