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Monday Special Blend: All playlists

Date Host Highlight On Demand
8:00 AM  Oct. 7th, 2024 Nathanael Newton Just food Farms & The Canadian Folk Music Awards
8:00 AM  Sep. 30th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Chris White Orange Shirt Day
8:00 AM  Sep. 23rd, 2024 Nathanael Newton Seniors for Climate & More
8:00 AM  Sep. 16th, 2024 Nathanael Newton Fridays For Future, Ulyn and Friends
8:00 AM  Sep. 9th, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Urban Trees and Climate ft. CAFES & Emma Bider
8:00 AM  Sep. 2nd, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins A Tactile Colour System for Members of the Blind Community Interview with Dr. Hsin-Yi Chao & Dr. John Kennedy
8:00 AM  Aug. 26th, 2024 Chris White Carleton student athlete Tristan Rinaldis talks about his CFL hopes and his public service work; playwright Andrea Scott talks about 'Controlled Damage', a play about Viola Desmond that is coming to the National Arts Centre
8:00 AM  Aug. 19th, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Loch Nisse Monster & The Ottawa Little Theatre
8:00 AM  Aug. 12th, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Who Invented Mornings Anyway....????
8:00 AM  Aug. 5th, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Blue Skies & Leah Mac
8:00 AM  Jul. 29th, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Ottawa Little Theatre, Ty Pro, Nyx and Lightsmith
8:00 AM  Jul. 22nd, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Barb Gray, Chris White Turkwaz, Recap of Toronto Trip and More!
8:00 AM  Jul. 15th, 2024 Maria Hawkins & Christophe Elie Guest Hosts as Nathanael Is in Toronto with Chris White
8:00 AM  Jul. 8th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Chris White Climate CAFES with Angela - Eco Tenant Issues and Heat Bylaw
8:00 AM  Jul. 1st, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins The Day of the Holiday
8:00 AM  Jun. 24th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Barb Gray Magdalene Carson and Stuart Kinmond, Shelly Niro
8:00 AM  Jun. 17th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Barb Gray Portia White, Ridea Fiddlers, Ottawa Little Theatre
8:00 AM  Jun. 10th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Chris White Angela's Climate Corner, Fiddles on the Rideau festival
8:00 AM  Jun. 3rd, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Barb Gray DeBaser, Ottawa Little Theatre
8:00 AM  May. 27th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Barb Gray Ben Telford Visuals, Barb Gray explores 'Bug Adventure' at Museum of Nature
8:00 AM  May. 20th, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Ottawa OMIC CMA, Geographic society of Canada
8:00 AM  May. 13th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Chris White & Barb Gray Jo Riding -- Canadian Tulip Festival; Angela Keller-Herzog -- Cafes Ottawa; Melissa Raftis -- “Stag & Doe”
8:00 AM  May. 6th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Barb Gray First Royals of Europe: An epic journey tracing the rise of wealth and power in southeastern Europe
8:00 AM  Apr. 29th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Barb Gray, Chris White The Ottawa Grassroots Festival -- Allison Bowie, Chris White; Writers Spring Festival
8:00 AM  Apr. 22nd, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Barb Gray, Chris White Earth Day 2024!
8:00 AM  Apr. 15th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Chris White, Barb Gray Hunt club forest protest, Lainey's Luck, Andree Benson
8:00 AM  Apr. 8th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Chris White G3M, clips from the street on fossil fools day and more!
8:00 AM  Apr. 1st, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Fossil Fools Day & More
8:00 AM  Mar. 25th, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins A poignant round-table conversation with "Narcan Jesus" (Ronnie Grigg) of the Zero Block Society
8:00 AM  Mar. 18th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Chris White Stormchaser Andrew Macklin, Gabriela GrefInnes from CACOR and more!
8:00 AM  Mar. 11th, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins A jam packed show! tic, the Bytown Fiddlers, Tish Black from the International Film Festival of Ottawa
8:00 AM  Mar. 4th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Chris White Dr. Ellen MacIsaac, Albert Dumont
8:00 AM  Feb. 26th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins & Chris White Ottawa-based composer Jack Hui Litster
8:00 AM  Feb. 19th, 2024 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins & Chris White 'Crucible' An Exhibit by Arthur II in honour of the 50th anniversary of SAW
8:00 AM  Feb. 12th, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Nick Schofield and more
8:00 AM  Feb. 5th, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Music in Ottawa
8:00 AM  Jan. 29th, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins
8:00 AM  Jan. 22nd, 2024 Nathanael Newton A chill Monday
8:00 AM  Jan. 15th, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Comedy at YukYuks and more
8:00 AM  Jan. 8th, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Raphael Weinroth-Browne & Musk Ox, 'Chopps' & Tin Constellations
8:00 AM  Jan. 1st, 2024 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Happy New Year!
8:00 AM  Dec. 25th, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Maria is back!
8:00 AM  Dec. 18th, 2023 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Barb Gray Daguerreotypes, Music and Beyond’, and much more!
8:00 AM  Dec. 11th, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Barb Gray Tin Constellations, Christine Lalonde & Nick Sikkuark, The Governor General's Art Awards, Leanna Brodie & the play “Benevolence” at the GCTC.
8:00 AM  Dec. 4th, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Barb Gray The First Great Snow Day -- Tom Marcantonio -- Christine Lalonde, Nick Sikkuark and The National Gallery of Canada
8:00 AM  Nov. 27th, 2023 Nathanael Newton, Maria Hawkins, Barb Gray Campaign to Save Hunt Club Forest & Author Roger Florschutz with his new book “The Peruvian Book of the Dead”
8:00 AM  Nov. 20th, 2023 Nathanael Newton, Chris White, Barb Gray Clowns, Mary Poppins & More
8:00 AM  Nov. 13th, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Barb Gray The Magpies -- The Privatization of Home Care -- Kanata Theatre Twelfth Night
8:00 AM  Nov. 6th, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Nathanael & Maria recap, Linda MacDonald -- Remembrance Day story, Graham Digby -- CAPP (Coalition Against the Proposed Prison) Kemptville, Barb Gray -- Janet Uren in the Linden House Theatre Production “Italian American Reconciliation: A Folklore Tale”
8:00 AM  Oct. 30th, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins FunDrive @ The Rainbow & Funding Drive @ CKCU!
8:00 AM  Oct. 23rd, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Soul Space, Martin Masse - Snowsuit Fund
8:00 AM  Oct. 16th, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Interviews with Sheila White, Sean Wilson
8:00 AM  Oct. 9th, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Interviews with Carleton Alumni, Brenda & Mike Peterson, Mark Cloutier, Gaston Barban Former High Commissioner of Canada to RSA (South Africa), Anita Manley from Ottawa Blues for Youth
8:00 AM  Oct. 2nd, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Suzie Vinnick, Upcoming Events, Funding Drive thoughts
8:00 AM  Sep. 25th, 2023 Nathanael Newton and Maria Hawkins Winners of the 2023 Scotiabank New Generation Photography (NGPA) award featured in an exhibition organized by the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa South Committee for Refugee Support and concert with the Big Soul Project
8:00 AM  Sep. 18th, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Jesse Greene, Shelly Lambert, Andre Rodrigues - Runway For Hope, Barbara Gray
8:00 AM  Sep. 11th, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Matt Van Abbema from Fridays For Future, Laurel Minnes, Andrea Prazmowski interviews Tony Turner
8:00 AM  Sep. 4th, 2023 Nathanael Newton Jessie Kangok - Kim Kilpatrick
8:00 AM  Aug. 28th, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins Interview with former CKCU host and station manager Patrick Nagle
8:00 AM  Aug. 21st, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Chris White Nathanael interviews 'tic' (Michael Houston about Barnstorm XXIII, Recorded interview with Artist Deanna Bowen regarding her work 'The Black Canadians (After Cooke)' that's currently displayed on the National Gallery Barb Gray talks with director Lisa...
8:00 AM  Aug. 14th, 2023 Nathanael Newton Maria Hawkins interviews Ange the manager of Pleasures and Treasures, Nathanael chats with Maria, Barb Gray interviews Matthew Behrens Associate Producer of the Classic Theatre Festival regarding ‘Sleuth’ by Anthony Schaffer
8:00 AM  Aug. 7th, 2023 Nathanael Newton and Chris White Albert Dumont (South Wind); Claude Latour; Barb Gray; Nicholas Leno and Sam Woods (A Company Of Fools)
8:00 AM  Jul. 31st, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Chris White Lorne Weiner, Chad Clifford and Michael Silverstone (Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust), Tiiu Strutt ('Land Heart Song')
8:00 AM  Jul. 24th, 2023 Nathanael Newton & Chris White Christophe Elie, Barb Gray, Chris Ralph (Ottawa Little Theatre), Laurie Steven (Odyssey Theatre)
8:00 AM  Jul. 17th, 2023 Nathanael Newton Jason Dunkerley, Barb Gray, Ottawa Classic Theatre Festival
8:00 AM  Jul. 10th, 2023 Nathanael Newton Aalya Ahmad & Claudia Salguero, Bev Forcier & Jim Davies
7:00 AM  Feb. 13th, 2023 Colin & Emily Moving Day! One Last Hurrah (for now) with Colin & Emily on MSB!
7:00 AM  Feb. 6th, 2023 Colin & Emily Early Morning with Colin, Emily & Special Guest DANY HOROVITZ!
7:00 AM  Jan. 30th, 2023 Colin & Emily MSB Presents: January Jams! Early Mornings w/​ Colin and Emily
7:00 AM  Jan. 23rd, 2023 Colin & Emily MSB Presents: January Jams! Early Mornings w/​​ Colin and Emily
7:00 AM  Jan. 16th, 2023 Colin MSB Presents: January Jams! Early Mornings w/​ Colin
7:00 AM  Jan. 9th, 2023 Colin & Emily MSB Presents: January Jams! Early Mornings w/​ Colin and Emily
7:00 AM  Jan. 2nd, 2023 Colin Ring in the New Year with MSB's first show of 2023!
7:00 AM  Dec. 26th, 2022 Colin & Emily A December to Remember: Part Quattro! Monday Mornings w/​ Colin and Emily
7:00 AM  Dec. 19th, 2022 Colin A December to Remember: Part Tres! Monday Mornings w/​ Colin
7:00 AM  Dec. 12th, 2022 Colin A December to Remember, Part Deux! Monday Mornings w/​ Colin
7:00 AM  Dec. 5th, 2022 Colin & Emily A December to Remember! Monday Mornings w/​ Colin & Emily
7:00 AM  Nov. 28th, 2022 Colin & Emily Early Morning with Colin, Emily & Special Guest Jonathan Panetta!
7:00 AM  Nov. 21st, 2022 Colin & Emily Early "Indie" Morning with Colin & Emily!
7:00 AM  Nov. 14th, 2022 Colin & Emily Mid-November Morning Rush with Colin & Emily
7:00 AM  Nov. 7th, 2022 Colin & Emily Funding Drive 2022: Part Deux! MSB Raises Funds to Keep CKCU on the Air for Another Year!
7:00 AM  Oct. 31st, 2022 Colin & Emily Colin & Emily's Halloween Funding Drive Special!
