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Monday Special Blend
Monday August 26th, 2024 with Chris White
Carleton student athlete Tristan Rinaldis talks about his CFL hopes and his public service work; playwright Andrea Scott talks about 'Controlled Damage', a play about Viola Desmond that is coming to the National Arts Centre

Carleton student athlete Tristan Rinaldis talks about his CFL hopes and his public service work; playwright Andrea Scott talks about 'Controlled Damage', a play about Viola Desmond that is coming to the National Arts Centre
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Interactive CKCU
Nathanael Newton (Monday Special Blend)
Thanks so much for hosting the show today Chris 💜💜💜

7:49 AM, August 26th, 2024
Hi Chris, Great to hear you on a Monday back to work after vacation.

8:12 AM, August 26th, 2024
Hey Regis – Thanks for your message... and thanks for listening!

8:32 AM, August 26th, 2024