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Rabble Without A Cause
Wednesday September 30th, 2020 with Ron Steeds
Birthday boy Scott Fields records BITTER LOVE SONGS on his birthday, September 30, 2007.

Birthday boy Scott Fields records BITTER LOVE SONGS on his birthday, September 30, 2007.
Break Tune
Arthur Blythe - In The Tradition - Columbia
Set 1
Yeah, Sure, We Can Still Be Friends, Whatever
Scott Fields Freetet - Bitter Love Songs - Clean Feed
Go Ahead, Take The Furniture, At Least You Helped Pick It Out
Scott Fields Freetet - Bitter Love Songs - Clean Feed
My Love Is Love, Your Love Is Hate
Scott Fields Freetet - Bitter Love Songs - Clean Feed
Set 2
Your Parents Must Be Just Ecstatic Now
Scott Fields Freetet - Bitter Love Songs - Clean Feed
I Was Good Enough Until Your Friends Butted In
Scott Fields Freetet - Bitter Love Songs - Clean Feed
You Used To Say I Love You But So What Now
Scott Fields Freetet - Bitter Love Songs - Clean Feed
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