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Can I Have A Word?
Thursday September 17th, 2020 with Bob LeDrew
Christa Couture on "How To Lose Everything"

Christa Couture has an inventory of loss. A leg. A child. Another child. A marriage. If you've followed her music career, you may know some of this. But now she's published "How To Lose Everything: A Memoir." It's a remarkable book, and a remarkable conversation. (Author photo: Jen Squires)
A Few Simple Words
Grit Laskin - A Few Simple Words - Borealis Canadian
Christa Couture - Safe Harbour - COAX Canadian New
Interactive CKCU
hillbilly glenn
Beautiful to listen to...helps a lot in a deep 'pandam'... Thanks to both of you! Christa is a Goddess...

4:24 PM, September 17th, 2020