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Monday Special Blend
Monday September 9th, 2024 with Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins
Urban Trees and Climate ft. CAFES & Emma Bider

Bruce Cockburn - Speechless Canadian
CKCU Live-on-Location at Bug Day!

Bug Day!
When: Saturday, September 7th from 9 am to 4 pm
Where: 960 Carling Ave Ottawa (at the Ottawa Research and Development Centre on the Central Experimental Farm)
Who: All ages
Cost: Free

Discover the amazing world of insects at Bug Day! Activities will include insect expeditions, insect cuisine, cockroach races, crafts, demos by expert entomologists and more. This event is held at the location of the largest insect collection in Canada, the Canadian National Collection of Insects Arachnids and Nematodes, in conjunction with the Research Open House at the Central Experimental Farm. The Open House will feature crop and research displays horse-drawn wagon rides, soil pits, composting demos, a corn maze and more. Free event with parking available onsite. Secure bike parking available by donation. Come on out and try a free cricket ice cream sample!


Bug Zoo
Insect cuisine
Cockroach races
Insect Expeditions
How to make an insect collection
Aquatic insects
Bug ID
Pollinator Gardens
Soil microarthropods
Good bugs vs bad bugs
Micro insects
Canadian Nature Conservancy
Scientific illustrations
Photographing insects for science
Canadian Wildlife Federation
Ottawa Field Naturalists
Insect acoustics
Global Federation of Insurance Associations
Face painting
Fight the bite!
Abeilles citoyennes
Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library
The garden still grows
Maria Hawkins - Canadian
Show Topic: Urban Trees and Climate

Main Messages

We can have instrumental understanding of trees as green infrastructure; we can love trees (have affective relationship with them); we can have understanding where trees themselves have agency.

Unpacking these ways of understanding trees gives us important insights about community activists, about the City’s institutional behaviours, and how this relates to climate change.

The City’s instrumental construct is actually just a disingenous facade to (a) hide that they are not in fact ready to protect trees when citizens call for that; and (b) hide that they are not undertaking the urgent systemic and structural actions needed to lessen Ottawa’s carbon footprint and adapt.

Conversation with Guest: Emma Bider & Angela Keller-Herzog
From the storm
Little Big Lions - Happy Accident Canadian
2024 Ottawa-Gatineau Climate March // Marche pour le climat Ottawa-Gatineau 2024

Climate change is a global environmental crisis that impacts everyone on the planet, but that doesn’t mean that we are all equally responsible for causing it, nor are we responsible for Canada’s lack of action.

This September, Fridays for Future Ottawa-Gatineau is calling out seven organizations that are blocking effective climate policy, spreading misinformation, and providing funding to the disastrous fossil fuel industry.

On September 21, join us as we march to the downtown locations of the six CLIMATE CULPRITS standing in the way of climate action.

We invite you to join us as we Expose Canada’s Climate Culprits!
Interactive CKCU