always shilling Big Bucks mailed Snail M...27th.
Jammin' @ fire tonite....said to beautiful new person singer.....gotta go by 10 to catch Vintage luv, CKCU!
She said, "I listen to that too!"
I told folks it's Funding Drive! Send Coin!!!
Nods of agreement....
10:17 PM, October 29th, 2022
hb I can't list or rank fav shows.
Yes. I understand popular show logic...but it feels mean for me....shows are SO different!
& I hav 49 fav shows...counted em! Like Animal Rights to Brainpower !!!
c'est impossible!!;-)
luv ya all equal! Peace!
10:35 PM, October 29th, 2022
anon I added $6 bucks as usual for Chopper & 10% for inflation.
10:49 PM, October 29th, 2022
O'shea Adagio (host) Thank you to all who donated to VL in week #1.
Each dollar helps to keep the show and more importantly the station going. Thank you soooo much!!
4:31 PM, October 26th, 2022