Indigenous CKCU
Sunday December 20th, 2015 with Shirley Gagnon
"Memories of Christmas at Indian Residential Schools" as told by survivors
Honouring the children of Indian Residential Schools with a documentary "Memories of Christmas at Indian Residential Schools" as told by survivors. Aboriginal music by Phyllis Sinclair, Florent Vollant, Susan Aglukark, Norman Doucette, Andrea Menard, Tom Jackson, and Amanda Rheaume.
Traditional: Minoh Awasis (Beautiful Child) Phyllis Sinclair - Wishlist ![]() |
Nipaiamianan Florent Vollant - Nipaiamianan ![]() |
Eku Papa Petakakat Florent Vollant - Nipaiamianan ![]() |
O Little Town of Bethlehem Susan Aglukark - Christmas ![]() |
Christmas in a Phone Booth Norman Doucette - Dangerous Ground ![]() |
Gather Round feat. Asani Andrea Menard - Sparkle ![]() |
The Huron Carole Tom Jackson - 'Twas in the Moon of Wintertime ![]() |
Jesu Joy of Mans Desiring Amanda Rheaume - Acoustic Christmas ![]() |
I am currently listening "Memories of Christmas at Residential Schools" To me it was awful and the loneliest time. Especially when i could not go home and I would be the only one left in the boys dormitory. The first year I had siblings with me at St. Anne's Residential school. However, the following years we were separated because my siblings were sent to St. Joseph's Residential school located in the community of Thunder bay, ON and for some unknown reason I was kept in St. Anne's school located in Fort Albany, ON. Everyone went home with the exception for a couple of us because my late mom could not afford to bring me home. I remember the 2-3 weeks leading into the Christmas, the religious theme aspect was heavily emphasize. But when the school emptied for the holidays break, I was tremendously lonely. I can recall being upstairs looking out the window crying and wishing that my late awesome mom would come to get me. Numerous times being all alone in the dormitory I would cry myself to sleep. I cannot recall if I ever ate and I do know of not having enough to eat during that time. To sum all the pass experiences of the Christmas season for me was in total despair. I felt unwanted, truly worthless and of course, some of the nuns saying nobody cared or wanted me made my situation far worse. One thing I do clearly recall was thinking to myself was...if I ever had children they would not have Christmases like this. I truly do not know as to why I would think about that? However, true to my word I made my two son's childhood Christmas experiences extra special. Yes, sometime the gift were lean but they still had them and thoroughly enjoyed it. At one time, I could listen to these stories because of the traumatic pains and memories. Thank you for broadcasting this program a few years back and the program continues to be a healing process. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Yew 2016!!
11:10 AM, December 20th, 2015