7:00 AM  Oct. 24th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s KIM AND JOEL’s FINAL SHOW plus HOSTS FROM PAST AND FUTURE on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Oct. 17th, 2022 Colin & Emily Early Morning Fill-In with Colin & Emily
7:00 AM  Oct. 3rd, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Ottawa/​Gatineau Artists showcasing at the Folk Music Ontario Conference on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Sep. 12th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s THE GRAND RETURN OF KIM and TONS OF LOCAL MUSIC on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Sep. 5th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash It’s YOGIS & the end of CITYSOUNDS on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Aug. 29th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s CITYSOUNDS, OTTAWA TUNES and SONGS ABOUT LUNES on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Aug. 22nd, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s A WHOLE LOT OF LOCAL MUSIC on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Aug. 8th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s a GRAND RETURN OF JOEL & KIM plus CITYSOUNDS on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jul. 25th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Tunes from the email & CITYSOUNDS on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jul. 18th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Ros’ n Rob & CITYSOUNDS on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jul. 11th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Crystal Shawanda & BLUESFEST TUNES on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jul. 4th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Colin James & Angelique Francis & Bluesfest Tunes on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jun. 27th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Ottawa Jazz Festival & National Capital Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jun. 20th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Cranium Arts Festival and Myles Goodwyn & Ottawa Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jun. 13th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Alex Diab and Ottawa Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jun. 6th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Charlie A'Court & Ottawa/​Gatineau Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  May. 30th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s CAPITAL MUSIC AWARD WINNERS & more local tunes on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  May. 23rd, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s CAPITAL MUSIC AWARDS & non-stop local tunes on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  May. 16th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Tragedy Ann & Local Award Winners & Ottawa/​Gatineau music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  May. 9th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Jesse Cook & Family Man & Encore Ottawa on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  May. 2nd, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Youth Infringement & Encore Ottawa & Local Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Apr. 25th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Rory Taillon & Encore Ottawa & a bunch of Local Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Apr. 18th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Encores and Grassroots and a bunch of emailed music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Apr. 11th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine BING BONG WE’RE BACK with more Ottawa/​Gatineau tunes on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Mar. 28th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s The GRAND RETURN of Kim Valentine, plus Double Double Encore on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Mar. 21st, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash It’s The Horojo Trio & Joel Flying Solo & lots of Ottawa Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Mar. 14th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Mischa & Almyr Jules and TONS of Ottawa Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Mar. 7th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s an ASTOUNDING AMOUNT OF LOCAL MUSIC on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Feb. 28th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Nothing But Local Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Feb. 21st, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It's Capital Music Awards and Country Club Pool Boys on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Feb. 14th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Love and Fictional Instruments on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Feb. 7th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s #OTTGATCON on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jan. 31st, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Ottawa/​Gatineau Tunes and Songs from Dark Souls on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jan. 24th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Ottawa Tunes and MORE Ottawa Tunes on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jan. 17th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s a cold day full of Canuck music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jan. 10th, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s LOTS OF INSTRUMENTAL OTTAWA MUSIC on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jan. 3rd, 2022 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s THE FIRST SHOW OF 2022 WITH TONS OF OTTAWA MUSIC on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Dec. 27th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s a DAY AFTER BOXING DAY FULL OF OTTAWA MUSIC on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Dec. 20th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Flute Sivas and Area Residents and TUNES FROM THE NATIONS CAPITAL on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Dec. 13th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Kim’s Birthday and Sultans of String and Kenny Hayes and CAPITAL TUNES on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Dec. 6th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Good Lovelies and Justin Perron and OTTAWA/​GATINEAU MUSIC on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Nov. 29th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Abe Shep and CAPITAL MADE MUSIC on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Nov. 22nd, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s David GoGo and Mad Gamma and a METRIC TON of local music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Nov. 15th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Skeleton Key Theatre and a BOAT LOAD of local music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Nov. 8th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Taming Sari and the Tamir Foundation and a WHOLE LOT of local music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Nov. 1st, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s DJ Roxy Sunset and Cruize Cntrl and a WHOLE LOT of local music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Oct. 25th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Séan McCann & Andrea Ramolo & Ciggie Tarbox on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Oct. 18th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Fresh Meat and SO MUCH OTTAWA MUSIC on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Oct. 11th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Groovy Violin and SO MUCH OTTAWA MUSIC on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Oct. 4th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s a triumphant return to radio with Songwriter Retreats and Craniums and a Boatload of Local Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Sep. 20th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Wellness and Animations and Songs from the Heart and Local Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Sep. 13th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Echoes and Virtual Vocals and Local Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Sep. 6th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Happy Thoughts and Local Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Aug. 30th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s #CitySounds, A Company of Fools, an almost-interview & LOCAL TUNES on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Aug. 23rd, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s MORE House of Paints & Encores & Ovations & LOCAL TUNES on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Aug. 16th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Full Moon Flows & House of Paint & JazzFest & Encores & Ovations & LOCAL TUNES on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Aug. 9th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash It’s Skybounds and Encores and Ovations and LOCAL TUNES on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Aug. 2nd, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Gloria Guns, Encores, Ovations, and LOCAL MUSIC on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jul. 26th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Tours through Town, Encores, Ovations, and non-stop OMIC action on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jul. 19th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Fundraisers, Ovations, and Encores from the Ottawa Music Industry Coalition on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jul. 12th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Funky Guitarists, Friendly Blues Masters, and Ottawa Ovations on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jun. 28th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It's All-Ottawa Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jun. 21st, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It's Our Lady of Perpetual Hammer & All-Ottawa music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jun. 14th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It's Pirate Concerts & Fringe Festivals & All-Ottawa music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jun. 7th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It's MUSIC from the International Indigenous Music Summit on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  May. 31st, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It's MUSIC from Megaphono, r/​Ottawa, Apt613, and my BRFF Trish on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  May. 24th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It's MEGAPHONO WEEK on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  May. 17th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Moon Facts & Ottawa Music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  May. 10th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Majic Mikes, Lunar Flows, Craig Cardiffs, and Capital Music Award winners on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  May. 3rd, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Youth Theatre, Home Studios, and The Capital Music Awards on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Apr. 26th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Pic Maynes and Tone Clusters and Pleasure Coaches on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Apr. 19th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Capital Music Awards, Best Wishes, & Sunday Riots on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Apr. 12th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Interviews and Octopi on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Apr. 5th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s a maybe interviews, mysterious plant woo, & local music on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Mar. 29th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Online Shows & Lunar Flows on the Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Mar. 22nd, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s online concerts, Juno Nominees, and backyard skunks on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Mar. 15th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Cats and Foxes and Furry Fun Local Music on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Mar. 8th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Canadian Soundclashes, Co-host clay sculpting, and Local music galore on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Mar. 1st, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Burlesque and virtual concerts and BOATLOADS of Ottawa Music on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Feb. 22nd, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Brain Health, Webinars, and a lot of Ottawa Music on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Feb. 15th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Ottawa beats and Relaxin' your feet on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Feb. 8th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Ottawa Music Grants, Cotton Candy Skies and lots of Local Music on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Feb. 1st, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Second-Round Interviews and Boatloads of Local Music on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jan. 25th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s Capital Rap Battles and House of Common on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jan. 18th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine Capital Cleanups and Music Video Showcases and Kim Valentines on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Jan. 11th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine New local tunes and Chamber Chats on the Monday Special Blend! Also special guest co-host Kim Valentine!
7:00 AM  Jan. 4th, 2021 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s a BRAND NEW YEAR with special guest co-host Kim Valentine! Local Music Galore!
7:00 AM  Dec. 21st, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine It’s a Holly Jolly Local Christmas Music show on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Dec. 14th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash It’s Sunday Riots and Memorable Hymns on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Dec. 7th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash Art and Auctions and Local Music on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Nov. 30th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash Theatrics and Shifters and Local Music on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Nov. 23rd, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash Nothing but LOCAL MUSIC! You'll Love it!
7:00 AM  Nov. 16th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash Mints & Roses & Unsociably High! Also, a Local Music Bonanza!
7:00 AM  Nov. 9th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash It’s Girls+ who Rock, Adventure Reports, A Rocky Moon, the tail-end of Funding drive, and NEW LOCAL MUSIC on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Nov. 2nd, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash It’s Funding Drive, Scooter-Mania, and NEW LOCAL MUSIC on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Oct. 26th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash FUNDING DRIVE IS ON! An interview with Funding Drive Co-ordinator Emily D'Orazio! PLUS MUSIC WOW!
7:00 AM  Oct. 19th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash A Finely Tuned Elephant & NON STOP NEW LOCAL MUSIC!
7:00 AM  Oct. 12th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash New Music Galore, Cranium Fest, and Artistic Nether Regions on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Oct. 5th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash Brand new singles, photoshoots, and Twitch streams on The Monday Special Blend!
7:00 AM  Sep. 28th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash New EP's, A Cranium Festival, and Mega Man 2!
7:00 AM  Sep. 21st, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash Music Videos, Loop-Pedal Violas, Country Tunes & Parking Lot Theatre!
7:00 AM  Sep. 14th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash Canadian Music, Tales from retail, upcoming shows, and of course, Max Webster.
7:00 AM  Sep. 7th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash Girls to the Front, Justice for Peace, Boy Band Country Songs, and Max Webster!
7:00 AM  Aug. 31st, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash Charity Galas, Pirate Ship Concerts, and Community Earworms!
7:00 AM  Aug. 24th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash The healing power of poetry, being discovered on LinkedIn, and Max Webster!
7:00 AM  Aug. 17th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash Drive-in concerts and tunes from r/​ottawa!
7:00 AM  Aug. 10th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash Symphony Dance Parties, Geography Jokes, & The End of the Max Webster Catalogue
7:00 AM  Aug. 3rd, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine Owls and the Future of Long-Distance Communication
7:00 AM  Jul. 27th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash INTERVIEWS AND NEW MUSIC GALORE! Chris Zimmerman, Fletcher G, Graham Lindsey, & The Dustbowl Daddies!
7:00 AM  Jul. 20th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine Back on the airwaves! Local tunes! Not-so-local tunes! Word Games! Ice Cream Truck discussion!
7:00 AM  Jul. 13th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine Monday Morning Magic! Featuring an interview with artist André Gagne, and LOTS of local music! WHAT FUN!
7:00 AM  Jul. 6th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash & Kim Valentine From the Backyard with love!
7:00 AM  Jun. 29th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash From home, and still with love!
7:00 AM  Jun. 22nd, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash From Home with Love - and HEAT!
7:00 AM  Jun. 15th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash From home with love.... again!
7:00 AM  Jun. 8th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash Civic Action, local music, Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival, and local music TV show!
7:00 AM  Jun. 1st, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash From home, with love
7:00 AM  May. 25th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash From-Home Edition #7!
7:00 AM  May. 18th, 2020 Jumpin' Joel Flash Podcast V6 & The Missing of the Co-Host
7:00 AM  May. 11th, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Podcast Brew #5
7:00 AM  May. 4th, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky + Joel Elliott Podcast V.4.0!!!!
7:00 AM  Apr. 27th, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Podcast Brew #3
7:00 AM  Apr. 20th, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Podcast Brew #2
7:00 AM  Apr. 13th, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Music for a Monday the 13th - Pre-recorded super fun!
7:00 AM  Mar. 16th, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Music for the win! Elyza Gilkyson, John Muirhead, Kae Shelby, David Stone, Sam Chaplin, Ryan McMahon, The Pairs, Dave Godowsky, Dan Bern, Orit Shimoni, Ben Kunder, Terrence & The High Flyers, Melissa Payne, Scott Cook, Akwesasne Women Singers, Mike O'Brie
7:00 AM  Mar. 9th, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky + Joel Elliott Interviews Galore! Jean-Paul de Roover (Cinqhole), Venetia Lawless, Director of BURN (OLT) & Cee Lawrence, Laila Bialli (NAC), John McAlpine (Blacksheep), Elle G (Overflow), HRIII featuring legendary bassist Hansford Rowe (Record Runner)
7:00 AM  Mar. 2nd, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Interview with Roxanne - show @ Targ Mar. 5, interview with Adella Khan about Girls Rock Ottawa, music from I. the Mountain, Tertio, Marie Hamilton, Kiss The Fish, Alex Nicol, Stolby, Rose Cousins, John McAlpine, Mark Bragg
7:00 AM  Feb. 24th, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Phone interview Catriona Sturton, then a phone interview with Cathy Jordan from iconic Irish folk band, Dervish, then Robb Kerr playing live in the studio plus music from Jenn Grant, Libby Rodenbough and Year of Glad
7:00 AM  Feb. 17th, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky + Joel Elliott Music friends abound! We got interviews with Alexandra Sullivan re: her new single, and Terry O' Brien on his new outfit, The High Flyers! Also tunes and yik yak and weather, OH MY!
7:00 AM  Feb. 10th, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky Maximum music morning - Julian Taylor, William Prince, Teddy Swims, Annie Sumi, Frazey Ford, Lynne Hanson, Miss Emily, Christa Couture, Ken Yates, Jono Grant, The Jerry Cans, James Hill & Anne Janelle, Mayhemmingways, Sean Pinchin, Duo Pleiades
7:00 AM  Feb. 3rd, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Creators/​actors of Honey Dew Me, undercurrent festival then Champagne Sundays stops by to talk about the 1st show in the Ottawa Songwriters Showcase series. Music from I, The Mountain, Samantha Martin & Delta Sugar, Good Advice, Lynne Hanson, OKAN
7:00 AM  Jan. 27th, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Jack Pine in the studio after 7 am, Orit Shimoni call in after 7:30 am and Lynne Hanson joins us after 8 am. Its early on a Monday but we will be wide awake!! Plus music from Merganzer, Dan Bern, Jacquie Neville, Kaspien and Larnell Lewis!
7:00 AM  Jan. 20th, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky + Joel Elliott after 7:30 am, interview with Tangi Ropars of Moskitto Bar, after 8 John Ian in the studio, plus music by Orit Shimoni, Sarah Harmer, Tami Neilson, Durham County Poets, Teihard Frost, Birdie Whyte, Mikhail Laxton, Peters & Pilgrim, Julian Bertino
7:00 AM  Jan. 13th, 2020 Trish Bolechowsky After 8 am a chat with Mitchell Jackson/​Children of Indigo, plus William Prince, Robb Kerr, Gentlemen of the Woods, Kristine St-Pierre & Justin Lacroix, Claude Munson ,Keturah Johnson, Alanna Sterling & the Silvers, Joey Robin Haché, Jacques Surette, Jess
7:00 AM  Jan. 6th, 2020 Joel Elliott New year- new music!
7:00 AM  Dec. 30th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott It's nearly the future and it's a co-hosts birthday! which one though? TUNE IN TO FIND OUT!
7:00 AM  Dec. 23rd, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Clarence Charron Its The Brew 3rd annual Xmas takeover by guest co-host Clarence Charron of Pop of Colour - Music Marketing. Clarence brings you songs of Christmas and the stories behind them.
