Charlatan Live
Thursday November 3rd, 2016 with Taylor Blewett and Alanna Smith
Hear the top stories from the Charlatan for the week of Oct. 31
Joining us in studio is Charlatan News Editor Anna Sophia Vollmerhausen to talk about the top news stories in the Charlatan this week including a partnership between Carleton University and Ottawa e-commerce firm Shopify for paid internships, Carleton's sexual violence policy and Carleton's special guest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
We also have features writer Amanda Prusila in the studio talking about the lack of available transit stops on campus. Later in the show, we introduce you to Carleton professor John Higginbothan to talk about the upcoming Nov. 8 election in the United States.
Other stories include the Canadian Federation of Students' "Day of Action," the Ottawa International Writers Festival and the Ravens football team first home playoff victory.
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