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The Passionate Friar
Wednesday December 13th, 2017 with James Botte (aka Phelonius Friar)
Round-table interview with 4 of 5 NSERC Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering about their amazing scientific research and outreach efforts; and an interview with Serge Villemure who, amongst other duties, administers that national program

NSERC = Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, an organization with a $1.1billion annual budget that "supports university students in their advanced studies, promotes and supports discovery research, and fosters innovation by encouraging Canadian companies to participate and invest in postsecondary research projects"; Present at the round table interview with the NSERC Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering (from East to West, see their web sites for great resources and inspiration): - Dr. Tamara Franz-Odendaal, Department of Biology, Mount Saint Vincent University; - Dr. Eve Langelier, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke; - Dr. Annemieke Farenhorst, Department of Soil Science, University of Manitoba; - Dr. Lesley Shannon, School of Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University; Missing at the table due to time constraints (it was very busy at the conference!): - Dr. Catherine Mavriplis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ottawa; Also interviewed separately on today's show, Serge Villemure, Director of the Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering (CWSE) Program, and Director of the Scholarships and Fellowships Division at NSERC, who provides a bird's eye view of the program and other innovative work on gender and diversity at NSERC and within their programmes. Both interviews were recorded at the international Gender Summit 11 in Montreal, Quebec on November 8, 2017 (thanks to NSERC/CRSNG for providing me access to the relatively quiet "Press Room" at the conference hotel to do these recordings).
The Celebration
Floex - Samarost 3 OST
Interview with 4 of 5 NSERC Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering, recorded November 8, 2017 in Montreal, Quebec
Dry, Wooden, and Windy
Floex - Samarost 3 OST
Interview with Serge Villemure of NSERC, recorded November 8, 2017 in Montreal, Quebec
Going On An Adventure
Floex - Samarost 3 OST
Interactive CKCU