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Thursday Special Blend - Geek On
Thursday January 23rd, 2014 with Kiernan Mac
Geek On! Is Electronica The Future Of Music?

Future. Future. Future. Future. What does the future have in-store for humankind? Mass food and drink in toothpaste form? A global space war between the United States, Turkey, Poland, and Japan, fought using handheld laser beams on gargantuan “Death Stars”? The Ottawa Senators winning an actual Stanley Cup? Only joking. These wishes will only ever be science fiction. Or maybe the future will see electronica and EDM (Electronic Dance Music) becoming the quintessential style of music played en mass by society? Relive the discussion, as host Kiernan Mac delves into discussing whether or not electronic music is the music of the future. Has the technological revolution contributed to the utilization of electronic music within all subgenres of music? Why are all “good” electronic producers from France? Is “TRON: Legacy" the single greatest accomplishment of Daft Punk? Put your “hip, neon, space rings” on and adjust your eyes to the forthcoming blinding chrome world (evocative of George Orwell’s “1984”) and find out, only on Geek On! BlitzDub (aka. DJ KatManDu):
Daft Punk - TRON: Legacy (Music from the Motion Picture)
Justice - Audio, Video, Disco
The Alphabeat
David Guetta - Nothing But the Beat Ultimate
Overwerk - n/a Canadian