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Rabble Without A Cause
Wednesday October 28th, 2020 with Bernard Stepien
John Butcher & Ståle Liavik Solberg

Some people think that John Butcher is the most radical Free Jazz player around. Derek Bailey quoted that he was in a search for whatever is endlessly variable. Thus, by definition, difficult to pigeonhole… He has been involved with all kinds of sound alteration as possible, both artificial with live multi-tracking techniques or natural like exploring acoustic wonders playing in caves, in a 200 high gasometer, against hills in the Texas desert or in medival vaults in Southhampton. Tonight we will explore a duo recording made in Oslo with Norvegian drummer Stale Liavik Solberg where Butcher plays more the role of another drummer on his saxophone.
so beautiful
John Butcher - so beautiful it started to rain - clean feed
it started
John Butcher - so beautiful it started to rain - clean feed
to rain
John Butcher - so beautiful it started to rain - clean feed
Cecil Taylor - the Cecil Taylor/Roswell Rudd sextet - impulse
Interactive CKCU