7:00 AM  Dec. 16th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Debby Landry (Dirty Sheep) in the studio after 7:30 to talk about the Red Bar Car show @ NAC Fourth Stage, Fri. Dec. 20th. Sarah Osborne calls in. After 8, Shawn Tavenier calls in. Music from David Stone, Bella Cat, Crystalena, Jeremy Fisher, Kalyna Rake
7:00 AM  Dec. 9th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky + Joel Elliott Sing songs a plenty! An Interview with eclectic artist Kim Valentine!
7:00 AM  Dec. 2nd, 2019 Joel Elliott & Robin Hodge No Trish, no Kim, so Joel brought in his good friend and band mate/​theatre friend Robin! They're playing tunes, yik yakking, and generally having a great time!
7:00 AM  Nov. 25th, 2019 Joel Elliott & Kim Valentine Trish is on vacay! all the way on the east coast even! Ain't no thing... Kim Valentine is on the case and on the mic!
7:00 AM  Nov. 18th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky + Joel Elliott
7:00 AM  Nov. 11th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott FuNDING DRIVE show #3: Music from Tami Neilson, Raynnah, L Con, music by and a chat with Keith Mullins, a chat with Kate Reekie, music by Casa Lagarto and F8-Bit
7:00 AM  Nov. 4th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott FuNDING DRIVE show #2: Kyle Ivan brings his new single in to kick up The Brew, Northern Hearts call in, then Raine Hamilton.
7:00 AM  Oct. 28th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Interview with Kate Weekes, interview with Jessie Kangok from CKCU's Uqallagvik, airing every other Wednesday from 10 to 11. Music from Cee Lawrence, Good Advice, Nothern Haze, Sila & Rise, and Emilyn Stam and John David Williams
7:00 AM  Oct. 21st, 2019 Joel Elliott & Kim Valentine Trish is on vacay! So I've brought in the amazing Kim Valentine to cohost. MUCH FUN!
7:00 AM  Oct. 14th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott
7:00 AM  Oct. 7th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Show #283 New music, music to hear locally - mingjia, The Lifers, Dan Kelly, Big Little Lions, Catherine Penfold, Lynne Hanson, Claude Munson, Delta Will, Vanden Dool, Mia Kelly, Brock Zeman and Los Gringos
7:00 AM  Sep. 30th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliott Show #282: Live broadcast at Spaceman Music, Yasmina Proveyer stops in with The New Canadian Music Series. Lloyd Spiegel, touring from Australia, drops in to play live! Miranda Boutros also comes by to play live!
7:00 AM  Sep. 23rd, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott After 8 am news, a chat with Mathieu Fleury, Ottawa City Councillor of Rideau-Vanier Ward, about rental accommodations in Ottawa. New music from Sultans of String, Lindsay Ferguson, Jamie Anderson, Glass Armour, Sarah Jane Scouten, Lucas Haneman Express,
7:00 AM  Sep. 16th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Brew PJ Interview with Lynne Hanson, Brandi Fournier stops by the studio after 8 am. Music from Ben & Dan, Lynne Hanson, Sarah Osborne, Sarah Jane Scouten, Begonia, Lucas Haneman Express, Mike Legere, Lessons in Crime and The Souljazz Orchestra.
7:00 AM  Sep. 9th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott A chat about renting in Ottawa plus Lots of music you can hear at Cityfolk this weekend
7:00 AM  Sep. 2nd, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliott Chats with musicians -Pete Eastmure who has a residency at The Cameron House, Kristine St-Pierre about her upcoming Ottawa shows and Ray Harris about the "Musical Tribute To David Wiffen". Plus music, of course!
7:00 AM  Aug. 26th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Mikhail Laxton drops by, Elle G and Elle Crites also drop by the studio, plus music from Antoine L. Collins, Andrew Mah, Mark J. Nyvlt, The Cardboard Crowns and jazz weather with Sam Wilson
7:00 AM  Aug. 19th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky A chat with Tic about Barnstorm, a chat with Baby Drayton. Music by Sarah Jane Scouten, Linsay Ferguson, Caitlin Dolan, Hat Fitz and Cara, Sarah Howard, Sean Oliver, Jumpin' Joel Flash, RedFox, Church of Trees, She Wears Black and more
7:00 AM  Aug. 12th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott A chat with Kelly Symes about the Chef's Table series plus music, so much music!
7:00 AM  Aug. 5th, 2019 Joel Elliott Joel flies solo and plays a bunch of stuff he wants to hear! It's mayhem!
7:00 AM  Jul. 29th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Carla J. Easton, The Pairs, Birdie Whyte, Twin Flames, The Small Glories, Fast Romantics, Chris Zimmerman & The Weather, UPROAR Festival, OKIES, Julie Doiron, Cheng2 Duo
7:00 AM  Jul. 22nd, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Chats with Kimberly Sunstrum, Stephen Tippet. Music from The Jimmy Tri-Tone Band, Lynn Miles, Christine Graves, Old Man Grant, Campbell Woods, Byrdie White, Annie Sumi, Frankie Wood & the Thrifts, David Jalbert
7:00 AM  Jul. 15th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Chats with Gillian Nicola, Emily Rockarts, plus music by Angelique Francis, BeauReal, Mack & Ben and Karen Morand
7:00 AM  Jul. 8th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Graham Lindsey with TradHead, Rising Appalachia, Shari Ulrich, The Dead South, The Devil Makes Three, Jerry Leger, Emma Lamontagne, Nathan Dufresne
7:00 AM  Jul. 1st, 2019 Joel Elliott & Kim Valentine Can-Con Crazy!
7:00 AM  Jun. 24th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott New music - Jasper Bridge, Braden Gates, Celeigh Cardinal, Ariana Gillis plus Shawna Caspi, Raine Hamilton, Amanda Lowe, Baby Drayton
7:00 AM  Jun. 17th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott
7:00 AM  Jun. 10th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott A chat with Lucy DeCoutere about Grit Bash Monday evening, Ron Mills drops by the studio to share tunes from his new album Sad News, LG Cat and Jason Wilkinson drop by to talk about Songwriting Summit in Ottawa
7:00 AM  Jun. 3rd, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Chat with Benjamin Dakota Rogers touring through from Hamilton, chat by phone with CBC's Alan Neal about Random Play, Cody Allen and Matthew Barber play Pressed Cafe, chat with Rob Dickson touring through from Whitehorse, plus Charlotte Cornfield, Jon Hyn
7:00 AM  May. 27th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Durham Country Poets at the Black Sheep Inn on Saturday, June 1st, Poor Nameless Boy and Adyn Townes at Live! on Elgin on Wed. May 29th
7:00 AM  May. 20th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot A chat with Shawn William Clarke, new music from Okies, music from Svavar Knútur, a chat and new music from Gillian Nicola, music from Tragedy Ann
7:00 AM  May. 13th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot We chat with Mike T. Kerr after the 8 am news (@ Bar Robo May 18). Music from Scott Nolan, Catherine MacLellan, Harea Band, The Peptides, Old Time Honey, Sam Kruger and Caribou Run
7:00 AM  May. 6th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Interviews with Paul Rainville (Album release May 8), Jessica Ruano (Thursday 5a7 series), and Jadea Kelly (May 11th Blacksheep)
7:00 AM  Apr. 29th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Interview with ZINNIA - Bar Robo Tuesday. A chat with Anne Laalo, about emergency response, natural disasters and climate change. Danielle Allard with Art Night. Don Fex brings us the inside scoop on the latest Theatre Kraken production, Lysistrata - by A
7:00 AM  Apr. 22nd, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Interview about Scary Poppins, at The Gladstone Theatre starting April 24th Interview with Ken Tizzard just after 7:30 am, he plays Irene's on Wed.
7:00 AM  Apr. 15th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Interview with Don Brownrigg just after 7 am, Superette CEO Mimi Lam & General Manager Bailey Cerson join us in the studio, then after 8 am Lili Rousakkis joins us
7:00 AM  Apr. 8th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Chats with Colin Fowlie, Don Brownrigg, their music and music from Kim Harris, Jenn Grant, and Quote the Raven
7:00 AM  Apr. 1st, 2019 Joel Elliott & Kim Valentine April Fools, Love in Bloom
7:00 AM  Mar. 25th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Chats with Gloria Guns (Scary Bear Soundtrack), Corin Raymond (Bookworm) and more music from Annie Sumi, Jasper Bridge, Julian Taylor, Spencer Burton and Angelique Francis
7:00 AM  Mar. 18th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Chris Ronald. Angela Saini. with Mitch and Megan. Corin Raymond. All the goodness is here!!
7:00 AM  Mar. 11th, 2019 Joel Elliott Joel solo and daylight savings time!
7:00 AM  Mar. 4th, 2019 Joel Elliott & Kim Valentine First Monday in March!
7:00 AM  Feb. 25th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky Music I brought back from the Folk Alliance International Conference, Rory Taillon live in the studio with new music and a chat with Ainsley the Artist
7:00 AM  Feb. 18th, 2019 Joel Elliott Family Day! To celebrate, Trish left me by myself. :( So I brought in the multi-talented Brad Cutler to help out!
7:00 AM  Feb. 11th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Patrick Rock joins us to play live after 7:30 am, music by Bet Smith & The Currie Brothers, Abigail Lapell, David Keenan, Miranda Boutros, and for FemmeVox: Lynne Hanson, Malak and Sam Steel
7:00 AM  Feb. 4th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Sandy Irvin joins us with the Folkus Concert Series in Almonte, Jessica Pearson pops by with a show Feb. 17th and RedFox with a show Feb. 7th. Plus music by Greenbank, Betty and the Bobs, David Myles, Jessica Pearson & The East Wind, Big Little Lions, Red
7:00 AM  Jan. 28th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Listening - The Strumbellas, Don Brownrigg, Outside I'm a Giant, The O'Pears, David Stone, Mélissa Laveaux, Ray Montford, Lindsay Ferguson, Lynn Miles, JV's Boogaloo Squad, Grace Lachance
7:00 AM  Jan. 21st, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Gabriel Bouchard from Outside I'm a Giant drops in, Kim Valentine & Jocelyn van Wynsberghe come by to tell us about Day Camp for Creatives plus music - The Wayward Sound, Abigail Lapell, Our Native Daughters, The Peptides, Loon Choir
7:00 AM  Jan. 14th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Chat with Amanda Rheaume & new tune, Kate Weekes drops by the studio with her new ablum, Matt Hertendy drops by next to tell us about "Lungs" at Art's Court, plus music by Gentlemen of the Woods, Our Native Daughters, Renee Landry, Danny Michel
7:00 AM  Jan. 7th, 2019 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Music from Big Little Lions, Vince Halfhide, Piper Hayes, Orit Shimoni, Campbell Woods, Mark J. Nyvlt, Raine Hamilton, The Lifers, Almyr Jules, Sam Kruger, Naha Sin, The Jessica Stuart Few, Sin and Swoon
7:00 AM  Dec. 31st, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot 2018 Goodbye...The LynnEs, Ali McCormick, Kate Weekes, Max Marshall, Antoine L. Collins, Catriona Sturton, Hillsburn, Ken Yates, Sean Pinchin, Nick Sherman, William Prince, Pat Maloney, Dana Sipos, Roxanne Potvin, Silent Winters, The Honey Tongues
7:00 AM  Dec. 24th, 2018 Deck the Airwaves with Clara and Joel! All Xmas music and Xmas music info!
7:00 AM  Dec. 17th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Mikhail Laxton joins us in the studio after 7:30 am. Music from Lynn Miles, Lynne Hanson, Amos the Transparent, Matt Andersen, Donovan Woods, & Jillian Kerr
7:00 AM  Dec. 10th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliott A mostly music Monday!
7:00 AM  Dec. 3rd, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliott Kim Valentine with Day Camp for Creatives, Moonfruits live in the studio and at the NAC Presents Friday, Dec. 14th
7:00 AM  Nov. 26th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Interview with Jamieson Mackay of Shadowhand after 8 am, music from Flying Horses, Outside I'm a Giant, Abigail Lapell, Rob Lutes, Cécile Doo-Kingué, The Commotions, Lisa LeBlanc
7:00 AM  Nov. 19th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliott Tribe Royal drop by the studio after 7:30 am, Stephan Hardy Palmer in the studio after 8 am. Plus music by Julie Corrigan, Angelique Francis, Bet Smith, Tami Neilson and Ray Harris
7:00 AM  Nov. 12th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliott
7:00 AM  Nov. 5th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot A chat with Colin Fowlie (@Live! Nov. 12), chat with Sandy Irvin, Folkus Concert Series 2019, music: Mark Fossen, Colin Fowlie, James Keelaghan, Greenbank, Betty and the Bobs, David Myles, Bahamas
7:00 AM  Oct. 29th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot FUNDING DRIVE!! Chats with Margaret MacDonald about People, Words & Change comedy night, Will Pearl - the Rideau Roots music series, The Young Novelists plus music from Sara Bareilles, The Wooly Mammoth Project, Blakdenim, Rob Lutes, John Allaire, Terry M
7:00 AM  Oct. 22nd, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Funding Drive! Plus a chat with Tara Shannon about her NAC show Oct. 25th. Music: Kaia Kater, Area Resident, Tyler Kealey, Sarah Bradley, Drew Yowell, May Cheung, The Commotions, Souljazz Orchestra
7:00 AM  Oct. 15th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Jumpin' Joel Flash showcases his new single! Erin Costelo - a chat, new album @ NAC Oct. 20th, catching up with Farm Radio, news about The Gomeshi Effect, a- documentary dance-theatre performance, plus as much music as we can squeeze in!
