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The Passionate Friar
Wednesday January 20th, 2016 with Phelonius Friar
A collection of short crossover stories and a fine mix of music

Music video for Chris Hadfield's version of David Bowie's "Space Oddity"... much better with the visuals!
Space Oddity
Chris Hadfield - Space Sessions: Music From A Tin Can Canadian
A motivational chat by former astronaut Chris Hadfield, recorded on the International Space Station shortly before he became commander, on how to be the person you want to be. Posted by the Canadian Space Agency on YouTube:
A motivational chat by punk rock singer Henry Rollins on how he got to do what he wanted to do by making bold and perhaps foolhearty choices as he went, and in particular "The One Decision that Changed My Life Forever". Posted by Big Think:
A presentation about organic chemist Patchanita Thamyongkit of Thailand who works on new compounds to enhance the performance and deployability of solar cells. Posted by Nature Video:
"Science Needs Women", a short video featuring recipients of the L'Oreal-UNESCO Women in Science Fellowship award. Posted by the L’Oréal Foundation:
How's That
FKA Twigs - EP2
Femme D'Affaires
Les Rita Mitsouko - BleublancTubes (Vol. 2)
Tous Les Chevaux
Marousse - L'Heure H
Cleopatra's Cat
Spin Doctors - Turn It Upside Down
Propellerheads - Decksanddrumsandrockandroll
Helden (Heroes)
David Bowie - Steal This Disk 3
Interactive CKCU

10:02 AM, January 20th, 2016
Are you going to play "Major Tom"?

10:04 AM, January 20th, 2016
Phelonius Friar (host)
In a way I guess :)

10:05 AM, January 20th, 2016
Sad news about David Hartwell. He fell, hit his head, and is not expected to recover.

10:11 AM, January 20th, 2016
Phelonius Friar (host)
Yeah, he was such a wonderful person and had such a huge impact on the Canadian literary scene!

10:18 AM, January 20th, 2016
Earlier reports had said he had died...

10:20 AM, January 20th, 2016

10:56 AM, January 20th, 2016
Thank you "On Demand"!!! Great show. Loved all the talks - very thought provoking and inspiring. And "Heroes" in German (?) was a wonderful surprise. I'd love to learn the lyrics.

8:25 PM, January 20th, 2016
Red Sonya
Beautifully and thoughtfully curated.

12:53 AM, January 21st, 2016