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Rabble Without A Cause
Wednesday December 31st, 2014 with Bernard Stepien
a 2014 10 RWAC programs retrospective

A selection of samples of 2014 RWAC shows. you can listen to the full shows by clicking on the dates of the following web page (copy this link to your browser): • Yusef Lateef, jan 1st • Michael Moore, feb 19th • William Parker, feb 12th • Roddy Ellias, mar 19th • Hans Hassler, apr 2nd • Lajos Dudas, may 7th • Mats Gustavsson, aug 6th • George Lewis, oct 15th • Jon Ballantyne, nov 19th • Phil Minton, dec 3rd
Flues for the Orient
Yusef Lateef - Flues for the Orient - prestige
Michael Moore - Chicoutimi - ramboy
Light #3
William Parker - Crumbling in the shadows is fraülein Miller's Stale cake - centering records
the lopsiided robot
Roddy Ellias - monday's dream - Kwimu music Canadian
Hans Hassler - Hassler - intakt
ordinary memory
Lajos Dudas - Lodge out - mudoks records
Mats Gustavson - slide - firework edition record
George Lewis - hommage to charlie Parker - black saint
Jon Ballantyne - avenue standard - RAW Canadian
no doughnuts in hand #1, #7, #8
Phil Minton - no doughnuts in hand - emanemdisk