Bessie Smith, the Empress of the Blues, was born on April 15, 1894.
Tonight we'll hear some of Bessie's original 'twenties recordings and recreations by LaVern Baker [1958], Dinah Washington [1958], Archie Shepp & Horace Parlan [1980] and Amina Claudine Myers [1980].
Nobody Knows You When You're Down & Out Bessie Smith - Complete Recordings - Columbia |
Nobody Knows You When You're Down & Out Archie Shepp & Horace Parlan - Trouble In Mind - SteepleChase |
Nobody Knows You When You're Down & Out LaVerne Baker - Sings Bessie Smith - Collectables |
Backwater Blues Bessie Smith - Complete Recordings - Columbia |
Backwater Blues Archie Shepp & Horace Parlan - Trouble In Mind - SteepleChase |
Backwater Blues LaVerne Baker - Sings Bessie Smith - Collectables |
Backwater Blues Dinah Washington - Sings Bessie Smith - Verve |
Como Fue Jane Bunnett - and the Cuban Piano Masters - World Pacific |
Fu Bu Frank Kimbrough - Lullabluebye - Palmetto |
Careless Love Bessie Smith - Complete Recordings - Columbia |
Careless Love Archie Shepp & Horace Parlan - Trouble In Mind - SteepleChase |
Careless Love Dinah Washington - Sings Bessie Smith - Verve |
Jailhouse Blues Bessie Smith - Complete Recordings - Columbia |
Jailhouse Blues Amina Claudine Myers - Salutes Bessie Smith - Leo |
Jailhouse Blues Dinah Washington - Sings Bessie Smith - Verve |
After You've Gone Bessie Smith - Complete Recordings - Columbia |
After You've Gone LaVerne Baker - Sings Bessie Smith - Collectables |
After You've Gone Dinah Washington - Sings Bessie Smith - Verve |
Gimme A Pigfoot LaVerne Baker - Sings Bessie Smith - Collectables |
Empty Bed blues LaVerne Baker - Sings Bessie Smith - Collectables |
Send Me to the 'Lectric Chair Dinah Washington - Sings Bessie Smith - Verve |
Trouble In Mind Archie Shepp & Horace Parlan - Trouble In Mind - SteepleChase |
Wasted Life Blues Amina Claudine Myers - Salutes Bessie Smith - Leo |
Dirty No-Gooder's Blues Amina Claudine Myers - Salutes Bessie Smith - Leo |