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Welcome To My World
Tuesday August 14th, 2018 with Kim Kilpatrick and Shelley Ann Morris
What To Do When Things Are New

Today we will talk about how people with disabilities handle new situations. For those of us with disabilities, they can pose logistical challenges that those without disabilities need not consider. We'll talk about new schools, new jobs, new locations, changes in the services we use everyday. We also had an interview with Jeff Holmes, Coach, Ottawa Blind Soccer. They will be hosting an event Participation Clinic for Blind Soccer in conjunction with the Ottawa Fury as part of I Love Soccer week Thursday August 16 6:00- 8:00p.m. Blind people and volunteers welcome! Introduction provided, balls, skills and a small match TD Place Stadium on the outside turf contains more contact information and the schedule. Fall practices will start in early September. Please see the website for more information. There is also a link on this site to register for this Thursday's event. They are looking for participants for Ontario Parasport games in February as well as hopes to put a team in the Paralympics.
What You Do With What You've Got
Susie Burke and David Surette - Sometimes In The Evening
Dear Life
High Valley - High Valley
Courage Is the Letting Go (feat. Linda Waterfall, Guitar, Cary Black, Bass, Julian Smedley, Violin & David Sebring, Mandolin)
Linda Allen - Women's Work
Run With What's Left (Shit Happens)
The Network Man - Perspective Canadian New
Interactive CKCU
Shelley Ann Morris (host)
Hello Everyone, What new situations have you faced? What were your challenges? What did you do? We'd love to hear about it.

7:24 AM, August 13th, 2018
Mike Mercer
What I did last week was celebrate My 55th Birthday in San Antonio by going to the aquarium & it's all indoors I loved it in there seeing the fish & everything as well as some shows everything!:}}}}}

9:08 AM, August 14th, 2018
How about Jimi Hendrix, 'scuse me while I kiss this guy?

9:21 AM, August 14th, 2018
"Yukon Johnny"....Dire Straights!! I thought the Righteous brothers were brothers with the last name of Righteous! Congrats Shelley on your successful death race and to Kim for her successful show at GCTC!

9:51 AM, August 14th, 2018
Shelley Ann Morris
Happy birthday Mike—glad you had a good day on your birthday. Hope the year ahead will be a good one. Dean, you are one of the biggest Hendrix fans I have ever met—that one would be top-of-mind for you. Yukon Johnny and the Righteous Brothers—hahaha Colleen that’s a good one—if you DIG! Thank you, all.

11:49 AM, August 14th, 2018
The Network Man
A big thank you to Shelley Ann and Kim for their unwavering support of The Network Man. You can hear "Run With What's Left", view the lyric video and read the story behind the song at

7:16 AM, August 15th, 2018