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CKCU Literary News
Wednesday May 22nd, 2024 with Hans G. Ruprecht
Entretien du dr. Amadou Ba, historien et chercheur d'origine sénégalaise sur ses publications récentes.

Le dr. Amadou Ba, historien, s'entretient à l''occasion du 91e Congrès de l'Acfas ( Université d'Ottawa, 2024 ) de ses travaux de recherches sur (a) Migrations historiques entre les anciennes colonies françaises d’Afrique durant l’époque coloniale: : Tirailleurs sénégalais et leurs épouses durant la conquête Madagascar 1896-1905; et (b) sur des grands empires africains existant avant l'époque coloniale. Dr. Amadou Ba's areas of specialization: African History Research interests: Canadian black stories, History of blacks in North America, Colonial history of Africa, the recruitment of African soldiers in the French colonial armies and during the two wars, Trans-Saharan slavery and transatlantic slavery, The great figures of Black History in Africa and in the Diaspora and Immigration of blacks to the world. PUBLICATIONS Books: Africa of Great Empires 7th-17th Centuries. A Thousand Years of Economic Prosperity, Political Unity, Social Cohesion, and Cultural Influence, Editions AB, 2021. (Published in French and English) The Forgotten History of the Contribution of Black Slaves and Soldiers to the Building of Canada. 1604-1945, Afrikana, Montreal.) (Published in French and English) Articles/Chapters: "West African soldiers (Senegalese Tirailleurs) to conquer," pacify "and suppress revolts in Madagascar" in Les avenues du Savoir, under the direction of Renée Corbeil, Amélie Hien and Leila Saadaoui, Actes of the 17th and 18th Science and Knowledge Days, pp. 45-52. "Birth of descendants of West Africans in Madagascar: the heavy heritage of French imperialism in the Indian Ocean", in Figures and Speeches of Migrants in West Africa, under the direction of Abdourahmane Seck, Mohamed Abdallah Ly and Cécile Canut, Paris, Ed. Riveneuve, 2015. "Colonized in the service of colonial State: when the Senegalese skirmishers act in the name of France in Madagascar", Cahiers de Revue d'Histoire de l'Université de Montréal, n ° 28-2 . "The Representations of the" Senegalese in Madagascar ", in Norbert Dodille (ed.), Ideas and colonial representations in the Indian Ocean, (number 17 coll.), Paris, PUPS, 2009, pp 419-439. "First milestones for a history of Senegalese Tirailleurs in Madagascar", in Didier Nativel and Faranirina Rajaonah (dir.), Madagascar and Africa: between island identity and historical affiliations, Paris, Karthala 2009, 221-250. Credit:
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