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Monday Special Blend
Monday May 20th, 2024 with Nathanael Newton & Maria Hawkins
Ottawa OMIC CMA, Geographic society of Canada

Sunwheel Dance
Bruce Cockburn - Speechless Canadian
Maria and Nathanael recap the week and chat about fun things
The OMIC CMA Awards Show:
Laff it off
Pony Girl - Laff It Off Canadian
Gray Brisson - Canadian
Soul train line
Angélique Francis Band - Canadian
Tug of War
N’nerjie - Canadian

PRESSURE is on display at 50 Sussex Drive in Ottawa until Sept. 1, 2023 and open Tuesday-Saturday, 12-5 p.m. Admission is free, but donations are gratefully accepted to support the educational public programming of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society.
Interactive CKCU
Nathanael, I'm glad you... and your gear... survived your flight over the handlebars more or less intact! Something similar happen to me once on the way to hosting a CKCU show. I was riding my bike on Campus Avenue when someone opened a car door right in front of me. My bike hit the door and I went flying over the handlebars, did a flip, and landed on my shoulder. For some reason, I wasn't injured, so I brushed myself off and carried on to the radio station. I was pretty shaken up, though, so the late, great Janis Lockwood helped me run the show. That was so nice of her that it made the whole ordeal worthwhile!

8:43 AM, May 20th, 2024
Maria gave you an e-bike... how awesome is that?!

8:44 AM, May 20th, 2024