Can I Have A Word?
Wednesday May 1st, 2019 with DesTrois
Deborah Grinnell and Warren Clarke about their collaboration: "Theatre of the Oppressed"
Carleton and Glebe Collegiate Institute Present Theatrical Production on Harmful Stereotypes and Young Canadians
Carleton University's Department of Sociology and Anthropology, in collaboration with Glebe Collegiate Institute, presents Theatre of the Oppressed: The stereotypical notions of gender, race, and sexuality among young Canadians.
This interactive performance encourages students and community members to think critically about issues of gender, race, social class, age, ability and sexuality in the lives of young Canadians.
A panel discussion with the performers and theatre directors will follow the show.
When: Friday, May 3, 2019, doors open at 5 p.m., performance starts at 5:30 p.m.
Where: Carleton Dominion Chalmers Centre, 355 Cooper St., Ottawa
Info: This event is free and open to the public. Tickets are available online.
Carleton undergraduate and Glebe high school students will present two plays that highlight the discrimination and social oppression young people face in the Canadian social climate. The Misguided Counsel explores the subtle and overt racial discrimination that racialized Canadian youth encounter within high schools; the Rumour Mill looks at young people’s struggle to express their sexuality in a heteronormative society.
This event follows the “Theatre of the Oppressed” model – a dramatic game in which a problem of social inequality, or symptom of oppression, is shown in an unsolved form. The interactive performance allows the audience to get involved to stop the oppression. At certain points, audience members will be invited to replace a character, excluding the oppressed and oppressor characters, to create a learning experience and positive outcome.
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4:49 PM, May 1st, 2019