7:00 AM  Oct. 8th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Thanksgiving Hooray! Sarah Porter joins us in the studio. We chat with Brock Zeman. Music from Carolina Arnoni & Jasen Colson, Jim Bryson, Mark J. Nyvlt, Madeleine Roger and Taylor Angus!
7:00 AM  Oct. 1st, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Releases and Conferences and Coffee Oh My!
7:00 AM  Sep. 24th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Claude Munson drops in - show @ Mercury Lounge Sat. Sept. 29, Alli & Pat from Ottawa Fringe drop by with Encore news, Dick Altavista with the Pretty Bad Weekend inside track. Plus Mark Fossen @ Happy Goat 1091 Bank St, Mon. Sept. 24th
7:00 AM  Sep. 17th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Kimberly Sunstrum joins us in the studio after 7:30 am. We speak with Sarah Howard after 8 am. Plus music from Mark Fossen, our very own Jumpin' Joel Flash, Melanie Brulée, Mike Plume Band, Grace Marr, Sarah Bradley and Wychwood.
7:00 AM  Sep. 10th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Christine Jakel playing live in the studio, Kelly Symmes on the line about Small Halls, new music from Sarah MacDougall, Tragedy Ann, The Honey Tongues, and music from William Prince, Barney Bentall and Colter Wall.
7:00 AM  Sep. 3rd, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Music to enjoy the last day of the long weekend to!
7:00 AM  Aug. 27th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliott A phone chat with Washboard Hank, Paul Johanis and Denny Wellburn drop by the studio after 8 am with Ten Guitars album news and their guitars. New music from Ben Kunder, Kimberly Sunstrum, a tune from The Reverb Syndicate
7:00 AM  Aug. 20th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Chat with Danah-Lee, Basil Park live in the studio, music from Cold Tea, Daughter of the Moon, Dan Robidoux, Lew Phillips, The Galpines, Kalle Mattson plus Barnstorm!
7:00 AM  Aug. 13th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Jack Pine joins us after 7:30. We catch TGTG on the road to hear about their nomadic lifestyle and their music. New music from Tragedy Ann, Kimberly Sunstrum, Marla & David Celia, Allison Brown plus a tune from Anthony Toner.
7:00 AM  Aug. 6th, 2018 Joel Elliott Jumpin' Joel Solo Long Weekend Monday Extravaganza!
7:00 AM  Jul. 30th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot after 8 am - Kathryn Briggs, Terry Tufts and Glenn Nuotio join us by phone with Chamberfest Fringe news of The Algonquin Ensemble. Start with the bluegrass of The Barrel Boys, new music - Claire Coupland, Madeleine Roger, Kalle Mattson, Jim Bryson, and a
7:00 AM  Jul. 23rd, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot After 7:30 am we chat about Uproar Fest - get the scoop on this new festival! Music by Roxanne Potvin, Rachel Beck, Danah-Lee, Ali McCormick, The LYNNeS, Outside I'm a Giant, John Ian, Jesse Daniel Smith, Shanneyganock, Marutyri, Campbell Woods
7:00 AM  Jul. 16th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot A chat with David Campbell, Children of Indigo new EP, T R A I L S. Mark J. Nyvlt in the studio after 7:30 with his new album, Open Shutters, Release at the Black Sheep July 20th. Plus music from Mama's Broke, ENiiD, Brea Lawrenson, Susan O & Chris Zimmer
7:00 AM  Jul. 9th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Terry O'Brien of Tribe Royal joins us in the studio with their 2 new singles, after 8 am we chat with Raina Sokolov-Gonzalez, a singer/​composer based in Brooklyn, NY, playing at Pressed on July 14th
7:00 AM  Jul. 2nd, 2018 Joel Elliott Long Weekend Leading into Bluesfest! What fun!
7:00 AM  Jun. 25th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Kelsey Hayes in the studio after 7:30 am, @Bluesfest July 6th, Dick Altavista joins us to tell us about Jr. Gone Wild, Lone Pig and the Rhythm Sucklers at the Domion Tavern June 26th, music from Basil Park, Guillaume Perret and Julian Taylor Band
7:00 AM  Jun. 18th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliott Ben Kunder with his new album after 7 am, Megan Bonnell after 8 am with her new album. Both @ Black Sheep Inn June 21st. At 7:30 am Kristine St-Pierre & Mike Anderson in the studio, new compilation album, She's Listening, for Ovarian Cancer Canada.
7:00 AM  Jun. 11th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot After 8 am its Ottawa Fringe Festival chat time with Amanda Logan and Pat Gauthier. Music by Esmerine, Mayhemmingways, The Belleregards, John Ian, Brock Zeman, Rod Picott, Kaia Kater, Harrow Fair and Ria Mae
7:00 AM  Jun. 4th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot We speak with Marc Audet, Ottawa Gig Posters, after the 8 am news.
7:00 AM  May. 28th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky & Joel Elliott Nickie and Zainab join us in the studio for the inside scoop - SynapCity - 100in1Day. and lots of NEW Music!!
7:00 AM  May. 20th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Elaina Martin is all about Westfest, June 8-10! Liv Cazzola of The Lifers Ottawa release show June 1st, Live! on Elgin, Ashley Newall & Danielle Allard in the studio, album party Sat. May 19 @ Collabspace (70 Bongard Ave.)
7:00 AM  May. 14th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliott 7:15 am - Canada-wide science fair at Carleton University Austin Sawyer and Madelaine Lazurko are Canada Wide Science Fair ambassadors. After 7:30, Sparklesaurus joins us to play live in the studio - album release show May 26
7:00 AM  May. 7th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliott Don Fex and team in the studio 7:05 - 7:30 to talk Theatre Kraken's Cry-Baby, Ali McCormick at 7:30 am in the studio to share her new album, That Place You Know, Laura Gagnon in the studio after 8 am to tell us about Doll House @ GCTC
7:00 AM  Apr. 30th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot Denis Turbide joins us in the studio to share instrumental guitar music and Spotify wisdoms, a No Problem Situation in-studio chat about their vinyl release at The Record Centre and Lora Bidner by phone about her show May 4th at the Black Sheep
7:00 AM  Apr. 23rd, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliot New album chat with Dana Sipos (Toronto), in-studio music from Braden Foulkes (Ottawa) from his new EP, a phone line chat with Ava Wild who is touring through from Saskatchewan.
7:00 AM  Apr. 16th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Joel Elliott Brewed for you - Kitchen Orkestra, Ali McCormick, Sin and Swoon, Midnight Shine, Nick Sherman, Kimberly Sunstrum, Megative, Mark Fossen, Gunning and Cormier, Laura Gagnon, Kelsey Hayes, Rob Lutes, The Commotions
7:00 AM  Apr. 9th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky Rosanna Burrill of Hillsburn calls in (Live! on Elgin Monday night), Cody Allen drops by the studio (Pressed Sat. Apr. 14th), then Ken Yates calls in (NAC Sat. Apr. 14th).
7:00 AM  Apr. 2nd, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage The Jimmy Tri-Tone band play a live mini concert in the studio starting around 7:30 am. At 8:20 am, a chat with JW Jones about his live album recording April 4th and 5th, to which you can get tickets!
7:00 AM  Mar. 26th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky Chat with Mark Fossen, Catriona Sturton in the studio plus new music from The Young Novelists, Chris Zimmerman & The Weather, Claude Munson, Daemon & Airdrie and Native Harrow
7:00 AM  Mar. 19th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage Girls to the Front, Brock Zeman's Birthday Party, a chat with Amanda Rheume, at chat with Tim O'Reilly from The Barrel Boys and music from Big Little Lions who are at the Folkus Concert Series in Almonte
7:00 AM  Mar. 12th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Max Marshall Max Marshall co-hosts with Trish, a little Max Marshall favs playlist then some original live Max Marshall tunes. After 8 am Antoine L. Collins drops by with his new album NatureBoy: The Music Of Nat King Cole
7:00 AM  Mar. 5th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage Interviews with Max Marshall (by phone), Jamieson Mackay (in studio) and Ginny (in studio)!!
7:00 AM  Feb. 26th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage Music from the Canadian Songwriting Competition, new music, Christine Graves in the studio, music from Kate Weekes, Jeremi Pierre Caron from Outside I'm a Giant in the studio
7:00 AM  Feb. 19th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky Music brought back from Folk Alliance International, a chat with Greg Harris about Johnny & June - the Johnny Cash Birthday Bash
7:00 AM  Feb. 12th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky Chat with Andrea Nixon, then a chat with Rose-Erin Stokes and after 8 am members of South Ottawa Performing Arts Collaborative (SOPAC Ottawa) bring a live in-studio glimpse of the music of their production of Cendrillon
7:00 AM  Feb. 5th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky Three fantastic guests! Vicki Brittle on the phone, then Daniel Champagne playing live in the studio, then Terry O'Brien and Mike Giamberardino of Tribe Royal drop by!
7:00 AM  Jan. 29th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky Brian Asselin, musical director of The Commotions stops by the studio, followed by a chat with Don Fex about Othello by Theatre Kraken at The Gladstone Theatre
7:00 AM  Jan. 22nd, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky A chat by phone with Levi Hart about his new album, Believe, Then Adam Ferris from the band Galapagos drops by the studio with their new EP, Even This Glow
7:00 AM  Jan. 15th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky Chat with Ali McCormick - at Irene's Friday. Chat with Sandy Irvin - Folkus Series. Chat with Olga Tkachuk about Food Sharing Ottawa.
7:00 AM  Jan. 8th, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky Jumpin' Joel Flash in the studio! Lynne Hanson of The LYNNeS in the studio! Lots of great music!
7:00 AM  Jan. 1st, 2018 Trish Bolechowsky The Brew on CKCU 2017 in review plus a few shows coming up!
7:00 AM  Dec. 25th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Clara Charron "Deck the Airwaves" edition of The Brew!! Clara Charron from Pop of Colour blog joins Trish and brings the what's and the why's of Christmas music, a seasonal trip through the Billboard top 100 and a playlist of all time favs and perhaps an annoying repe
7:00 AM  Dec. 18th, 2017 Matthew Kingsley
7:00 AM  Dec. 11th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky Chat with Dylan Watts who opens for Al Tuck, Bar Robo Dec. 13th, after 7:30 a chat with Steph Goodwin about Santa Claus Conquers the Martians at the Gladstone Theatre, after 8 am a chat with Renée Landry about her Xmas show Sat. Dec. 16th, Live on Elgin
7:00 AM  Dec. 4th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky Chris Landry joins me in the studio after 7:30 to chat about his show at Targ, Lesley Marshall and Matt Miwa join me after 7 am to chat about their new short film, A the Circus! Plus music - Brock Zeman, Bird City, Jim Bryson, Leonard Sumner
7:00 AM  Nov. 27th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky Jack Pine joins me to launch a powerful new single "The Only Thing", Brian Asselin drops by with news about The Commotions and 'Volume II', then a chat with Winona Wilde about "Wasted Time"
7:00 AM  Nov. 20th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky Joined in the studio by Erin Coyle to chat about the Grey Cup 2017 Concert Series and later a call with Ambre McLean to chat about her new album
7:00 AM  Nov. 13th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky Graham Lindsey joins me in the studio after 8 am to tell us about the Canadian Folk Music Awards in Ottawa Nov. 18th and 19th. Music from Ursula Schultz, Cassie and Maggie, The Noisy Locomotive, Abigail Lapell, Ian Sherwood, AHI, Dylan Menzie, Danny Miche
7:00 AM  Nov. 6th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky Music from Tariq Amery, poetry from Brandon Wint and King Kimbit, music from Caitlin Dolan, The Split, Rebecca Campbell, Dennis Ellsworth, The Deep Dark Woods
7:00 AM  Oct. 30th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Simon Beach Joseph Maviglia in the studio. Chat with Julian Taylor of the Julian Taylor Band. Chat with Mark Marczyk of Lemon Bucket Orkestra
7:00 AM  Oct. 23rd, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Simon Beach CKCU Funding Drive has begun!! Join us as we welcome guests Little Suns and Harley Alexander for some great live performances!
7:00 AM  Oct. 16th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Simon Beach Great new tunes and upcoming show listings in the Ottawa area! Interview with Adam Ferris of local band Galapagos!
7:00 AM  Oct. 9th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Simon Beach New music plus a chat with Annie Sumi
7:00 AM  Oct. 2nd, 2017 Simon Beach and Trish Bolechowsky A Leverage For Mountains perform live in the studio! Interview with Sarah Slean!
