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I, the Mountain with Tin Constellations
Mar 29       Irene's Pub
School of Bass #68.4
Mar 29       Swizzles Bar & Grill
The Great Canadian Theatre Company & CKCU-FM present - FemmeVox 8: Ambre McLean / Mimi O'Bonsawin / Amanda Lowe Warnakulasuriya / Larissa Desrosiers
Mar 30       Great Canadian Theatre Company
lifeboogie presents: [Why NOT]: “Vibrations Running Deep” with Trevor Walker
Apr 2       The 27 Club
Debaser presents: Satoko Fujii Tokyo Trio + LSD Trio
Apr 5       St. James United Church
Fundraiser: Sing into Spring with Big Soul Project Community Choir
Apr 5       Centretown United Church
Apr 5       National Arts Centre - Babs Asper Theatre
Catbird + Tulips & Devilships
Apr 5       Meow! That's Hot.
lifeboogie presents: [Why NOT]: “Vibrations Running Deep” with Trevor Walker
Apr 9       The 27 Club
Land of Talk et Marlaena Moore
Apr 11       Minotaure
Solos Going Steady: Jon Hynes, Susan O, Liz McDermott, Chris Page & Patrick Shanks
Apr 11       Irene's Pub
APRÈS L'HIVER: Trevor Walker / Diskodave / BeatScience / Greg Howlett
Apr 12       Kaffé 1870
Matt Large presents: Manus McGuire, André Marchand, Kate Bevan-Baker & Michel Bordeleau
Apr 13       Irene's Pub
Debaser presents: Marie Davidson
Apr 15       Club SAW
lifeboogie presents: [Why NOT]: “Vibrations Running Deep” with Trevor Walker
Apr 16       The 27 Club
The Outsiders Ball 3: Jim's Plumbing and Electrical (EP release) / Out By Lucy / Shunk / Curl
Apr 17       Sky Lounge - Top Floor
The Anti-Queens / The Venemous Pinks / Wet for Days / Passenger Princess
Apr 18       Dominion Tavern
Spectrasonic presents: The Deep Dark Woods
Apr 23       The 27 Club
lifeboogie presents: [Why NOT]: “Vibrations Running Deep” with Trevor Walker
Apr 23       The 27 Club
13th Ottawa Grassroots Festival
Apr 24-26       First Unitarian Congress / Irene's Pub
Orchidae at the NAC / au CNA
Apr 25       National Arts Centre - 4th Stage
lifeboogie presents: [Why NOT]: “Vibrations Running Deep” with Trevor Walker
Apr 30       The 27 Club
Spectrasonic presents: SUUNS
May 2       Club SAW
Spectrasonic presents: Clutch // Tyler Bryant & The Shakedown // Nate Bergman
May 5       Bronson Centre Music Theatre
lifeboogie presents: [Why NOT]: “Vibrations Running Deep” with Trevor Walker
May 7       The 27 Club
Annie-Claude Deschênes + Voyageur Statique
May 10       Minotaure
Kingfisher (album release) / MAJORS / Among Legends
May 10       The 27 Club
Captain Asshole, Eaten by Snakes, The Traders, Pop Culture Icons, Cultural Treason
May 14       Dominion Tavern
Spectrasonic presents: Wine Lips / Chinese Medicine / Alley Beers
May 15       The 27 Club
Smelloship EP Release Party with Archivers
May 24       Rainbow Bistro
Daniel Romano's Outfit with Uni Boys
May 27       The 27 Club
Life-Size Men + Red Light Run
May 30       Irene's Pub
EXTC: XTC's Terry Chambers & Friends
Jun 8       Rainbow Bistro
Jun 11-13       Meyersburg ON
5th Edition Side By Side Weekend
Jul 25-27       SAW Centre