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Rabble Without A Cause
Wednesday September 22nd, 2010 with Bernard Stepien
Swedish trumpeter Magnus Broo

While lots of musicians go into virtuosity, piling up zillions of chords or saturating the spaces with 16th, others sometimes opt for the quieter parsimonious pieces where slow moving sound textures prevail. This is the case of trumpeter Magnus Broo that recorded "The Forgottens" on the clean feed label. . On one of web sites we can read: "Despite being a very clever and well-trained instrumentalist, MagnusBroo has not developed a single sound or phrase that illustrates the extravagance he is capable of. Instead, he uses his ability to express his unending creativity and deep musicality".
always forgotten
Magnus Broo - the Godforgottens - clean feed
never remembered
Magnus Broo - the Godforgottens - clean feed
remembered forgotten
Magnus Broo - the Godforgottens - clean feed