7:00 AM  Sep. 25th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Simon Beach Moonfruits drops by then Nik Ives-Allison from OMIC joins us. LOTS of visitors!!
7:00 AM  Sep. 18th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Simon Beach Justin Ralph joins us in the studio with his brand new EP "By the Old Railroad". We chat with Krista Hartman plus music by Lindsay Ferguson, Dawn Pritchard and Rachel Stiles.
7:00 AM  Sep. 11th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Simon Beach Lesley Demon with MAVNetwork! The Jimmy Tri-Tone Band! The Philosopher Kings!
7:00 AM  Sep. 4th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Simon Beach Interview with Shawna Caspi with tunes from her new album, Forest Fire, Outside I'm a Giant join us in the studio for some live music! Interview with Mohammed Omer about the Frank phone.
7:00 AM  Aug. 28th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Simon Beach Lots of music - Naomi Kavka, The Barrowdowns, Ron Mills, Jumpin' Joel Flash, Shadowhand, Chicken-Like Birds, Jack Pine and The Fire, Outside I'm a Giant
7:00 AM  Aug. 21st, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Simon Beach Lots of NEW music and Lynne Hanson joins us in the studio after 7:30. Music from Jesse Cook, Tom Savage, Peter Katz, Brooke Topp, Julian Taylor Band, Leslie Rohanczy, Arms of the Girl, The Peptides, Slo' Tom and the Handsome Devils
7:00 AM  Aug. 14th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Simon Beach Terry from Tribe Royal joins us in the studio after 7:30, we chat with Melanie Peterson after 8 am, start the show with music by Eniid. Also music from Claire Bestland, Whale and the Wolf, Krista Hartman and Civil Wray
7:00 AM  Aug. 7th, 2017 Professor Mike Monday Blend
7:00 AM  Jul. 31st, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton A chat with The Beck Sisters, Kyle Ivanich plays live in the studio, Michaela Chung drops by to talk about the Ottawa Salsa Convention taking place Aug 4-6th, music from Renée Yoxon, Gordon Barry, A Leverage for Mountains, Archy the Cockroach, The Ramblin
7:00 AM  Jul. 24th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky A chat with Casey Van of Turbo Street Funk, then a quick chat with Karen Morand, then a chat with Bruce Enloe. Simon Beach and Dylan Watts come in to play some sweet tunes live in the studio. After 8 am, a chat with Ray Harris, and also music from Ana Mu
7:00 AM  Jul. 17th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Gareth Auden-Hole Gareth Auden-Hole aka Jack Pine launches the pre-sale for his band's sophomore album live on the radio with three NEW songs! Rory Taillon joins us to play live in the studio!
7:00 AM  Jul. 10th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky Looking at the (mostly Bluesfest) week ahead - music from The Visit, The Zombies, The Sins, Anderson East, Begonia, Foy Vance, Hamish Anderson, Delicate Steve and more
7:00 AM  Jul. 3rd, 2017 Matthew Armitage Chatting with Don Giroux about his upcoming movie. Sugar Still joins us in studio, Trish calls in from the East Coast.
7:00 AM  Jun. 26th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage Jamieson Mackay of Shadowhand joins us in the studio, Terry O'Brien of Tribe Royal joins us in the studio, music from Claude Munson, Mike Plume, North Easton, Gordon Barry, Bet Smith, Simon Beach
7:00 AM  Jun. 19th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage A chat with Alberta who plays The Rainbow Bistro on the 20th, a chat with Julie Corrigan who celebrates the one year anniversary of Girls to the Front Monday, music from The Barrel Boys, The Dusty Drifters, Mike McKenna Jr., The Hardware Girls, Sparkelsau
7:00 AM  Jun. 12th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage Clara Charron joins us live in studio to perform, and chat about her music industry blog pop of colour. Stephen Martin comes in for a chat about guitar repair and Ottawa Explosion. Plus new music from Jillian Kerr, Tony Turner, Richard Garvey, Ever Lovin'
7:00 AM  Jun. 5th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage Interviews with Georgian Bay, Dawn Pritchard, Fluffy Little Cowboys and Ottawa's Stephen Martin of Atelier Guitar Repair
7:00 AM  May. 29th, 2017 Matthew Armitage Moonfruits call in to update us on their ongoing tour. We speak to Dean Batstone of Batstone's Northern Ramble and Madison Violet call in to talk about their upcoming show at the blacksheep inn.
7:00 AM  May. 22nd, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage Brendan, creator of Schrodinger's (Toronto) calls in. Jasper Bridge joins us in the studio, A chat with Graydon James of The Young Novelists, plus music from The Barrel Boys, Hillsburn, Kaleigh Watts, and Mary-Kate Edwards
7:00 AM  May. 15th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage Ron Mills in the studio! Cynthia Tauro in the studio! Mark J. Nyvlt in the studio! Share the morning with us!! Plus music from Georgian Bay, Chris McLean, Julie Corrigan, Kelly Sloan, The Artichoke Hearts and Hillsburn if we can fit it all in.
7:00 AM  May. 8th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Jeremi Caron We chat by phone with Kate Weekes who just returned from dog mushing in Norway with a bunch of new music, performing Friday May 12th at Pressed. Music from Barry Miles, Trace Bundy, Miriam Gendron, Jennifer Holub, Al Wood & the Woodsmen, sivarT, Danny Web
7:00 AM  May. 1st, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky A chat with The Lifers just after 7 am, The Jimmy Tri-Tone band joins us in the studio, a chat with Signe Miranda after 8 am and new music from Outside I'm a Giant, the musical project of my co-host Jeremi Caron
7:00 AM  Apr. 24th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage A chat with Jonathan Chandler about The Andy Kaufmans and their debut album, music from Sean Rowe, Madison Violet, Erin O'Dowd, The Andy Kaufmans, Brock Zeman and new music from David Olney, Jessica Pearson and the East Wind, Rory Taillon, The Trousers
7:00 AM  Apr. 17th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage Chat with Ali McCormick, Ramblin' Valley Band drops by to chat and share their new album
7:00 AM  Apr. 10th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage Chat with Paul Stevens of The Lad Classic, Jumpin' Joel Flash joins us in the studio, then Don Fex drops by for a chat!
7:00 AM  Apr. 3rd, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage First off Graven joins us in the studio with his guitar, then after 8 am Jonathan Kischel from Justpixl joins us to talk about the Shot in the Dark Sessions
7:00 AM  Mar. 27th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage Chat with Luke Nicholson about his new album, Shape and Sound, Lynne Hanson in the studio with her new album, Uneven Ground, Nik Field in the studio with his new album, Where the Watermelons Grow
7:00 AM  Mar. 20th, 2017 Mehdi Fallahi The Brew takes a break on Monday, March 20th to make space for a special celebration of the Persian New Year which begins at 6:28 am. Mehdi Fallahi will be your host.
7:00 AM  Mar. 13th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage Music from Harea Band, chat with Gillian Nicola, new music from Aidan Saunders, Kyle Ivanich, Harea Band, Basil Parks, Daniel Champagne, Pokey Lafarge and more
7:00 AM  Mar. 6th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage Chat with Tragedy Ann about their songwriting workshop and show, Tony Turner joins us to tell us about the 25th anniversary edition of Songalong and The Shoe Drops, Mark Fossen, Annie Martel and Moonfruits joins us in the studio to tell us about Melodies
7:00 AM  Feb. 27th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky, Matthew Armitage Interviews: Andrew Penner of Harrow Fair, also Braden Sitter Sr., music by Harrow Fair, Murray McLaughlan, Jumpin' Joel Flash, Jamie Anderson, Scott Cook, Hillsburn, Jarhead
7:00 AM  Feb. 20th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky, Ka Charlton, Matthew Armitage Chats with Murray McLauchlan, Jeff Watkins and Beyond Spain (Alex Harea) in the studio , Andrea Ramolo (of Scarlett Jane) plus lots of great music.
7:00 AM  Feb. 13th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky, Ka Charlton, Matthew Armitage Crystalena Paquette brings her music to the studio, Jennifer Messer joins us to chat about Winter Adult Music Salon and we speak with Sammi Morelli. Music also from Scott Cook, Rakkatak, Blue Rodeo, The Andy Kaufmans, Outside I'm a Giant
7:00 AM  Feb. 6th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky, Ka Charlton, Matthew Armitage Jumpin Joel Flash, Justin Ralph (the Phantom) and Amy Osborne (Chrissy) from Phantom of the Opry join us in the studio, Chat with Keonté Beals from Nova Scotia, music: Tia Brazda, Colter Wall, Maple Grove, Layla McCalla, Bet Smith & The Currie Brothers, a
7:00 AM  Jan. 30th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky, Ka Charlton, Matthew Armitage A chat with The Lifers, Old Man Grant joins us in the studio, music from Concession 23, The Telegrams, Don Gibson, Luke Nicholson, Campbell Woods, Sheesham Lotus & Son, Jessica Pearson and the East Wind
7:00 AM  Jan. 23rd, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky, Ka Charlton, Matthew Armitage Chats with Jesse Stewart, Moonfruits and Birdie White. Music from Joel Patterson, The Honey Tongues, Jesse Stewart, Red Moon Road, Nik Field and Sal Valley with Trevor Pool, The Lifers, Moonfruits, Birdie White
7:00 AM  Jan. 16th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Chat with Jenna Sudds of the Kanata North BIA about the Ottawa Autonomous Vehicles Summit 2017, Chat with Kim Lymburner about The Big Chill, music from Abigail Lapell, Malak, Terra Lightfoot, Michelle Willis, Ariana Gillis, Willie Nelson, The Beach Boys,
7:00 AM  Jan. 9th, 2017 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Music from Doc Yates and the Kings Evil and a chat with Doc, The Jimmy Tri-Tone Band, Mo Kenney, a chat with Lynne Hanson, Rhythm and Burgundy, The Honey Tongues, a chat with Graydon James of The Young Novelists, Jillian Kerr,
7:00 AM  Jan. 2nd, 2017 David Leibold Monday Blend
7:00 AM  Dec. 26th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Boxing Day No Prep Chill Out
7:00 AM  Dec. 19th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton All music show: Moore & McGregor, The Dead South, Graven, Peter Katz, The Artichoke Hearts, Amira's Grace, GrimFrost, Tara Holloway, The Split, The Honey Tongues, Winona Wilde, Tami Neilson, Danny Michel, Stephen Fearing
7:00 AM  Dec. 12th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Chat with Joseph Maviglia, chat with Andrew Kekewich of The Wooden Sky, music from Cynthia Tauro, Amelia Curran, Jim Bryson, Lynn Miles, The Julian Taylor Band
7:00 AM  Dec. 5th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Danial Arthur Trio, Lynne Hanson, Coco Love Alcorn, Lynn Miles, Andy Shauf, Melanie Peterson, David Dino White, Devil Makes Three, David Francey
7:00 AM  Nov. 28th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Interview with Abigail Lapell and Dana Sipos, interview with Brock Zeman, music from Jerry Granelli Trio, Abigail Lapell, Dana Sipos, Brock Zeman, Benj Rowland, The Once, Mark Fossen, Winona Wilde, Lynne Hanson, Sneezy Waters, Melanie Peterson
7:00 AM  Nov. 21st, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Interview with Jessica Speziale, then Rachel Weldon, then Jeff Logan and then Cody Allen all join us in the studio this morning!
7:00 AM  Nov. 14th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Interview with Jody Brian of Hopewell, Interview with Jen Lane, Interview with Karen Young, music by Lynn Miles, The Jerry Cans, Eniid, Leonard Cohen, Jen Lane, Sunparlour players
7:00 AM  Nov. 7th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Alyssa Munaretto (Live! on Elgin Nov. 9) joins us to play live in the studio, we speak with Rolf Klausener of The Acorn (Babylon Nov. 10) arts funding in Ottawa and the new album , we speak with Hannah Shira Naiman (Pressed Nov. 12)
7:00 AM  Oct. 31st, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton FUNDING DRIVE!! Jamieson Mackay joins us to play live in the studio, we have a chat with Brigitte from Common Holly, music from Old Time Honey, Lynne Hanson, Blue Rodeo, Leonard Cohen, Willie Dunn, Teddy Garcia, and Sara Bareilles and Leslie Odom, Jr..
7:00 AM  Oct. 24th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Interview with Taylor Swindells from The Tourist Company, Music by Old Time Honey, Jeremy Thom, The Barrel Boys, Ron Mills, Fraser Anderson, Bobby Dove, The Bombadils, Micah Erenberg and AHI
7:00 AM  Oct. 17th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Julian Taylor Band, Interview with Kaia Kater and Corin Raymond, music by Zachary Lucky, Sweet Alibi, Jadea Kelly, Amanda Lowe, Lynne Hanson, Julie Corrigan, Scenic Route to Alaska, Amelia Curran, Joseph Maviglia.
7:00 AM  Oct. 10th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Graven joins us to play live in the studio at 8 am, an interview with Koo Koo Kanga Roo plus music from The Julian Taylor Band, Brett Winterford, JW Jones, Danny Michel, Hey Buster and of course Graven!
