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This Is Nowhere
Monday March 22nd, 2021 with Tariq Anwar & Jordan Craig
Episode 8 - Gordie Johnson of Big Sugar

Gordie Johnson (Big Sugar, Grady, Sit Down Servant) joined us in Nowhere to chat about his musical history, his philosophy of how the artistic muse has taken him on a journey to explore new sounds, and also what he's got going on in his life in Austin, Texas! We also play the title track off his current record Eternity Now (feat. legendary guitar icon Alex Lifeson!) and take him on a trip literally to nowhere in another edition of Jordy's Field Trip. All that and much more so tune in!
Sound Is All Around Us
Save The Whales - Canadian
Eternity Now
Big Sugar - Eternity Now Canadian
Quicker Than Sound
Save The Whales - Canadian
I'm A Ram
Big Sugar - Five Hundred Pounds Canadian
Interactive CKCU
cool. thanks!

12:07 PM, March 22nd, 2021