Chance Meeting
Friday October 15th, 2021 with Heavy Ben
Melodic and Rhythmic Patterns from Africa and South-East Asia
Chance meeting on a Gamelan of drums and snakey grooves
R.I.P. Alèmayèhu Eshèté (1941-06 - 2021-09-02)
Sao Sakit Mae The Paradise Bangkok Molam International Band - 21st Century Molam - Studio Lam - 2014 |
Eskègizéw Bèrtchi Alèmayèhu Eshèté (Alemayehu Eshete) - (Ethiopiques) Éthiopiques 8: Swinging Addis - Amha / Buda Musique - 1974 / 2000 |
Take Me With You My Darling, Take Me With You (Dinimaak A Habibi Dinimaak) Master Musicians of Jajouka - Brian Jones Presents The Pipes Of Pan At Jajouka - Rolling Stones Records - 1971 |
Bopong Sekehe Legong Bidadari Indra Parwati - Music Of Bali - Gamelan Semar Pegulingan From The Village Of Ketewel - Lyrichord - 1986 |
Friends and Gardens Hu Vibrational - Beautiful - Boonghee Music 2 - Soul Jazz - 2004 |
Wètètié Maré Mulugèn Mèllèssè (Muluken Melesse) - (Ethiopiques) Éthiopiques 1: Golden Years of Modern Music - Amha / Buda Musique - 1975 / 1997 |
Gentleman Fela Ransome Kuti & The Africa 70 - Gentleman - EMI - 1973 |
Gyil Dance Odinga Guy Warren - Native Africa - KPM - 1969 |
Alokèrkum Nèbèr (Almokerkum Nebere) Hirut Bègèlè (Hirut Bekele) - (Ethiopiques) Éthiopiques 3: Golden Years of Modern Ethiopian Music - Amha / Buda Musique - 1972 / 1998 |
Trance Gong Gamelan Pacifica - Trance Gong - ¿What Next? Recordings - 1994 |
Rom Jongvak Twist (Dance Twist) Pan Ron (Pen Ran ប៉ែន រ៉ន) - Cambodian Rocks - Parallel World - 1995 (rec. 1965-1975) |
So peppy! Streamed it this morning with my coffee - perfect to go with a hectic start to the day.
10:41 AM, October 15th, 2021