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Rabble Without A Cause
Wednesday May 7th, 2014 with Bernard Stepien
Clarinets: Hungarian Lajos Dudas and Alsatian Jean-Marc Foltz

Cross-border musical explorations are increasingly frequent for Jazz musicians. The clarinet is one of the oldest musical instruments that did not change much mover centuries. Thus, it was there during classical music hay days and it moved over to the very inception of Jazz. It eventually fell in disgrace with Modern Jazz musicians, but some did hang on and paved the way for its renaissance. This week we will have a closer look at two Jazz – Classical music transgressions with the clarinet as an accomplice: Hungarian official classical and Jazz musician Lajos Dudas that resides in Germany and Alsatian equally classical and Jazz musician Jean-Marc Foltz. Both have chosen a similar band format: clarinet - string - piano. The string instrument varies slightly. On the CD Lodge Out, Dudas went for the traditional Jazz bass and its walking tendencies while on the To The Moon CD, Foltz went for the cello with its natural lyricism. The most dramatic differences are on the piano side: Dudas is associated with Hubert Bergman that favors an energetic wakeup approach while Foltz is associated with American Bill Carothers that is the master of dramatically meditative and dark atmospheres. Missed last week’s RWAC show featuring IMOO 100th celebration? Get it from the CKCU archives by copying this link on your brwoser:
there is no doubt
Lajos Dudas - lodge out - mudoks records New
peripheral edge west
Lajos Dudas - lodge out - mudoks records New
intermezzo #4
Lajos Dudas - lodge out - mudoks records New
ordinary memory
Lajos Dudas - lodge out - mudoks records New
tea for three
Lajos Dudas - lodge out - mudoks records New
Lajos Dudas - lodge out - mudoks records New
pre-goers memory
Lajos Dudas - lodge out - mudoks records New
gallows song
Jean-Marc Foltz - to the moon - ayler records
Jean-Marc Foltz - to the moon - ayler records
to colombine
Jean-Marc Foltz - to the moon - ayler records
Jean-Marc Foltz - to the moon - ayler records