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David Dalle
Thursday June 30th, 2016 with David Dalle
Fanfare Ciocarlia: let them blow, let them roar!

This past week at the Ottawa Jazz Festival I saw two amazing concerts presenting two opposite extremes of musical expression. Colin Stetson's "Sorrow - a Reimagining of Gorecki's 3rd Symphony" was apocalyptic in its violent grief, it shattered the soul. The next night, the explosive Fanfare Ciocarlia--the musical incarnation of joy--restored and uplifted the soul. Like an addict, I want to sustain the fabulous high of these transcendent brass musicians. 3 weeks ago I recounted Fanfare Ciocarlia's rise from rural Romania to global domination: Now they have set their aim even higher, beyond this world! We hear their new album "Onwards to Mars!" Fanfare Ciocarlia--Let them blow, let them roar! We will also hear a new, almost indescribable album by two master musicians from China: Wu Wei and Wang Li. Their new album "Overtones" features some ancient and unusual Chinese and Asian traditional instruments: the Sheng, hulusi, bawu, komoz, matouqin--mouth organs, reeded pipes, jew's harps, and the prized Mongolian fiddle. Despite the enormous age of some of these instruments (Sheng and Komoz are several thousand years old), the music is contemporary, experimental compositions--beautiful, striking, intense, unexpected. They often sound more like electronic music with some Indian singing added. A magnificent and wholly original album. We will also hear some new Gnawa music infused with Latin Jazz and Pan-African sensibility from Algeria; Soukous from Minneapolis; and some Icelandic music celebrating the extremely joyful and unexpected success of Iceland's national team at their first European Cup!
Tremul, masina mica
Fanfare Ciocarlia - Onwards to Mars! - Asphalt Tango New
Out to lounge
Fanfare Ciocarlia - Onwards to Mars! - Asphalt Tango New
Doina pentru un frant inima
Fanfare Ciocarlia - Onwards to Mars! - Asphalt Tango New
Bunica bate toba
Fanfare Ciocarlia - Onwards to Mars! - Asphalt Tango New
Debo Band - Ere Gobez - FPE Records New
Baba Djilali
Ifrikya Spirit - Ifrikya Spirit - Independent New
Ifrikya Spirit - Ifrikya Spirit - Independent New
Juana 1600
Chucho Valdes - Tribute to Irakere - Jazz Village
Siama Matuzungidi - Rivers - Independent New
Fiesta de negritos (feat. Puerto Candelaria)
Fanfare Ciocarlia - Onwards to Mars! - Asphalt Tango New
Far away to Home
Wu Wei & Wang Li - Overtones - Harmonia Mundi New
Seismic Echo
Wu Wei & Wang Li - Overtones - Harmonia Mundi New
Guomundur Steinn Gunnarsson - Pieces
Morning Prayer
Wu Wei & Wang Li - Overtones - Harmonia Mundi New
Wu Wei & Wang Li - Overtones - Harmonia Mundi New
Sigur Ros - Kveikur - XL
Sigur Ros - Kveikur - XL
Interactive CKCU
David Dalle (host)
Everyone have a great Canada day and long weekend!

2:13 PM, June 30th, 2016
TUBAS RULE!! ;^) Unfortunately, I missed Fanfare Ciocărlia @ JazzFest. Rats. Just ran out of steam, especially after The Thing ("Viking Jazz from Hell" -- HOLY WOW!!!) Will have to catch up on rest of todays show later via OnDemand though. Gotta go.

2:18 PM, June 30th, 2016
David Dalle (host)
For shame! :P

2:44 PM, June 30th, 2016
Yeah. I know. Am a wimp. :^/ But 'The Thing' (earlier same day) was a total mind melt!! Euro free-jazz meets speed metal meets Klingon love poetry ... or something. Yeah, HOLY WOW!! But exhausting. I am in contact with them, and will get some of their stuff in to get on air. Hold onto your hats!!

3:48 PM, June 30th, 2016