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In My Good Books
Tuesday August 25th, 2020 with Pat Moore
Reading - A Fatal Grace by Louise Penny Chapters 13-16

Last episode we ended off part way into Chapter 13. The investigation begins. Folks in the community were of course chatting about the event, and had given Gamache their witness statements. It was clear that people in the town were not going to miss CC. Gamache went home to Reine Marie, and they began a lovely normal evening, which included chatting a bit about the case. Gamache had been to see CC’s husband and daughter and was sad for the girl, at both what seemed to be a misunderstood life, and the tragic death of her mother. And perplexed by the knowledge that CC went to sit near the heater Reine Marie asked why a woman would go sit by the heat and leave her husband and daughter in the cold stands.
Le P'tit porte clé (theme)
La Bottine Souriante - Anthologie Canadian
chapters 13-16
Louise Penny - A Fatal Grace (Book) Canadian
Le P'tit porte clé
La Bottine Souriante - Anthologie Canadian
La valse des bélugas
La Bottine Souriante - Anthologie Canadian
Interactive CKCU