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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday February 10th, 2014 with Ralph Hopper
Dimitris Savva, Brice Deloose, Andrew Lewis, Patrick Ascione, Roxanne Turcotte, Claude Schryer

A mixture of new music along with some that I haven't aired for a few years but lots of great sounds to intrigue your ears today.
Dimitris Savva - Metamorphoses 2012
Le temps de l’oubli
Brice Deloose - Metamorphoses 2012
Dark Glass
Andrew Lewis - Au-dela - IMED
In a Field of Azure
Patrick Ascione - Polyphonie-polychrome
Roxanne Turcotte - Desordres - IMED Canadian
Les Oiseaux de Bullion
Claude Schryer - Electro Clips - IMED Canadian
Laurie Radford - Electro Clips - IMED Canadian