A show by, for and about people with disabilities, founded in 2013.
Hosted by: Jacob Shymanski, Kim Kilpatrick, Daniel Bourret and Shelley Ann Morris
This program is not currently airing on CKCU.
Join Shelley Ann Morris and Kim Kilpatrick for interviews and performances that are changing the conversation about disability.
Hosted by: Jacob Shymanski, Kim Kilpatrick, Daniel Bourret and Shelley Ann Morris
This program is not currently airing on CKCU.
Join Shelley Ann Morris and Kim Kilpatrick for interviews and performances that are changing the conversation about disability.
Welcome To My World
Welcome To My World aims to change the conversation and views about disability.
Devoted to expressing what it means to have differing abilities, join Kim, Parastou and Shelley each
week to hear news, music and interviews. The program is not just for those with
disabilities but for everyone. Listeners can join in with suggestions, commentary, content and
participation at ckcudisabilities@gmail.com and via Twitter @ckcuwtmw
You can find the blog here: http://ckcuwelcometomyworld.wordpress.com