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David Dalle
Thursday August 1st, 2024 with David Dalle
The Danish String Quartet, Cris Derksen, Moneka Arabic Jazz, Raphael Weinroth-Browne at the Ottawa Chamberfest! Tickets to give away!

In 1994, two great musical institutions were founded in Ottawa. The Ottawa Chamber Music Festival, and, with much less fanfare, the David Dalle Show on CKCU. We are both celebrating our 30th anniversary this year! Over these 30 years, I have attended countless concerts at the Chamberfest including some of the best musical experiences in my life! This year, one of the highlights is the return of the Danish String Quartet, comprised of three Danes: Rune Tonsgaard Sørensen, violin, Frederik Øland, violin, Asbjørn Nørgaard, viola and Norwegian cellist Fredrik Schøyen Sjölin. Aside from their stellar and bold ability as musicians, the most remarkable thing about them is their extremely creative programming. I have mentioned this many times before, that classical music programming tends to be very dull and unimaginative, and it is one of the areas most primed for revolutionary change. Artists who have pursued truly imaginative, thoughtful and artistic programming in performance and recordings have been featured prominently on my show, such as Patricia Kopatchinskaja, Igor Levit, Christina Petrowska Quilico and a few others, including the Danish String Quartet. They also have had the great fortune to find a recording home with ECM, one of the most innovative music labels. As befitting these qualities, they've embarked on several multi-year projects such as Prism, which links Bach fugues, Beethoven's five late quartets, and more recent quartets. They've described it as "A beam of music is split through Beethoven’s prism. The important thing to us is that these connections be experienced widely. We hope the listener will join us in the wonder of these beams of music that travel all the way from Bach through Beethoven to our own times.” We have heard several installments of Prism on previous shows. Tomorrow in Ottawa we are very fortunate to have the Danish String Quartet present the fourth and final part of their Doppelgänger project. This four year project paired a work by Franz Schubert with a world premiere of a complementary work by four different composers: Bent Sørensen, Lotta Wennäkoski, Anna Thorvaldsdottir, and Thomas Adès. The final part couples Schubert's String Quintet--which I believe is the greatest music for five instruments in existence--with a new string quintet by English composer Thomas Adès. They have not recorded this project yet, hopefully they will with ECM! I first heard, and was completely swept away by, Schubert's String Quintet at the Chamberfest many, many years ago! The Danish String Quartet will be joined by Finnish cellist Joahnnes Rostamo tomorrow evening in Ottawa. A concert not to be missed!
We will hear the Danish String Quartet from their first two albums on ECM, an album with the first string quartets from Thomas Adès, Per Norgard, Hans Abrahamsen, and "Last Leaf" which features their arrangements of Scandinavian folk music.
Despair not, o heart
Danish String Quartet - Last Leaf - ECM
Danish String Quartet - Last Leaf - ECM
Polska from Dorotea
Danish String Quartet - Last Leaf - ECM
Some Swedish folk music.
Red Jacket
Swap - Swap - Amigo
Tank om I kun'd beskriva
Lena Willemark - Nar some graset det vajar - Amigo
Lindh, tallroth, Olsson - Pa tre man hand - Amigo
Gammal och ung
Thore & Thuva Hardelin - Thore & Thuva - Amigo
Thomas Adès first string quartet "Arcadiana" from 1994 (a good year in music!) comprises seven movements which give visions of Arcadia, the idyllic "Golden Age" which even the Ancient Greeks considered something long past. Adès paints Arcadia as complicated, both beautiful and terrifying, with it ultimately being an illusion.
Arcadiana Op. 12 i. Venezia notturna
Thomas Ades\Danish String Quartet - Thomas Ades/Per Norgard/Hans Abrahamsen - ECM
Arcadiana Op. 12 ii. Das klinget so herrlich, das klinget so schön
Thomas Ades\Danish String Quartet - Thomas Ades/Per Norgard/Hans Abrahamsen - ECM
Arcadiana Op. 12 iii. Auf dem Wasser zu singen
Thomas Ades\Danish String Quartet - Thomas Ades/Per Norgard/Hans Abrahamsen - ECM
Arcadiana Op. 12 iv. Et... (tango mortale)
Thomas Ades\Danish String Quartet - Thomas Ades/Per Norgard/Hans Abrahamsen - ECM
Arcadiana Op. 12 v. L'Embarquement
Thomas Ades\Danish String Quartet - Thomas Ades/Per Norgard/Hans Abrahamsen - ECM
Arcadiana Op. 12 vi. O Albion
Thomas Ades\Danish String Quartet - Thomas Ades/Per Norgard/Hans Abrahamsen - ECM
Arcadiana Op. 12 vii. Lethe
Thomas Ades\Danish String Quartet - Thomas Ades/Per Norgard/Hans Abrahamsen - ECM
Two amazing, innovate, unique Canadian cellists are performing at the Chamberfest. Ottawa's own Raphael Weinroth-Browne will be performing Monday night with some friends including Shahriyar Jamshidi, his other half in Kamancello.
Alberta's Cris Derksen is amazing whether they play solo or with an orchestra and First Nations singers. Tomorrow night after the Danish String Quartet!
Tumult I
Raphael Weinroth-Browne - Worlds Within - Independent Canadian
Tumult II
Raphael Weinroth-Browne - Worlds Within - Independent Canadian
Tumult III
Raphael Weinroth-Browne - Worlds Within - Independent Canadian
Tumult IV
Raphael Weinroth-Browne - Worlds Within - Independent Canadian
New Women Song
Cris Derksen feat. Jennifer Kreisberg - Orchestral Powwow - Tribal Spirit Canadian
Unst Boat Song
Danish String Quartet - Last Leaf - ECM
The Dromer
Danish String Quartet - Last Leaf - ECM
Now found is the fairest of the roses
Danish String Quartet - Last Leaf - ECM
Schubert's string quintet is scored for two violins, viola, and two cellos, which is unusual, as the standard classical string quintet featured two violas and one cello. At that Chamberfest concert, a long, long time ago where I first heard the Schubert, they also played a rare string quartet by Anton Arensky. His 2nd string quartet in A minor was very unusually scored for only one violin, viola, and two cellos. So at that concert, I don't even remember the musicians, but since they had two cellos from the Schubert, they played the Arensky. This quartet was composed in 1894 in memory of Tchaikovsky who had died the previous year. Its elegiac tone was why Arensky chose the darker sound of two cellos. It is in three movements, with the first movement evoking Russian Orthodox chant, the second movement is a set of variation on a theme by Tchaikovsky, and the third movement is reminiscent of Beethoven's Rasumovsky's quartets. A rarely heard, stunning work, and I had just heard it for the first time along with Schubert's string quintet. I came out that night transformed!
String Quartet no. 2 in a minor Op. 35
Anton Arenksy/Cristian-Paul Suvaiala, Mischa Pfeiffer, Martin Leo Schmidt, Simon Deffner - WDR Klassik - WDR
We heard Ahmed Moneka's debut album on my show a few weeks ago. He is bringing his Moneka Arabic Jazz ensemble to Chamberfringe Saturday night!
Chi Mali Wali
Ahmed Moneka - Kanzafula - Lulaworld Records Canadian
Sidi Mansure
Ahmed Moneka - Kanzafula - Lulaworld Records Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Hello everybody good afternoon everyone how’s everybody doing? Respect to the host

