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Thursday Early Blend
Thursday October 30th, 2014 with Suzette Schmiedel
Why Outdoor Fitness?

WHY OUTDOOR FITNESS So maybe there was some wisdom in the saying “go play outside”. Today we will explore What are the benefits of doing physical activity outdoors as opposed to in the gym and how we can incorporate more fresh air activities into our lives and our lungs. To help us with this task I invited Certified Nordic Walking Master Instructor Irene Richardson, an expert on the subject. Her dynamic enthusiasm is quite contagious indeed!
Go back to your woods
Robbie Robertson - 20th Century Album Canadian
Wind Blows
Yukon Blond - Yukon Blond Canadian
Ball Cap
Mother Mother - Touch Up Canadian
Serena Ryder - Harmony Canadian
Rich Aucoin - We’re All Dying To Live Canadian
Special Guest:
Irene Richardson
Certified Nordic Walking Master Instructor

CKCU Outdoor Fundraising Activity!
Get Fit, Have Fun, Learn Something New!

Join us for a Nordic Pole Walking, learn the technique clinic!
with Certified Master Instructor Irene Richardson
on Saturday Nov. 8 from 10:30 am to 12 noon beside Carleton U (Brewer's Park).

Donate $20 or more and you are eligible to attend (Bring your receipt)
To register copy this link:

Contribute, Get outdoors and have fun!
Interactive CKCU
Suzette Schmiedel (host)
Donate Now! $20 or more gets you a free Nordic Pole Walking lesson with Irene Richardson! I know I will be there!

4:55 PM, October 29th, 2014
Cool stuff Suzette!:)

7:11 AM, October 30th, 2014
Cool stuff Suzette!:)

7:11 AM, October 30th, 2014
Mike Mercer
Forgot to add My full name to the last message My Name is not Mi it's Mike!r

7:15 AM, October 30th, 2014
Suzette Schmiedel (host)
Thanks for the message Mike! Glad you like! Will mention it on next Thursday's I Am Alive!

4:44 PM, October 30th, 2014
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