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Thursday Early Blend
Thursday February 9th, 2017 with Suzette Schmiedel
Consciousness Rising in 2017 with Mayan Shaman Edgardo Gomez and Spiritual Director Judith Matheson

Around the world, many Spiritual leaders are confirming that consciousness on the planet is rising at an incredible pace, whether we are aware of it or not. This is also being confirmed by astrological predictions. But how do these predictions translate in terms of consciousness rising? Find out with Mayan Shaman Edgardo Gomez and Spiritual Director Judith Matheson as we explore what's in store for 2017 and beyond. Special Guests: Mayan Shaman Edgardo Gomez 613 731 6366 Grandmother Judith Matheson (White Owl) Spiritual Director Heart + Soul Light Centre Gatineau/Ottawa OWL Outaouais Wellness Learning Centre Executive ad hoc Outreach group Special Event: The movie “The Awakening” a spiritual gathering POW WOW CELEBRATION with the late Grandfather William Commanda Sunday, Feb. 19 from 7 pm to 9:30 pm The AWAKENING is a land mark invitation for everyone to come together to share ideas on how to heal our Planet by reconnecting and working together. A Sacred Circle Conversation where all voices in the circle are equal will follow the movie. Join us and invite a friend donations of $5 or more the priceless cost. Where: Kitchissippi United Church 630 Island Park Drive Turn onto Byng Street near the Queensway Overpass to find the Church Two books Learning from a Kindergarten Student with Romola Trebilcock, and Chaudiere Falls with author David Mulholland will be available to purchase.
Shamanic Song – Healing Music
Shmnel Koren Ronen - Youtube
Cheops Activates the Great Pyramid
Jeffrey Goodman - Tears of Isis
Mahk Jhi (Heartbeat drum song)
Robbie Robertson - Music for Native Americans Canadian
Shaman Mayan Plethora- Indian Birth Song
Aldrichw - Youtube
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