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Thursday Early Blend
Thursday April 4th, 2019 with Allen Roulston
An Hour of Controversial Conversation

A new Boeing flight control system problem has crashed more than one airplane. ????? How does that happen???? Censorship conversation related to this article:
Home Is Where The Hurt Is
Dean Batstone - Broken - The Batbus Demos Canadian
The Good Fight
Greg Kelly - Broken Windows Canadian
We Will Not Be Broken
Dean Batstone - Love That Shine Canadian
Over You
Lost Dakotas - Last Train To Kipling Canadian
Interactive CKCU
This is a great show! Censorship IS patronizing.....saying your audience cannot think for themselves. What gives the censor the right to decide for me? To feed me their opinion. That’s a REALLY big ego. Big brother is watching you. Hopefully that never happens on CKCU.

9:24 AM, April 4th, 2019