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Infinite Ceiling
Thursday May 6th, 2021 with Sean McFee
Some stray 2020 releases

Mostly releases from last year, the first four groups from Italy and the last from the Ukraine. We start with a new track from a Saskatoon-based heavy prog project.
Infinite Ceiling Theme
David Murphy - Canadian
Before & Apace - The Denisovan Canadian New
Alfio Costa - Frammenti - MaRaCash
Alfio Costa - Frammenti - MaRaCash
Il passaggio di un gigante gentile
Celeste - Il principe del regno perduto - Mellow
Tornerai tramonto
Celeste - Il principe del regno perduto - Mellow
Origami in sol
Logos - Sadako e le mille gru di carta - Andromeda Relix
Paesaggi di insonnia
Logos - Sadako e le mille gru di carta - Andromeda Relix
Bestie, uomoni e dèi
Ubi Maior - Bestie, uomoni e dèi - AMS
Birds of Passage Part 1
Karfagen - Birds of Passage - Caerllysi
Interactive CKCU
Hurray for music!

9:17 PM, May 6th, 2021
Music yay!

9:18 PM, May 6th, 2021