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The Passionate Friar
Wednesday January 10th, 2018 with James Botte (aka Phelonius Friar)
Interview with RSC Alice Wilson Award winner Dr. Mélanie Guigueno about her research in the fields of behavioural ecology, neuroecology, and ecotoxicology.

The website of Dr. Guigueno: Dr. Mélanie Guigueno is a winner of the prestigious Royal Society of Canada's Alice Wilson Award for her landmark contributions to the field of brood parasitism. The award is given yearly to three women of outstanding academic qualifications in the Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, or Science who are entering a career in scholarship or research at the postdoctoral level. This interview was recorded at the international Gender Summit 11 in Montreal, Quebec on November 6, 2017 (thanks to NSERC/CRSNG for providing me access to the relatively quiet "Press Room" at the conference hotel to do these recordings).
Serena Rider - Harmony Canadian
Interview with Dr. Mélanie Guigueno, recorded November 6, 2017 in Montreal, Quebec
Scare Away The Dark
Passenger - Whispers
Interactive CKCU
Good morning from Yonkers, just north of the Big Apple! But just a quick check in....will listen to the whole thing later tonight...

10:03 AM, January 10th, 2018
Good morning. Super interesting interview.

10:28 AM, January 10th, 2018
James Botte (aka. Phelonius Friar) (host)
I agree RedSonya!

10:30 AM, January 10th, 2018