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Rabble Without A Cause
Wednesday July 13th, 2011 with Rob Bitschofsky
Kip Hanrahan, Part One

American producer, composer and percussionist Kip Hanrahan brings together extraordinary casts of avant-garde jazz musicians like Chico Freeman, Billy Bang, David Murray, and the late Don Pullen with virtuoso latin percussionists and some eclectic rock and funk players. The resulting albums on his label, American Clavé, are dense, tense and atmospheric, with angular fragments of stories half sung, half mumbled. Tonight we'll sample some of Hanrahan's compelling, provocative, rich and beautiful music.
Kip Hanrahan - Days and Nights of Blue Luck Inverted - American Clavé
."..when I lose myself in the darkness and Pain of love, no, this love..."
Kip Hanrahan - Tenderness - American Clavé
The Blonde Woman Escapes
Kip Hanrahan - A Thousands Nights and a Night (Shadow Nights -1) - American Clavé
Describing It To Yourself As Convex
Kip Hanrahan - Vertical's Currency - American Clavé
You Can Tell A Moment Of Clarity By The Digital Trace It Leaves
Kip Hanrahan - Exotica - American Clavé
The September Dawn Shows Itself To Elizabeth And Her Lover On East18th Street In Manhattan
Kip Hanrahan - All Roads Are Made Of The Flesh - American Clavé
" the same time, as the subway train was pulling out of the station..."
Kip Hanrahan - Tenderness - American Clavé
Rumba Of Cities
Kip Hanrahan - Beautiful Scars - American Clavé
Kip Hanrahan - Tenderness - American Clavé
"...if I knew how to, if I knew what muscles to relax..."
Kip Hanrahan - Tenderness - American Clavé
Shahrazade Watches Birds Through An Alabaster Ceiling
Kip Hanrahan - A Thousands Nights and a Night (Shadow Nights -2) - American Clavé
The Jinniya Sleeps on the Alabaster Ceiling, the Coolness of the Stone
Kip Hanrahan - A Thousands Nights and a Night (Shadow Nights -2) - American Clavé