7:00 AM  Oct. 3rd, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Interview with Royal Wood, Feature interview with Billy Bragg, plus music from Melwood Cutlery, Max Marshall, Tami Neilson, Jack Pine, Beams, Mark Fossen, Ian Tamblyn, Ramblin' Valley Band, and The Weber Brothers
7:00 AM  Sep. 26th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Christian Pasiak joins us after the 8 am to share the new debut Sleep and the Noise EP, Altitudes. He'll play live in the studio too. Plus lots of other NEW NEW music for your Monday morning! Tragedy Ann, Maeve Lalonde, Brock Zeman, The Julian Taylor Ban
7:00 AM  Sep. 19th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Caitlin Dolan, of local band The Artichoke Hearts, joins us in the studio with their new EP (First Play), plus music from Sarah Jane Scouten, Véronique Bilodeau, Jill Zmud, Sarah Beatty, Gina Horswood, Piper Hayes, Amanda Rheaume and Scarlett Jane
7:00 AM  Sep. 12th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Chat with Lucas Chaisson just after 8 am, music from Braebach, April Verch, Hat Fitz and Cara, Sarah Smith, Tara Holloway, Lucas Chaisson, Julien Baker and Julia Jacklin
7:00 AM  Sep. 5th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky Music from Ian Foster who has a couple of Ottawa house concerts this week, After 8 am Jamie Kronick joins me in the studio to talk about his new book of photographs called 65mph. Music from The Jellyman's Daughter, Kristine Schmitt & The Lonesome Ace Stri
7:00 AM  Aug. 29th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Chat with Lucie B. and Emily Howard about the art show at The Atomic Rooster, chat with musician Ben Kunder, music by Sarah MacDougall, Ted Yoder, Charlie the Kid, Walk Off The Earth, Jack Marks, Ali McCormick, Honey & Rust, Jared Lutes
7:00 AM  Aug. 22nd, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Music from Old Man Grant, Charlie The Kid, Lora Bidner, Melanie Peterson, The Dead Bees, Harea Band, Monday I Retire, Hillsburn
7:00 AM  Aug. 15th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Hillsburn, Jessica Pearson, Barnstorm Lineup, an interview with Melanie Peterson, Pride Segment #1 of 5
7:00 AM  Aug. 8th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Chat with Pat McGowan about BlackBox - a new digital content collaborative community, music by Penny Lang, Sarah Beatty, Chris Elie, Carsie Blanton, Greg Kelly, Bruce Enloe, Pat Moore, Ray Harris, Jonathan Byrd, Graven, Trent Severn
7:00 AM  Aug. 1st, 2016 Ka Charlton and Janice Fitzsimmons August Highlights
7:00 AM  Jul. 25th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Music from Union Duke, Beruit, Cold Chords, Onionface, Brain Flower, The Mudpuppies, Wild Rivers, Turbo Street Funk, The Greenbank Trio
7:00 AM  Jul. 18th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton
7:00 AM  Jul. 11th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Ka's birthday with studio guests Natalie L'amour and John Allaire, WOTTS, The Jimmy Tri-tone Band and music by Gregory Pepper, Samantha Martin, The Milk Carton Kids, and The Red Hot Chili Peppers
7:00 AM  Jul. 4th, 2016 Ka Charlton and Janice Fitzsimmons The July Special Blend
7:00 AM  Jun. 27th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky Music from Ben Caplan, Brandi Carlile, Digging Roots, Mandee Woods, Bottle Hearts, The Beck Sisters, Trombone Shorty
7:00 AM  Jun. 20th, 2016 Trish and Ka Carolyn Côté from Arms of the Girl in the studio, Music from Wild Rivers, Cold Chords, Harea Band, LeMeow and more
7:00 AM  Jun. 13th, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Ka Charlton Interviews with Kaia Kater, Jadea Kelly, in studio poetry reading by Alisha Davidson plus music
7:00 AM  Jun. 6th, 2016 Trish and Ka Chat with As Waters, Julie Corrigan live in the studio, chat with Tommy Emmanuel, plus music from Piper Hayes, Kelly Sloan, The Young Novelists
7:00 AM  May. 30th, 2016 Trish and Ka Jamieson Mackay joins us in the studio after the 7 am news, Louise Rosseau joins us after 7:30 am with news about Festival Folk, after 8 am an interview with Calum Graham
7:00 AM  May. 23rd, 2016 Trish and Ka Chats with Ali McCormick, Brian D. Scott, Autumn Hill, more music from Jen Lane, Melanie Brulee, Peter & The Wolves
7:00 AM  May. 16th, 2016 Trish and Ka Chat with Vanier Playboys, music from Steve Dawson, Old Man Grant, Samantha Martin, Kev Corbett, Brian D Scott
7:00 AM  May. 9th, 2016 Trish and Ka Music plus Interviews with: Allison Brown & Uncle Dan, Shawn with Hintonbeast Project, Josh Fewings of Mayhemingways and then an interview with the Pittsburgh-based punk band Anti-Flag
7:00 AM  May. 2nd, 2016 Trish and Ka interview with Royal Wood, Amanda Rheaume joins us in the studio, music from Tony Rice, Jess & Maddy, SaturnFly, Pony Girl, Ray Harris, Sweet Alibi and Jillian Kerr
7:00 AM  Apr. 25th, 2016 Trish and Ka Ray Harris joins us in the studio about his album release, lots of new music then after 8 am its the Ottawa City Ceilidh
7:00 AM  Apr. 18th, 2016 Trish and Ka Heather Peirson, Dale Ann Bradley, Interview with Slow Leaves, Gordie MacKeeman and his Rhythm Boys, Old Whiskey Road
7:00 AM  Apr. 11th, 2016 Trish and Ka Chat with Chris McKhool Sultans of String, New music from Matthew Barber and Jill Barber, Andy Shauf, Kelly Sloan, Chris Velan and Ballad Fiasco
7:00 AM  Apr. 4th, 2016 Trish and Ka Show #100 for Trish and Ka! Chat with Carolyn Cote - Arms of the Girl, Interview with the Honeyrunners, Brooke Thrasher joins us to talk about Tampons for Ted, Esmerine, Whitehorse, Arms of the Girl, Lost to the River and more!
7:00 AM  Mar. 28th, 2016 Trish and Ka Show #99! Benjamin Dakota Rogers live in the studio, Ali McCormick live in the studio
7:00 AM  Mar. 21st, 2016 Trish and Ka Live music in the studio Roland Doucet, followed by Julie Corrigan, chat with Cassandra about: Aboriginal Housing Collaborative Design: A Seminar and Panel Discussion, plus Kelly Sloan, Brock Zeman, Benjamin Dakota Rogers, Cody Labombard, Ellen Froese Koo
7:00 AM  Mar. 14th, 2016 Trish and Ka We speak with Lynne Hanson, Donovan Woods and Language Arts, who all have shows in Ottawa this week.
7:00 AM  Mar. 7th, 2016 Trish and Ka Chat with Rick Fines, Chat with Megan Balah, Chat with Angela Saini plus music - Concession 23, Rick Fines, Angela Saini, Union Duke, Sneezy Waters, Colter Wall, Murder Murder
7:00 AM  Feb. 29th, 2016 Trish and Ka Jack Pine plays live in the studio after 8 am, Ben Miller & Anita MacDonald, Charlotte Cornfield, Lakes of Canada, Lost Cousins, Amos the Transparent, Jack Pine, Phil Jenkins, Angela Saini
7:00 AM  Feb. 22nd, 2016 Trish and Ka Amanda Cottreau, The Dead South, The Appleseed Collective, Alex Cuba, Ode, Moors & McCumber, Megan Jean and the KFB, Rae Spoon
7:00 AM  Feb. 15th, 2016 Trish and Ka We chat with Johnny from John Jacob Magistery Max Kolosov and Aaron Ray join us after 8 and play live, music from Aiken & Begss, Jane Siberry, Minnie Marks, Po Lazurus, John Jacob Magistery, Bottle Hearts, Gabrielle Papillon
7:00 AM  Feb. 8th, 2016 Trish and Ka David Woodhead, Kristine Schmitt, Craig Cardiff, Moonfruits, Jane Siberry, leMeow, Bella Cat, David Owen, Gina Horswood, The Spandettes
7:00 AM  Feb. 1st, 2016 Trish and Ka 3 FESTIVALS THIS WEEK! - In the Dead of Winter Festival at the Black Sheep Inn, TD Ottawa Winter Jazz Festival, Megaphono festival all here in our area
7:00 AM  Jan. 25th, 2016 Trish and Ka Terry Gomes, Cold Chords, The Minor 9s
7:00 AM  Jan. 18th, 2016 Trish and Ka Interview with Ray Harris, Interview with Dr. Miranda Campbell, Angela Saini, Catriona Sturton, Interview with Michelle Valberg, Interview with Tony Turner, Julie Corrigan
7:00 AM  Jan. 11th, 2016 Trish and Ka Interview with Sheesham and Lotus & Son, Malak Sound, David Dino White, Buck-N-Nice, wotts
7:00 AM  Jan. 4th, 2016 Trish and Ka Annie Lou, Archy the Cockroach, Julie Corrigan, Brock Zeman, Kalle Mattson, Jack Pine, Sheesham and Lous & Son, Zachary Lucky, Adult Children, Interview with Catherine Burns of Ottawa Contra
7:00 AM  Jan. 2nd, 2016 Trish Bolechowsky and Matthew Armitage
7:00 AM  Dec. 28th, 2015 Trish and Ka Interview with Jill Zmud, Live in the studio with Ambre McLean
7:00 AM  Dec. 21st, 2015 Trish and Ka Daemon & Ayrdri play live in the studio
7:00 AM  Dec. 14th, 2015 Trish and Ka The Jimmy Tri-Tone Band live in the studio, interview with Q Residential about their housing offer for Syrian Refugees plus lots of music
7:00 AM  Dec. 7th, 2015 Trish and Ka New Music Monday! Otto Cepella joins us again to play live in the studio, music from Jeremy Thom, Michael Kinsella, Amanda Lowe, Thomas No, Ian Fletcher Thornley, Wild Rivers, Brock Zeman, The Weber Brothers, The Cardboard Crowns, Suits N Toques, Michael
7:00 AM  Nov. 30th, 2015 Trish Joined by Otto Cepella who plays live in the studio, Ilse Vd Voorn joins us again, Music from The Noisy Locomotive, Julie Corrigan, Corinna Rose
7:00 AM  Nov. 23rd, 2015 Trish and Ka Hupman Brothers, Chat with Blue Sky Miners, Ilse Van Der Voorn joins us in the studio to share Dutch music, Alana York, Claude Munson
7:00 AM  Nov. 16th, 2015 Trish and Ka Music from Jen Lane, Uncle Sean, James Leclaire, Slow Leaves, Basia Bulat, Emily Roberts, Samantha Martin,
7:00 AM  Nov. 9th, 2015 Trish and Ka Fundingfull!! Lucas Hannaman, Autumn Still, Friends of Foes, RW Haller, Myrle
7:00 AM  Nov. 2nd, 2015 Trish and Ka The Infamous Stringdusters, Shawna Caspi, Jasper Bridge, Alex Leggett, Rick Creppin, Moonfruits
7:00 AM  Oct. 26th, 2015 Trish and Ka Corb Lund, Chat with Steph Macpherson, Lynne Hanson joins us in the studio, Vestboro Trio, Tara Don, Sarah Smith, Vincent Bishop, Les Soeurs Boulay
7:00 AM  Oct. 18th, 2015 Trish and Ka The Noisy Locomotive, chat with Alexis from Rosie & the Riveters, music from Lindi Ortega, Hello Hello!, The Young Novelists, Jesse, Ray Bonneville
7:00 AM  Oct. 12th, 2015 Trish and Ka Allyson Baker from Dirty Ghosts, Rob Falsini, Julie Corrigan, Scott Cook, Alexa from Chic Gamine, Old Stereo
7:00 AM  Oct. 5th, 2015 Trish and Ka WOTTS in the studio for a chat, The Tourist Company on the phone, Jon Brooks, Ali McCormick, Brock Zeman, The Dirty Ghosts, Lynne Hanson, Scott Cook, Greg Kelly
7:00 AM  Sep. 28th, 2015 Trish and Ka Jenny Ritter, Dan Bern, Scott Cook, Greg Kelly, John Wort Hannam, The Hellbound Hepcats, Dear Blackwolf and Lee Harvey Osmond
7:00 AM  Sep. 21st, 2015 Trish and Ka Jack Pine, The John Punch Band, John Carroll, Jasper Bridge and more!
7:00 AM  Sep. 14th, 2015 Trish and Ka Lots of new music! and Marvest!! Tariq Anwar, Ben Caplan, Paug Lake Road, Bella Cat, Loon Choir, RW Haller, Amber Bromby, Lost to the River, Moonfruits, James LeClaire, Jack Pine and The John Punch Band
7:00 AM  Sep. 7th, 2015 Trish and Ka In studio Taster with Kalle Mattson - mini concert, new music from Bet Smith, Ron Mills, David Newberry, Kev Corbett and Ben Caplan
7:00 AM  Aug. 31st, 2015 Trish and Ka Interview with Michael Grewal about Sunnyside Music School, Also Geneviève Bétournay about Studio LaMouche!
