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In A Mellow Tone
Wednesday April 13th, 2022 with Bruce Walton
"there ain't no wrong notes on the piano"

Late in his life, when Thelonious Monk had stopped all musical activity, he heard an "expert" on a NYC radio station say, as part of a special feature on his music, that Monk made great music, despite "playing the wrong notes on the piano", a reference to the distinctively off-kilter aspects of his compositions. Monk called the station and said "tell that guy there ain't no wrong notes on the piano". Nor were there, when Thelonious Sphere Monk composed the 70 songs which are his legacy. Some of those tunes have become jazz standards, as musicians explore their distinctive, and sometimes very challenging, melodies, harmonies and rhythms. Others are much less well-known, and tonight we check out some of each type as played by the pianist Frank Kimbrough and his quartet, featuring multi-instrumentalist Scott Robinson, from his impressive all-of-Monk box set. About half the tracks are done as a tenor sax quartet, five are quartets with Scott Robinson playing something other than tenor, and the balance are duos of various types and one solo piano version. In order to focus on "lesser" Monk compositions I have deliberately avoided "Round Midnight", "In Walked Bud", "Evidence", Epistrophy", etc.
North Of The Sunset
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams - The Complete Compositions of Thelonious Sphere Monk (2019)
Scott Robinson gives new meaning to the word 'multi-instrumentalist'. He limited himself to six on this recording, but has played scores of instruments over the course of his 40 year career. As per Tom Lord's jazz discography, they include every type of reed and brass instrument (no oboe - not sure how he missed that one) as well as rarities/oddities like theremin, mezzophone, space sound tube, rothophone, and, my personal favourite, normalphone (or Normaphon).
Rhythm-A-Ning (SR - bass sax)
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Ba-Lue Bolivar Ba-Lues-Are
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Children's Song (SR - tenor & trumpet)
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Blue Sphere (tenor/drums duo)
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Stuffy Turkey
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Something In Blue (tenor/piano duo)
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Refections (bas sax/bass duo)
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
I Mean You
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Monk's Point (piano/drums duo)
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
A Merrier Christmas (tenor/piano duo)
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Crepuscule With Nellie (solo piano)
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Hornin' In
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Locomotive (SR - bass clarinet)
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
52nd Street Theme
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Bluehawk (SR - echo cornet)
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Off Minor
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Who Knows (SR - bass sax)
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Criss Cross
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Friday The Thirteenth
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Misterioso (SR - contrabass sarrusophone, pictured above)
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Monk's Mood
Frank Kimbrough - Monk's Dreams
Interactive CKCU
so COOL is all I can say & Thank you...of course

9:40 PM, April 13th, 2022
The Oboe is sum special!;-)( I knew a player...she made the jokes!

9:42 PM, April 13th, 2022
Bruce Walton (host)
Thanks hb. Glad you enjoyed.

2:44 PM, April 14th, 2022