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Rabble Without A Cause
Wednesday December 11th, 2019 with Bernard Stepien
Chicago cellist Fred Lonberg-Holm

All that attend the frequent concerts by Chicago saxophonist Ken Vandermark must have noticed his cello player, Fred Lonberg-Holm. His style is smashening as Ron Carter’s forays into cello was way back in the ‘50s and Abdel Wadud was in the ’80s not to mention Ernst Reijseger and many others. Tonight we will survey his Clean Feed recording Stirrup Cut.
sleep comes to everyone
Fred Lonberg-Holm - stirrup-cut - Clean Feed
rodney's last ride
Fred Lonberg-Holm - stirrup-cut - Clean Feed
then fall fell
Fred Lonberg-Holm - stirrup-cut - Clean Feed
six minutes to monrose
Fred Lonberg-Holm - stirrup-cut - Clean Feed
who we were
Fred Lonberg-Holm - stirrup-cut - Clean Feed
you may think
Fred Lonberg-Holm - stirrup-cut - Clean Feed
salt lines
Fred Lonberg-Holm - stirrup-cut - Clean Feed
domi's dream
Fred Lonberg-Holm - stirrup-cut - Clean Feed
Interactive CKCU