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David Dalle
Thursday August 8th, 2024 with David Dalle
Bruckner's 4th symphony. New Lemon Bucket Orkestra.

This week we continue my Bruckner symphonic cycle with his 4th symphony, the first Bruckner symphony I heard. Bruckner composed it in 1874, but he replaced the original third movement with a new scherzo in 1880 and made some major changes to the final movement. He made some minor revisions after that, but, unlike the tortured revision history of his 3rd symphony, Bruckner was basically confident and satisfied with the 1880 version and virtually every recording and performance is of this version. This symphony shows his mature style. The 1st movement opens with a hushed awe with a tremolando in the strings, and the horns stating the gorgeous first theme. The movement goes through several transformations with the theme building up to numerous, enormous climaxes in a very vague sonata form. The second movement is restrained funeral march mostly in c minor, but ending with a statuesque, extended climax in C major. The scherzo is a tremendous explosion of brass with dotted rhythms. But it is the finale which is key to this work--the first of Bruckner's symphonies where the dramatic weight is firmly in finale. It begins with an ostinato in the strings, with searching horns once again, and an incessant rhythm. There is so much tension and latent power and it builds inexorably to a massive climax, which piles up on yet an even bigger one. This is music striving for something, for transcendence. In the coda, it achieves this, peeling away the veil of existence and coming face to face with the underlying truth of the universe. When I first heard this symphony, I realized this was a something I had not heard in other 19th century symphonies. The symphonies of Schuman, Brahms, Mendelssohn just seemed so dull in contrast. I've been listening to many different recordings of this work in the past several weeks, mostly German and Austrian conductors. I've decided on an incredible recording by Austrian Karl Bohm from 1973 with the Vienna Philharmonic.
Symphony No. 4 in E flat major
Anton Bruckner/Vienna Philharmonic, Karl Bohm - Symphony No. 4 - London
Toronto's Lemon Bucket Orkestra's 5th album (sorry I said 4th!) is their best yet, I could easily mistake this for a Balkan-based group instead of Canadian. A lot of wonderful, joyful tunes, and one very, very beautiful and melancholic song!
Gadjo Dilo
Lemon Bucket Orkestra - Cuckoo - Lemon Bucket Orkestra Canadian New
Mik Mik
Lemon Bucket Orkestra - Cuckoo - Lemon Bucket Orkestra Canadian New
Frank's Freylekh
Lemon Bucket Orkestra - Cuckoo - Lemon Bucket Orkestra Canadian New
Jewish Letter feat. Gershon Leizerson
Goran Bregovic - Three Letters From Sarajevo - Wrasse
Mazel Tov feat. Riff Cohen
Goran Bregovic - Three Letters From Sarajevo - Wrasse
Made In Bosnia feat. Sifet & Mehmed
Goran Bregovic - Three Letters From Sarajevo - Wrasse
Nicolas Repac - Gramophonie ou le grand orchestre imaginaire d'un sample d'esprit - No Format New
Paris Spirale
Nicolas Repac - Gramophonie ou le grand orchestre imaginaire d'un sample d'esprit - No Format New
The Harry Roche Constellation - Spiral - Pye
Zajdi Zajdi
Lemon Bucket Orkestra - Cuckoo - Lemon Bucket Orkestra Canadian New
Interactive CKCU
Good afternoon everybody how’s everybody doing? Respect and respect to the host

2:00 PM, August 8th, 2024
David Dalle (host)
Today, August 8th, would have been the 80th birthday of my father, René Dalle. If you haven't already, or even if you have, I implore you to listen to my memorial program for him from March 9th, 2023. A program I am extremely proud of, I believe it captured in incredible music my father and my relationship with him. Listen here:

2:02 PM, August 8th, 2024
Robert Melanson
March 9th 2023 is also the first time I "tuned in" -uncounsciously - to your show. The intensity of the music, the vibe...brought me to the playlist where I learned about your father... You are correct in your assesment of the show. Its strength was reason to be proud. Just as you were proud to be his son. And.just as your father is still very proud of you, somewhere... out there... in the music. Thank you for the.Bruckner. I.needed It today.

2:14 PM, August 8th, 2024
David Dalle (host)
Thank you! What an introduction to my show :)

2:18 PM, August 8th, 2024
Robert Melanson
Oh, by the way, c'est moi Bobby Calzone. I usually use my real name for the classical music shows and Mike Regenstref, for some reason, but am mostly known as.Bobby Calzone for the "rockier" shows. Somehow went under Calzone for your dad's show... maybe I was shy...

2:37 PM, August 8th, 2024
David Dalle (host)
Either way, always appreciate you listening, thanks Jeremy as well.

2:39 PM, August 8th, 2024
A secret identity revealed! Read all about it here!

2:50 PM, August 8th, 2024
Actually, no, Benoît. I revealed it I think on Off The Charts, if I'm not mistaken. And where I live too (in front of Khumeia Land) ! Invitimg everyone. But, anyways, as David says, the important thing is the listening...back to Bruckner:) P.s. everyone still welcome:)

2:56 PM, August 8th, 2024
Greetings all. Listening in late-live ... OnDemand later. Thanks for mentioning your father again David. i remember that show, and it yielded fond memories of my own patents' strong and diverse interests. i have the privilege of being raised surrounded by sounds. Fearless, especially my Mom. Peace. Please.

3:28 PM, August 8th, 2024
PBagain (and other aliases)
And HA! i will try to remember to address you as "AKA Robert'" when we meet online. ;^)

3:31 PM, August 8th, 2024
Neil & The Dancing Labrador
Thanks, David. I was outside working the garden prepping for the Hurricane Debbie rain deluge coming tonight and tomorrow. So did not make it in before show end, but want you to know I "had my ears on" and the show was fantastic. Loved the Ukrainian artists toward the end of the show!! You never disappoint,, my friend!

4:20 PM, August 8th, 2024
Neil and his Dancing Labrador
Just read all the comments today. Bobby aka Robert you never cease to amaze me. Thank you for sharing that personal story. I will continue to follow your alter ego, but for this one time........It is an honour getting to know you through the Playlist chat bar. No matter how it rolls out day by are "the real deal", buddy!!!

4:26 PM, August 8th, 2024