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The Passionate Friar
Monday January 23rd, 2012 with Phelonius Friar
Pretty pissed at the attacks on my freedom via SOPA, PIPA, and the Megaupload take down... thank heaven for CKCU!

Well, the Dollar Bin got off to a very rocky start today when I was in a tizzy and came into the studio at 1PM thinking it was 2PM... and hijacked Ralph's show before mine (the most awesome Acoustic Frontiers). Ralph, I am SO sorry!!! Sigh... nothing like making an ass of one's self to start the week off on a humble note. It all started when I left my CDs at home and had to download my online versions of those albums to my stick and play my show from that... no excuse, but I suffered a total loss of situational awareness that ended up in the epic fail I described... sigh... But I did eventually come back at 2PM with my tail between my legs and play some music... Another diverse show for today's installment of The Dollar Bin. Started hardcore and when I'd vented my spleen through music I calmed the heck down and landed in the sweetest acoustic folk you'd ever have heard. Where else but The Dollar Bin are you going to hear a musical spectrum from Marilyn Manson via The Bad Brains through Tracy Chapman to land at Sloan Wainwright? All done in one hour.
Marilyn Manson - Antichrist Superstar
S-M (A Love Song)
Kidneythieves - Agro Active (Tuneup #7)
Serpent Boy (Remix)
Hed Pe - Agro Active (Tuneup #7)
The Clay People - The Clay People
I Am
Radio Iodine - Tiny Warnings
Kick Out The Jams
Bad Brains and Henry Rollins - Pump Up The Volume OST
Wave Of Mutilations (U.K. Surf Mix)
The Pixies - Pump Up The Volume OST
Rush It
Baby Animals - Baby Animals
Ready Or Not
Sloan Wainwright - Cool Morning
Leave A Little Light
The Wyrd Sisters - Oh, Yah! Records Sampler #3 Canadian
Give Me One Reason
Tracy Chapman - New Beginnings
I Saw Red
The Transisters - The Transisters