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Rabble Without A Cause
Wednesday September 4th, 2024 with Ian M
Transcendent Trumpets - a reissue and new releases from trumpet players Jon Hassell, Tomasz Stanko, Palle Mikkelborg, and Jake Baldwin

Amsterdam Blue (Cortège)
Jon Hassell - The Million Dollar Hotel (OST) - Island Records, 2000 (reissue, 2024)
You Got the Best of Me
Jake Baldwin, Zacc Harris, Pete Hennig - Boundaries - Shifting Paradigm Records, 2024 New
Palle Mikkelborg, Jakob Bro, Marilyn Mazur - Strands (Live) - ECM, 2023
Hermento's Mood
Tomasz Stanko Quartet - September Night - ECM, 2024 New
Palle Mikkelborg, Jakob Bro, Marilyn Mazur - Strands (Live) - ECM, 2023
Jake Baldwin, Zacc Harris, Pete Hennig - Boundaries - Shifting Paradigm Records, 2024 New
Elegant Piece
Tomasz Stanko Quartet - September Night - ECM, 2024 New
Palle Mikkelborg, Jakob Bro, Marilyn Mazur - Strands (Live) - ECM, 2023
Interactive CKCU
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Welcome to a calming Rabble Without A Cause on a September night!

10:59 PM, September 4th, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Thanks for tuning in.

11:48 PM, September 4th, 2024