7:00 AM  Aug. 24th, 2015 Trish and Ka Vanier Independent Film Festival, Bike to Grow plus lots of music
7:00 AM  Aug. 17th, 2015 Trish and Ka Arboretum Festival, Lucas Haneman, David Dacosta and more
8:00 AM  Aug. 10th, 2015 Brendan McLoughlin, Ben James, Cameron Scott and Ashraf Zahran Policing, Pro life Brochures, religious expression, Uber Sting operation,
7:00 AM  Aug. 10th, 2015 Trish and Ka Barnstorm! Barnstorm!
8:00 AM  Aug. 3rd, 2015 Ben James and Brendan McLoughlin Interview with Barry McLoughlin
7:00 AM  Aug. 3rd, 2015 Ka and Kosta Retro Dance Day
8:00 AM  Jul. 27th, 2015 Brendan McLoughlin, Ben James Cameron Scott Eve Adams, Senate abolition, touching up on fridays topics
7:00 AM  Jul. 27th, 2015 Trish and Ka High Heat - Interview with John Williams of The Boxcar Boys plus lots of music from the east coast (StanFest)
8:00 AM  Jul. 20th, 2015 Brendan McLoughlin and Ben James
7:00 AM  Jul. 20th, 2015 Trish and Ka HOT HOT HOT - Ukrainia, Lemon Bucket Orkestra, Speakerface, Raine Hamilton, Ian Foster, Kristine St-Pierre, Cody Allen
8:00 AM  Jul. 13th, 2015 Brendan McLoughlin and Ben James
7:00 AM  Jul. 13th, 2015 Trish and Ka Interview with Rachael Sermanni, Interview with Turbo Street Funk, music from Ray Harris, Jenny Berkel and Tom Terrell
7:00 AM  Jul. 6th, 2015 Ka Charlton Who's in town? Interviews with Hat Fitz and Cara, The Temperance Movement
7:00 AM  Jun. 29th, 2015 Ka Charlton with Claude Munson Hot Weather Jams
8:00 AM  Jun. 22nd, 2015 Brendan McLoughlin and Ashraf Zahran The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Jun. 22nd, 2015 Trish & Claude Munson Claude Munson joins me to co-host and play a few tunes, interview with Pokey Lafarge, music from Luke Nicholson, The Pick Brothers and Silver Creek plus some of Claude's favs.
7:00 AM  Jun. 15th, 2015 Trish Thanya Iyer, The Red Dirt Skinners, Moonfruits live in the studio
7:00 AM  Jun. 8th, 2015 Trish The Young Novelists, Jill Zmud, then Catriona Sturton live in the studio along with Jeb Bond from The Life Size Men
7:00 AM  Jun. 1st, 2015 Trish and Ka Ben Kunder, Adam Kourakis of Velofix Ottawa
7:00 AM  May. 25th, 2015 Trish and Ka Interview with Autumn Still, Jeff Watkins live in the studio, Interview with Genevieve Betournay /​ Studio La Mouche
7:00 AM  May. 18th, 2015 Trish and Ka Cody Labombard plays live in the studio plus Brooke Thrasher to tell us about Tampons for TED
8:00 AM  May. 11th, 2015 Brendan McLoughlin Ashraf Zahran the news, election results.
7:00 AM  May. 11th, 2015 Trish and Ka An interview with all four members of Legion of Saints plus Kristine St-Pierre joins us to play live in the studio
8:00 AM  May. 4th, 2015 Brendan McLoughlin Vape lounge in ottawa
7:00 AM  May. 4th, 2015 Trish and Ka Star Wars Day Edition: Paul Spafford live in the studio, Archy the Cockroach live in the studio, Devan & Khalid, also Chris Page and Jon Cohen
7:00 AM  Apr. 27th, 2015 Trish and Ka Interviews with Ash & Bloom and also the Lemon Bucket Orchestra, music from Jack Pine and the Jive Wires
7:00 AM  Apr. 20th, 2015 Ka Charlton Denis Turbine LIVE in the studio, plus Black Dogs, Jos Fortin, Geoffrey Smith, Matthew Oomen
7:00 AM  Apr. 13th, 2015 Trish and Ka Interview with Jon Brooks, Interview with Fraser Holmes of Gladstone Ave, music from The Young Novelists, Pokey Lafarge
7:00 AM  Apr. 6th, 2015 Trish and Ka Studio Interview with Tariq Anwar, tunes from Tindervox, SanSFoulard, Dumb Angel, Sunfields, Claude Munson, Jon Brooks
8:00 AM  Mar. 30th, 2015 Ben James and Brendan McLoughlin The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Mar. 30th, 2015 Trish and Borden Jasper Bridge will join us in the studio, Greg Kelly, Vic Ruggiero, Jon Brooks
8:00 AM  Mar. 23rd, 2015 Ben James and Brendan McLoughlin The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Mar. 23rd, 2015 Trish and Borden Interviews with Lee A. Farruga of Geek Market, Shawn Fisher of Sea Perry and live in the studio Arms of the Girl, plus a tune from RW Haller to start the morning
7:00 AM  Mar. 16th, 2015 Trish and Ka Jack Pine live in the studio, Adam Saikaley, Tony Turner, Genticorum, Trevor Alguire and Hannah Naiman
8:00 AM  Mar. 9th, 2015 Ben James and Brendan McLoughlin with correspondent Brian Talmey The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Mar. 9th, 2015 Trish and Ka Interview with Amanda Cottreau, Music from Georgian Bay, Justice RF, Trouble Clef, Jonathan Byrd, Erick Lind and Ron Hynes
8:00 AM  Mar. 2nd, 2015 Ben James and Brendan McLoughlin The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Mar. 2nd, 2015 Trish and Ka Interview with Kyle Thomas, Film Producer, Live studio performance by Dylan Watts, Interview with Kristian Montano of Sun K
8:00 AM  Feb. 23rd, 2015 Ben James and Brendan McLoughlin The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Feb. 23rd, 2015 Trish and Ka Interview with Mark Fossen, Interview with Tara Holloway
8:00 AM  Feb. 16th, 2015 Ben James and Brendan McLoughlin The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Feb. 16th, 2015 Trish A tune from Lloyd Smiley, Paug Lake Road, playing live in the studio. Shred Kelly on the phone
7:00 AM  Feb. 9th, 2015 Trish and Ka Ray Harris plays live in the studio, Lynn Jackson, Dave Gunning, The Heavy Medicine Band
7:00 AM  Feb. 9th, 2015 Ben James and Brendan McLoughlin The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Feb. 2nd, 2015 Trish and Ka Leonard Youngfoot plays live in the studio
7:00 AM  Feb. 2nd, 2015 Ben James and Elena Sanchez The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Jan. 26th, 2015 Music at our Fingertips Derek Olive @ Sounds Simple
7:00 AM  Jan. 19th, 2015 Trish Interviews with Rachael Cardiello and new music
7:00 AM  Jan. 19th, 2015 Ben James and Elena Sanchez The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Jan. 12th, 2015 Trish and Ka A Little Folk, a little blues, a chat about Sounds Simple and a chat about Art Child
7:00 AM  Jan. 5th, 2015 Trish and Ka Catriona Sturton plays live in the studio before her CD release on the 10th
7:00 AM  Jan. 5th, 2015 Ben James The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Dec. 29th, 2014 Trish and Ka 2014 A Look Back plus plans for NYE
7:00 AM  Dec. 22nd, 2014 Trish and Ka Tony Turner performs live in the studio! Lynn Miles, Jenn Grant, Rose Cousins
7:00 AM  Dec. 22nd, 2014 Elena Sanchez, Rebecca Sanchez Jethro Tull
7:00 AM  Dec. 15th, 2014 Trish and Ka Kosta McKay of The Dead Bees joins us in the Studio for a chat plus tunes from Blue Rodeo, David Myles, The Hornettes and The Split
7:00 AM  Dec. 15th, 2014 Ben James, Elena Sanchez Australian hostages, police reputation, Communism memorial
7:00 AM  Dec. 8th, 2014 Trish and Ka Ken Yates plays live in the studio, plus tunes from The Dead Bees, The Strumbellas, The Boxcar Boys, The Sick Sick Sicks, Coco Love Alcorn and Benjamin Rogers
7:00 AM  Dec. 1st, 2014 Trish and Liz Gauthier Music from the CFMA award winners and an interview with Liz Gauthier of The Bronson Centre
7:00 AM  Nov. 24th, 2014 Trish and Ka Little Suns, The Rizdales, Del Barber, The High Bar Gang, Scott Cook, Jill Zmud, Ventanas, Jorge Miguel, Melisande, The Strumbellas
7:00 AM  Nov. 24th, 2014 Ben James and Elena Sanchez, and Guests Things We Can't Talk About
8:00 AM  Nov. 17th, 2014 Ben James The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Nov. 17th, 2014 Trish and Ka OREC President Dick Bakker and Dr. Andreas Wieg, Head of the German Office for Energy Cooperatives, join us in the Studio
7:00 AM  Nov. 10th, 2014 Trish and Ka Mostly Music...with our thanks for your support
7:00 AM  Nov. 10th, 2014 Elena Sanchez and Ben James North Korea, Pope Francis
7:00 AM  Nov. 3rd, 2014 Trish and Ka Last Brew Funding Drive show!!
7:00 AM  Oct. 27th, 2014 Trish and Ka Funding Drive show!
7:00 AM  Oct. 27th, 2014 Ben James, Elena Sanchez Canadian Politics
7:00 AM  Oct. 20th, 2014 Trish and Ka Claude Munson Live In The Studio, Mike Celia, Murder Murder, Amy Thiessen, Ken Yates, Scott Cook
7:00 AM  Oct. 13th, 2014 Trish and Ka
7:00 AM  Oct. 13th, 2014 Trish and Ka Circe Blue, Glorious Sons, LadyFace, Moonfruits and more
7:00 AM  Oct. 6th, 2014 Trish, missing Ka The Brew on CKCU: Justin Rutledge, The Dinner Belles, Andrew Smith, Dubioza Kolektive, The Glorious Sons
7:00 AM  Oct. 6th, 2014 Ben James The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Sep. 29th, 2014 Trish and Ka Lots of music morning, Graydon James, Jeremy Fisher, Matt Gower, O-Town. Hoedown
8:00 AM  Sep. 22nd, 2014 Ben James and Elena Sanchez The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Sep. 22nd, 2014 Trish and Ka Polaris Prize contenders and Upcoming Events
7:00 AM  Sep. 15th, 2014 Trish and Ka Our theme song live in the studio by Denis Turbide
7:00 AM  Sep. 8th, 2014 Trish and Ka Two Interviews: Bryce Jardine, In-Flight Safety plus more music!
7:00 AM  Sep. 8th, 2014 Ben James The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Sep. 1st, 2014 Trish and Ka No Labour - All Fun!
7:00 AM  Aug. 25th, 2014 Trish and Ka Its Monday Morning!
7:00 AM  Aug. 18th, 2014 Trish and Ka Let's peek into the barn...Barnstorm preview
7:00 AM  Aug. 18th, 2014 Ben James and Elena Sanchez The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Aug. 11th, 2014 Ben James and Elena Sanchez The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Aug. 11th, 2014 Trish Brock Zeman, Gordie Tentrees, Jordan John, Dynamite Hotel, Miss Polygamy, Ray Harris
7:00 AM  Aug. 4th, 2014 Ka Charlton A light Monday morning.
7:00 AM  Jul. 28th, 2014 Trish and Ka You can't be everywhere so check here first
7:00 AM  Jul. 28th, 2014 Elena Sanchez, Ben James Knee-Jerk Reactions
7:00 AM  Jul. 21st, 2014 Trish Murray and Ka Charlton Split Yourself in Three for July 31st!
7:00 AM  Jul. 21st, 2014 Ben James, Elena Sanchez Gaza, MH17, Vancouver homelessness
8:00 AM  Jul. 14th, 2014 Elena Sanchez and Ben James The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Jul. 14th, 2014 Trish Murray and Ka Charlton Around Town and the Stewart Park Festival
7:00 AM  Jul. 7th, 2014 Ka Charlton All Canadian, all hour
8:00 AM  Jun. 30th, 2014 Elena Sanchez Epic/​Medieaval/​Renaissance Tunes
7:00 AM  Jun. 30th, 2014 Trish Murray and Ka Charlton YBiz show- Social Media help, In-home Support, Bitcoin and Off Grid Living
8:00 AM  Jun. 23rd, 2014 Ben James The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Jun. 23rd, 2014 Trish Murray and Ka Charlton Oh the weekends!
