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David Dalle
Thursday August 29th, 2024 with David Dalle
Constantine Caravassilis joins me to present his most ambitious work to date "From Sappho's Lyre".

This week we are privileged to have Canadian composer Constantine Caravassilis joining me to present his most ambitious work to date, "From Sappho's Lyre". There are actually several works which Caravassilis composed based on Sappho and sapphic-inspired poems, in collaboration with author, poet, and classicist Jeffrey Duban. The largest, which we will hear today, is a multimedia cantata for large chamber ensemble based on Sappho's two complete surviving poems: "The Hymn to Aphrodite" and "He Appears to Me (Equal to the Gods)". Caravassilis created a piece which fuses the idea of ancient Greek drama with ballet and opera. With the poems sung and narration spoken in Ancient Greek and English translations by Jeffrey Duban. It is an profoundly rich, complex, and immersive work, breathtaking! It reminds me of Philip Glass' opera "Akhnaten". Not in how it sounds, "From Sappho's Lyre" does not sound like Glass. But we know almost nothing about what ancient Egyptian or Ancient Greek music actually sounded like. Yet Glass wrote an opera about ancient Egypt using his contemporary style with orchestra and soloists which really evokes ancient Egypt. Caravassilis achieved something similar, his cantata evokes ancient Greece. You are easily transported 2600 years ago in an amphitheatre on a Greek island immersed in this music!
Part A: Hymn to Aphrodite
From Sappho's Lyre I The Goddess Awakened
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre II Earthward Summoned
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre III Double Aria
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre IV Fantasy (Chorale)
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre V Pas de deux
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre VI Incantation (Air)
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre VII Choros: Deathless Aphrodite
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
Part B : Equal to the Gods (He Appears to Me)
From Sappho's Lyre VIII Invocation
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre IX Rapture
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre X Seduction (Aria)
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre XI Conveyance (Ancient Bazaar)
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre XII Cosmic Canticle
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre XIII Aegean Recitative
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre XIV Zenith (Aria)
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre XV Dream Within
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre XVI Apotheosis
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
From Sappho's Lyre XVII Exodos
Constantine Caravassilis/Liana Guberman-Chriss, Carla Jablonski, Daniel Moody, Tenth Muse Ensemble, Constantine Caravassilis - From Sappho's Lyre - Orchid Classics Canadian New
Rast Taksim/Rast Zeybek
Derya Turkan & Sokratis Sinopoulos - Letter from Istanbul - Golden Horn records
Farah Kaddour is a Lebanese player of the buzuk, which is related to the Greek bouzouki.
Farah Kaddour - Bada - Asadun Alay Records
Zadji Zadji
Lemon Bucket Orkestra - Cuckoo - Lemon Bucket Orkestra Canadian New
Ukranian-Canadian Toronto-based singer Nastasia Y will be performing at the Ottawa Weekend Fest which is the first Ukrainian International Open-Air Family Festival, in the town of Val-des-Monts, QC.
Evening Star
Nastasia Y - Kyiv Soul - Lulaworld Records Canadian New
Interactive CKCU
mike p
we are temporal, must leave "some things out". ohh, minimalism, in all endeavors, including art on the above premise . thanks dave and constantine!

2:33 PM, August 29th, 2024
David Dalle (host)
Enjoy the music! And speaking of Osvaldo Golijov, a favourite composer of mine as well. His Passion is a supreme masterwork: Or his plunge into darkness with "Falling Out of Time" From "Oceana" referred to by Constantine: Or his Klezmer inspired quartet and clarinet music:

2:40 PM, August 29th, 2024
Chris Or.

2:54 PM, August 29th, 2024
'From Sappho's Lyre' TERRIFIC! I really especially am enjoying the wide mix of sounds going on: natural field recordings, choral, symphonic, spoken word, chants, found and generated sounds, all in an aural blender with a touch of chaos. THANK YOU Constantine and David for bringing this to our very happily wiggling ears. I will most certainly be looking this up. All that said, I missed the interview and first chunks of the piece 'live'. So, I am *intentionally* tuning off now, so that I can listen attentively, in fullness, later.

3:17 PM, August 29th, 2024
David Dalle (host)
Oh yeah it's worth many deep listening sessions!

3:21 PM, August 29th, 2024
This is the best, most imaginative and provoking music I have heard by a living composer. Looked Constantine up, i thought he is an older guy (?). As a professional (musicology professor) I often go to NM concerts. Nothing tops this work. I am in tears. Congratulations to the composer.

3:24 PM, August 29th, 2024
David Dalle (host)
I am so pleased you are listening!

3:26 PM, August 29th, 2024
David Dalle (host)
The solo violin ascends in a divine Apotheosis!

3:31 PM, August 29th, 2024
Constantine Caravassilis
Constantine here: THANK you all for the warm welcome, comments and for listening. With love, -C

3:33 PM, August 29th, 2024
THANK YOU BACK Constantine!! Congratulations on your wonder-filled work. (See my gushing above ;^) Peace. Joy.

3:57 PM, August 29th, 2024