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Welcome To My World
Tuesday October 30th, 2018 with Kim Kilpatrick and Shelley Ann Morris
"This is what would happen if EVERYBODY did."

This is the title of my favourite children's book. It is also a message that we want to send during Funding Drive show #2. If EVERYBODY did just one small thing, made one small donation, it all counts! Last week, we have had some donations which are so very much appreciated but we are still a long way from our goal and the overall goal. Let's keep the mighty 93 strong and giving voice to the otherwise voiceless.
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Interactive CKCU
Shelley Ann Morris (host)
What was YOUR favourite children's book? We'd love to hear about that, and we would love your donations, too. Thanks to all who have donated so far.

7:07 AM, October 27th, 2018
Mike Mercer
My favorite children's books were Goldilocks & the Three Bears Winnie the Pooh & Mother Goose!:)

8:59 AM, October 30th, 2018
Mike Mercer
Dial & Donate 613-520-3920 Online at to click & Donate like Myself & everyone has so far I already donated to your show online last week & now how about the rest of you doin the same.

9:02 AM, October 30th, 2018
I just made my pledge! I had so many favourite books growing up! Susana the Pioneer Cow, A fish Out of Water, Hurry Up Slowpoke to name a few!!

9:15 AM, October 30th, 2018
I donated more than $5 that was announced...honestly I did!!

9:41 AM, October 30th, 2018
Andrew (T-23)
Good morning ! Thanks for everything you do :)

9:41 AM, October 30th, 2018