7:00 AM  Jun. 16th, 2014 Trish Murray with co-host Ka Charlton Safer Roads Ottawa, Interview with Ash & Bloom, Interview with Eliza Gilkyson
7:00 AM  Jun. 9th, 2014 Trish Murray with co-host Ka Charlton Mary Gauthier Concert, Vanier Velofest Report, Interview with NFLD Singer-songwriter Ian Foster, Durham County Poets
7:00 AM  Jun. 9th, 2014 Ben James and Elena Sanchez The Filibuster
7:00 AM  Jun. 2nd, 2014 Elena Sanchez The Filibuster (Extended Edition)
7:00 AM  May. 26th, 2014 Matthew Crosier
7:00 AM  May. 12th, 2014 Trish Murray with guest host Ka Charlton Sounds of the weekend and the week ahead
7:00 AM  May. 5th, 2014 Matthew Crosier
7:00 AM  Apr. 28th, 2014 Trish Murray Special Blend
7:00 AM  Apr. 21st, 2014 Radiyah Last Rhyme & Reason for the season!
7:00 AM  Apr. 14th, 2014 Trish Murray Special Blend
7:00 AM  Apr. 7th, 2014 Radiyah/ ApollotheChild Apollo and Radiyah pick songs for four themes: happy, grief, love, inspiration. He also performs live!
7:00 AM  Mar. 24th, 2014 Radiyah
7:00 AM  Mar. 10th, 2014 Radiyah Singer/​songwriter Hannah Wondmeneh performs live
7:00 AM  Feb. 24th, 2014 Radiyah Poet King Kimbit joins us live
7:00 AM  Jan. 27th, 2014 Radiyah Poet Apollo the Child joins us live
7:00 AM  Jan. 13th, 2014 Radiyah Poet Gavin Russell joins us live
7:00 AM  Dec. 30th, 2013 Matt Street & Paul Martin Resolutions - Interviews with Chris Cook from Centretown Records on recording music and with Brenden Myers on table top gamming.
7:00 AM  Dec. 23rd, 2013 Lenny Wu and Chris White Shannon Rose & Steve Matelywicz
7:00 AM  Dec. 16th, 2013 Chris White Sheila Perry, Mark St. Jean, Manjit Basi
7:00 AM  Dec. 2nd, 2013 Radiyah Poet Ali Islam joins us and performs "Monsters" live
8:00 AM  Nov. 18th, 2013 Ben James, Elena Sanchez, Lenny Wu Pope, Batkid
7:00 AM  Nov. 18th, 2013 Radiyah Poet Sarah Musa joins us live
7:00 AM  Nov. 4th, 2013 Radiyah
7:00 AM  Oct. 28th, 2013 Matthew Crosier Funding Drive
7:00 AM  Oct. 21st, 2013 Radiyah Poet Just Jamaal joins us live
7:00 AM  Oct. 7th, 2013 Matthew
7:00 AM  Sep. 30th, 2013 Matthew
7:15 AM  Sep. 16th, 2013 Filler Music (LW) Monday Special Blend
7:00 AM  Aug. 26th, 2013 Sean Another MOnday
7:00 AM  Aug. 19th, 2013 Elena Sanchez, Ben James, Cameron Scott Animation, Law, and Film
7:00 AM  Aug. 12th, 2013 Sean I Radio
7:00 AM  Aug. 5th, 2013 Sean McFee Special Blend
7:00 AM  Jul. 29th, 2013 Sean McFee Canadian Guitar Festival +
7:00 AM  Jul. 22nd, 2013 Sean Canadian Guitar Festival
7:00 AM  Jul. 15th, 2013 Sean Happy Monday!
8:00 AM  Jul. 8th, 2013 Khalil Bheriani & Elena Sanchez OMH Interview #3
7:00 AM  Jul. 8th, 2013 Sean A non-holiday Monday
7:00 AM  Jul. 8th, 2013 Elena Sanchez July 8th
7:00 AM  Jul. 4th, 2013 JAson Gowler CANADA DAY
7:00 AM  Jul. 1st, 2013 Sean and Mark Happy Canada Day!
7:00 AM  Jun. 24th, 2013 Sean More Jazz Fest
7:00 AM  Jun. 17th, 2013 Sean Ottawa Jazz Festival
7:00 AM  Jun. 10th, 2013 Sean Artists of the Ottawa Jazz Festival
7:00 AM  Jun. 3rd, 2013 Sean Just another Monday morning
7:00 AM  May. 27th, 2013 Sean Interview with the Ottawa Mission
7:00 AM  May. 20th, 2013 Sean Happy Victoria Day! For some reason.
7:00 AM  May. 13th, 2013 Sean Interview with B. Thompson of the GLBTQ Center
7:00 AM  May. 6th, 2013 Sean Interview with CSCS/​DUAL
7:00 AM  Apr. 29th, 2013 Sean Special Blend People
7:00 AM  Apr. 22nd, 2013 Matthew Crosier filling in
8:00 AM  Mar. 18th, 2013 Khalil Bheriani & Jordan Campbell
8:00 AM  Mar. 11th, 2013 Khalil Bheriani blank
8:00 AM  Feb. 25th, 2013 Khalil Bheriani -
8:00 AM  Jan. 28th, 2013 Matthew Crosier Filling In on the Blend
8:00 AM  Jan. 7th, 2013 Matthew Crosier & co-op Dave
7:00 AM  Dec. 24th, 2012 Shirley Gagnon Winter Solstice & Christian Holiday music by Aboriginal musicians
7:00 AM  Dec. 17th, 2012 Matthew Crosier
7:00 AM  Oct. 29th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Oct. 22nd, 2012 Dean Verger Funding Drive
7:00 AM  Oct. 15th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Oct. 8th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Oct. 1st, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Sep. 24th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Sep. 17th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Sep. 10th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Sep. 3rd, 2012 Dean Verger a two hour holiday show with lots of music
7:00 AM  Aug. 27th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Aug. 20th, 2012 dEAN vERGER
7:00 AM  Aug. 6th, 2012 Dean Verger the arts report with Lucette de Cunha
7:00 AM  Jul. 30th, 2012 Dean Verger music, arts with Lucette de Cunha, news
7:00 AM  Jul. 23rd, 2012 Dean Verger this morning, bike sharing
7:00 AM  Jul. 16th, 2012 Dean Verger music, movies, and Lucette de Cunha
7:00 AM  Jul. 9th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jul. 2nd, 2012 Dean Verger The Canada Day holiday show
7:00 AM  Jun. 25th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jun. 18th, 2012 Dean Verger a morning of music and arts
7:00 AM  Jun. 11th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jun. 4th, 2012 Dean Verger interviews with Greg Kelly about his new CD. Then I speak with Daniel Feszty about the new Whirl Tower, and working on helicopters
7:00 AM  May. 28th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  May. 21st, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  May. 14th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  May. 7th, 2012 Dean Verger two interviews this morning, beginning with Missy Burgess about Chrysalis. In the second half hour, Dr Blair Rutherford about the Africa Initiative.
7:00 AM  Apr. 30th, 2012 Dean Verger Interview with Sills and Smith
7:00 AM  Apr. 23rd, 2012 Dean Verger Two interviews today, one with Bob Nesbitt about the upcoming Ottawa Grassroots Festival. The other about tonight's discussion called reflecting realities
7:00 AM  Apr. 16th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Apr. 9th, 2012 Dean Verger interview with Val Bogan about the Eastern Ontario Drama League's Festival this week at the Ottawa Little Theatre
7:00 AM  Apr. 2nd, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Mar. 26th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Mar. 19th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Mar. 12th, 2012 Dean Verger Interview about the upcoming Ottawa Outdoor and Adventure Show
7:00 AM  Mar. 5th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Feb. 27th, 2012 Dean Verger Interview about a Breast Health fundraiser
7:00 AM  Feb. 13th, 2012 DEAN vERGER
7:00 AM  Feb. 6th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jan. 30th, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jan. 23rd, 2012 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jan. 16th, 2012 Dean Verger interview with Alise Marlane
7:00 AM  Jan. 9th, 2012 Dean Verger End of the world poetry
7:00 AM  Jan. 2nd, 2012 Dean Verger The start of a new year (2012)
7:00 AM  Dec. 26th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Dec. 19th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Dec. 12th, 2011 Dean Verger Interview with Amanda Bon
7:00 AM  Dec. 5th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Nov. 28th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Nov. 21st, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Nov. 14th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Nov. 7th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Oct. 31st, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Oct. 24th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Oct. 10th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Oct. 3rd, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Sep. 26th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Sep. 19th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Sep. 12th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Aug. 22nd, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Aug. 15th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Aug. 8th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Aug. 1st, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jul. 25th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jul. 18th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jul. 11th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jul. 4th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jun. 27th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jun. 20th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jun. 13th, 2011 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  Jun. 6th, 2011 Dean Verger Monday Special Blend hour 2 (Giacomo Panico)
7:00 AM  Jun. 6th, 2011 dean verger
8:00 AM  May. 30th, 2011 Jason Knapp
7:00 AM  May. 30th, 2011 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  May. 23rd, 2011 Jason Knapp
7:00 AM  May. 23rd, 2011 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  May. 16th, 2011 Jason Knapp
7:00 AM  May. 16th, 2011 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  May. 9th, 2011 Jason Knapp
7:00 AM  May. 9th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  May. 2nd, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  May. 2nd, 2011 Jason Knapp
7:00 AM  Apr. 25th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Apr. 18th, 2011 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  Apr. 11th, 2011 Susan Johnston Giacomo Panico
7:00 AM  Apr. 4th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Mar. 28th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Mar. 21st, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Mar. 14th, 2011 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  Mar. 7th, 2011 David Yazbeck Giacomo Panico - Monday Special Blend
7:00 AM  Mar. 7th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Feb. 28th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Feb. 21st, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Feb. 14th, 2011 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Feb. 7th, 2011 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  Jan. 10th, 2011 Colin Carson
7:00 AM  Dec. 20th, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Dec. 13th, 2010 dean verger
7:00 AM  Dec. 6th, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Nov. 29th, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Nov. 22nd, 2010 dean verger
7:00 AM  Nov. 15th, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Nov. 8th, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Nov. 1st, 2010 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  Oct. 25th, 2010 Gaicomo Panico & Colin Carson Fundraising Drive 2010
7:00 AM  Oct. 25th, 2010 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  Oct. 18th, 2010 Colin Carson
8:00 AM  Oct. 11th, 2010 Colin Carson Thanksgiving Monday
7:00 AM  Oct. 11th, 2010 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  Oct. 4th, 2010 Colin Carson
7:00 AM  Oct. 4th, 2010 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  Sep. 27th, 2010 Colin Carson Lysten Festival
7:00 AM  Sep. 27th, 2010 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  Sep. 20th, 2010 Colin Carson Polaris Music Prize Shortlist
7:00 AM  Sep. 20th, 2010 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  Sep. 13th, 2010 Colin Carson
7:00 AM  Sep. 13th, 2010 Dean Verger and James Botte
7:00 AM  Sep. 6th, 2010 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  Aug. 30th, 2010 James Botte and Dean Verger interview with Ruthanne Edwards
7:00 AM  Aug. 30th, 2010 Dean Verger and James Botte Interview with author Marie Bilodeau
7:00 AM  Aug. 23rd, 2010 Dean Verger Interview with Laura Kamis Wrang
7:00 AM  Aug. 16th, 2010 Dean Verger & James Botte
7:00 AM  Aug. 9th, 2010 James Botte info/​music
7:00 AM  Aug. 2nd, 2010 James Botte
7:00 AM  Jul. 26th, 2010 James Botte
7:00 AM  Jul. 19th, 2010 Dean Verger and James Botte
7:00 AM  Jul. 12th, 2010 Dean Verger & James Botte music and news
7:00 AM  Jul. 5th, 2010 Dean Verger and James Botte Interview with Pat Moore about volunteer work in Cameroon
7:00 AM  Jun. 28th, 2010 Dean Verger and James Botte Letters from Africa
7:00 AM  Jun. 21st, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jun. 14th, 2010 Dean Verger & James Botte
7:00 AM  Jun. 7th, 2010 Dean Verger & James Botte
7:00 AM  Jun. 1st, 2010 Jumpin' Joel Flash New Local Releases and Tales from Retail!
7:00 AM  May. 31st, 2010 Dean Verger and James Botte
8:00 AM  May. 24th, 2010 Giacomo Panico Dean Verger and James Botte
7:00 AM  May. 24th, 2010 Dean Verger and James Botte Interview with Janan Mosazai
7:05 AM  May. 17th, 2010 Dean Verger and James Botte
7:00 AM  May. 10th, 2010 Dean Verger Spirit of Rasputin's
7:00 AM  May. 3rd, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Apr. 26th, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Apr. 19th, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Apr. 12th, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Apr. 5th, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Mar. 22nd, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Mar. 15th, 2010 dean verger
7:00 AM  Mar. 1st, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Feb. 22nd, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Feb. 15th, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Feb. 8th, 2010 Dean Verger
8:00 AM  Feb. 1st, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Feb. 1st, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jan. 25th, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jan. 23rd, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jan. 11th, 2010 Dean Verger
7:00 AM  Jan. 4th, 2010 Dean Verger Machines and Gods (Kevin Cardamore)

Earlier playlists (if any) pre-date online listings