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Thursday Special Blend - Geek On
Thursday January 16th, 2014 with Kiernan Mac
Geek On! What Relationship Exists Between Minimalism And Independent Video Games?

Minimalism and independent video games. ..... See what we did there? Relive the discussion as host Kiernan Mac, along with returning guest blogger Zachary Laflamme, delve into discussing how the stylistic concept of minimalism relates to modern independent video games (such as, but not limiting, “Super Meat Boy”, “Rogue Legacy”, and “Papers, Please”). Do the minimalist aspects of indie games contribute to the creation of unique intellectual properties; compared to say AAA “spunkgargleweewee” games? Is a property being “free” necessarily an element of minimalism? How lovably is renowned indie game developer Edmund McMillen? Grab your “Game Developing for Dummies” handbook and tap into your inner sense of creativity and childhood wonder, and find out, only on Geek On! Zachary Laflamme: Youtube: The Rural Alberta Advantage: 8:00 PM on Sunday January 19th Ritual Nightclub 137 Besserer Street Harea Band: Website: Youtube:
Wax Fang - La La Land
Tornado '87
The Rural Alberta Advantage - Departing Canadian
Dogs Eyes
Wye Oak - Civilian
Harea Band - n/a Canadian