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Rabble Without A Cause
Wednesday July 10th, 2024 with Ian M.
A diverse show with new and relatively new releases

In sorting through my digital downloads I came up with an eclectic mix of new releases - some from late 2023, but most from 2024.
Sunny Five - Candid - Intakt Records, 2024
Rob Clutton Trio - Asterballoo 22 - Rat-drifting, 2024 Canadian
Les Boullettes
NOUT - Live Album - Gigantonium, 2024 New
Nearly Turbulent
Nick Dunston - Colla Voce - Out of Your Head Records, 2024 New
Invisible Harness
Country Phasers - Cagey Doves - Rat-drifting, 2024 Canadian New
Eve Egoyan and Mauricio Pauly - Hopeful Monster - No Hay Discos, 2023 Canadian
Le Mont Analogue
Ensemble SuperMusique - Demantibule-es - Ambiances Magnetique, 2023 Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Welcome to another edition of Rabble!

11:01 PM, July 10th, 2024
Heavy Ben
New NOUT... NEU!

11:23 PM, July 10th, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Is that “T” silent?

11:24 PM, July 10th, 2024
Ron S
Trippy tunes!

11:29 PM, July 10th, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Wait til the next track!

11:30 PM, July 10th, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Thanks for listening!

12:00 AM, July 11th, 2024
WAAAAAAH! Some seriously cool shit going down now. I'm late... Gotta go catch this shoooow on OnDement Ears wiggling on full!

12:01 AM, July 11th, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Thanks PeterB - I’ll check back later for your feedback!

12:01 AM, July 11th, 2024
... probly tamarrah at this point ...

12:06 AM, July 11th, 2024
OK, i lied. OnDement could not await. Ample cool shit! Much mind bending. I especially dig Country Phasers "twang from space". And will look up Rat Drifting label more .. surface scratch yields multiple possible ear infections. Also Nout (pron ~ naught?), bet they are something else live! Anyone out there catch Mats Gustafson The END @ JazzFest?! HOLY &^#@ wall of surprise sounds!!!

1:19 AM, July 11th, 2024
Ian Mackenzie (host)
Glad you enjoyed it. Info about the labels and a clip of a live performance of NOUT is here:

8:23 AM, July 11th, 2024