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Rabble Without A Cause
Wednesday June 5th, 2013 with Bernard Stepien
Ottawa International Jazz Festival picks

This is the start of a series of shows on the Ottawa International Jazz Festival’s Improv Invitational series that is particularly beefed up this year. On this first show, I have invited two outstanding Jazz aficionados, Alayne McGregor and Brett Delmage that have two characteristics: first, they are not musicians and thus will give us an insight on what a non-musician listener appreciates in such a programming and second, they are over-actively promoting Jazz through their web site, giving extensive details on a sometimes encyclopaedic scale on locally performing musicians. Two more upcoming shows will handle the highly technical musician’s point of views. Producing a Jazz Festival these days is quite a different story than 20 or 30 years ago. Back then, festival organizers could count on a pool of Jazz giants. This was how the Jazz music business was organized back then. Now that most of them have disappeared, they are replaced by a multitude of highly music educated musicians that I would call academic Jazz musicians. They play exactly like the giants that they have thoroughly studied and come up with new ideas of their own.
Mike Murley - Still rolling - cornestan Canadian
so far so close
Craig Pedersen - days like today - independent Canadian
la lune etait écoute aux portes
Florquestra Brasil - Flortographia - independent Canadian
les jadins du Luxembourg
John Geggie - Accross the sky - plunge Canadian
Nick Fraser - town and valleys - barnyard Canadian
off minor
Rafael Zaldivar - life directions - effendi Canadian
i am alrighty
Jesse Stewart - stretch orchestra - independent Canadian