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The Guest List
Thursday April 22nd, 2021 with Joe Reilly
We talk to Tom Hill about his group Origamibiro and the amazing instrumental music he creates. We listen to several pieces from the new album Miscellany and for this On Demand version we go back to some earlier recordings as well.

First of all, I need to apologize for some background noises that appear during the interview. I was obviously shuffling through my notebook too loudly at times when I was not muted. Duh. I just want to ensure that you don't think all of those found sounds are in Tom Hill's mixes for Origamibiro... some are me just being daft. Today it is my pleasure to present an interview with Tom Hill and the music of his group Origamibiro. The music Tom has created over the past 13 years with Origamibiro has become some of my favourite instrumental music and it was really interesting to talk to Tom and hear how he creates this incredible music using lots of intriguing sounds and inventive approaches to music production. This is beautiful and engaging music and the rhythmic structures Tom uses in this music is nothing like anything else I've heard before. We explore Origamibiro's new album Miscellany and on this special extended On Demand version of the show we delve into the Origamibiro back catalogue as Tom explains how they created some of my favourite older pieces in the final 30 minutes of this podcast. Enjoy. Here is a link to Origamibiro's latest album on Bandcamp: And to other albums by Origamibiro: And to Tom Hill's website:
Origamibiro - Miscellany - Denovali New
Origamibiro - Miscellany New
Steel Geese
Origamibiro - Miscellany New
Circle Fifth
Origamibiro - Miscellany New
Note: The next piece, Moire Uke, only appears in the On Demand version of the Guest List. We had to cut it from the broadcast version of the show to fit into the 60 minutes allotted for the Guest List.
Moire Uke
Origamibiro - Miscellany New
Origamibiro - Miscellany New
Origamibiro - Miscellany New
Origamibiro - Miscellany New
This marks the end of the broadcast version of the Guest List for this week. What follows are some additional questions I asked Tom Hill about older pieces by Origamibiro. I couldn't let him go without asking him about these as they rank amongst my favourite pieces recorded by the group.
Armistice Cenotaph
Origamibiro - Odham's Standard
Impressions of Footfall
Origamibiro - Shakkei
Quad Time and the Genius of the Crowd
Origamibiro - Shakkei
Interactive CKCU