2:26 PM, August 1st, 2024
David Dalle (host)
Hello, nearly melted walking across campus, good thing I didn't bring any vinyl in today!

2:28 PM, August 1st, 2024
Neil & The Dancing Labrador
Captivating, exhilarating, adventuresome, amazing and simply stunning. Thanks, Dave and Happy 30th Anniversary, man !!!!!!! 30 more years

3:12 PM, August 1st, 2024
David Dalle (host)
I have three pairs of tickets to give away for your choice of any of the remaining Chamberfringe concerts at the festival! The Ambient Ensemble with Nick Schofield tonight, electronics & acoustic instruments; Cris Derksen tomorrow night, Moneka Arabic Jazz with Ahmed Moneka Saturday, Kleztory Sunday night, and Raphael Winroth-Browne Monday night. Call the studio at 613-520-2528 to pick up a pair of tickets to your chosen concert!

3:17 PM, August 1st, 2024
David Dalle (host)
Still have two pairs of tickets to your choice of remaining chamberfringe concerts!

3:24 PM, August 1st, 2024
David Dalle (host)
There are also free Chamberfest concerts at the Record Centre in Hintonburg, tomorrow afternoon at 4pm, guitarist Justin Duhaime will be playing some Django Reinhart. It was listening to Django as a child that made my dad want to learn the guitar. I wish he was still here and I could bring him.

3:48 PM, August 1st, 2024
Most fantastic!

8:23 AM, August 2nd, 2024