Rabble Without A Cause
Wednesday January 4th, 2012 with Bernard Stepien
Anthony Braxton/Joëlle Léandre duo 2007
Two continents, two giants of avant-garde Jazz. Anthony Braxton is an avant-garde musician that believe it or not has well entered his fifth decade of his career. Right from start, as a result of following the Art Ensemble of Chicago, he established himself a terrifying reputation as an academic musician in Europe. Sooner or later he worked with European musicians. In recent years, this means also French bassist and vocalist, Joëlle Léandre. This association is surprising in many ways because it is a splendid example of Ying and Yang. Both are virtuoso of course, but the mathematical calculated music of Braxton smacks head on with the quasi anarchistic and unpredictable utterances of Léandre and this, to everyone's delight. More impressive is the fact that this combination actually perfectly works, i.e. it doesn't seem to be conflictual. They even talk about convergence.
duo 1 Anthomy Braxton & Joelle Leandre - Duo (heidelber Loppem 2007 - leo |