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White Rabbit
Thursday February 6th, 2020 with Reina Cowan and Dylan Peters
Black History Month

It's February and that means Black History Month! We'll jump down the Rabbit hole to give you some Black Canadian historical facts that you might not have learned in school (why are we not learning this in school? We'll talk about that as well!) Our guest for the hour is Eileen, co-president of Carleton's Black Student Alliance (BSA). She'll be running us through what her group is doing for Black History Month and discuss some important issues that the Black community faces in 2020. Follow the BSA online at They're also active on Instagram: @bsacarletonu Plus, a very cool video series by Unilearnal out of Ottawa's own Lenz Studio: 28 moments of Black Canadian History! Make sure to follow along day by day, as they're highlighting a different Black Canadian for each day of the month.
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